Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 706 Express delivery is a high-risk industry

Chapter 706 Express delivery is a high-risk industry
It can be said that Blackbeard lost all his dignity this time.

Not only was the prey bitten back and robbed a large amount of money and the spaceship, but also found that he had been cheated by shoddy goods.

He should be very depressed now.

However, Blackbeard, who was returning to the fleet in the escape boat, showed no angry expression on his face.

"Captain! As long as you are fine!"

Blackbeard's first mate knew that this was the best way to show his loyalty to the leader, so he hurried over to care.

"Well. Of course it's okay! The biggest advantage of Captain Blackbeard is that he won't die! Hehehe! However, it's all worth it... Hehehu, how can Blackbeard not avenge this revenge, hehehe. Moreover, this time, maybe, Blackbeard, I can make a lot of money."

"Huh? Earn?"

This made the first officer a little confused.

"Heh heh heh, well, just do as I said. Hehehe, I never thought that I would find that legendary person here. Go! The first thing to inform is [Universal Justice Empire] ], the strongest white knight in the empire [Empire Justice Lord] issued a wanted warrant a long time ago... That man, whether he is or not, can get a lot of money as long as he provides clues. Hehehu."

Having said that, Blackbeard sat down on his chair, showing a sly expression.

Even if you want to take revenge, you don't have to take revenge yourself.

As the saying goes, a big villain like him must have his own special channel to contact special people.Among them, some people... just like [rare goods] like Yagi Xuezhai.

"And then. Just contact me with that 'treasure hound', huh. That woman... just tell her that it's the ultra-rare and valuable [lancer] job-launcher that even Lord Blackbeard, the great pirate of the universe, wants to get .And also has the adaptability of Saber at the same time, and it's not Artoria's face. That's it!"


How could Yagi Xuesai know that Blackbeard was planning this?

He guessed that Blackbeard would definitely not let it go.

So what he thought was, first use the ship that Blackbeard gave him, turn on the autopilot function, and go to a planet.

and then?Didn't he order a courier?

When the courier arrives, while accepting the blessing of the universe, send yourself as a [goods].

When the time comes, Blackbeard will come to seek revenge, and he will only chase this ship to the wrong place.I didn't know where I was going!

Wouldn't it be all OK?
It wasn't until Yagi Yusai set up the automatic navigation that Achilles, who had been hugging his chest, came over to talk to him: "I said boss, you should pay the bill and confirm receipt of the goods quickly. I want to go back quickly."

"Do you have a spaceship?"

"No... this is where I feel uncomfortable."

"Well, after all, it does have something to do with us. I can't leave you alone. How about this, I'll treat you to something to eat first, and then, after receiving the goods and paying the bill, we're going to find a planet and exchange for a spaceship. When you arrive on the planet, you can contact your company, right?"

Yagi's words warmed Achilles' heart, and he said with a smile: "Boss, you are so polite, you don't need to eat..."

Before he finished speaking, he found a special spaceship flying over next to the pirate ship.

It's the same express ship that Achilles was on in the first place.

One person drives one person to confirm the cargo, a small cargo spaceship.

The characteristic of Cosmos Express is that it will never disclose the privacy of customers, and it will never discriminate against customers just because they are lawbreakers.

Achilles asked, "What did you order?"

"Oh, the great fortune of the universe. And the universe rice bowl I ordered. By the way, it's so annoying to add a universe to everything."

Yagi smiled and led Achilles towards the hatch.

The hatch opened, and a woman in a black suit stood sassy opposite her, her head bowed.

It's completely different from Atalanta's maid outfit, and this kind of beauties in suits are not bad either!

Ah, damn it, shouldn't it be Arturia's face?
Yagi suddenly felt ominous.

"Hello, Universe Amazon Express is here to serve you wholeheartedly—please confirm your cargo, do you need to help you move it into the cabin?"

While speaking, the woman raised her head.

It was a particularly beautiful woman with neat white bangs, a short ponytail tied behind her head, and glasses, giving her the appearance of a white-collar elite.

Although he is not too tall, he is cute!The most important thing is: she is not Artoria face!

Yagi Xuesai had a bright smile on his face.

However, he didn't notice that the face of Achilles beside him turned pale in an instant, and he quickly hid behind him.

"Oh, then please help to bring it in. By the way, I want to ask, I have a few express shipments to send out, can you help me directly?"

"Sorry, if you come to pick up the package, you need to make an appointment separately. I'm only responsible for the delivery."

"Oh, okay okay."

"What is the shipment?"

"Ah, it's us. Please send us to the nearest planet."


The silver-haired woman raised her eyebrows, squinted her eyes and analyzed it, and guessed most of it in her heart.

"Being chased by space pirates. I want to escape quickly. Then there is no way. Come directly to our ship. There is nothing to do in this emergency."

The silver-haired woman gave a sassy smile

"Come on, please go this way, this gentleman here is also..."

The silver-haired woman said, pulling Achilles' arm and pulling him out.

Achilles resists with all his might...

However, his B+ wrist strength was no match for the opponent's A+ wrist strength, and he was dragged out by her.

"This way please..."

Halfway through the silver-haired woman's speech, her expression froze suddenly.

It was almost visible to the naked eye, a hostile aura exploded from her body, and her eyes turned into pitch black, as if she was dominated by frenzy.

Actually!Is it a berserker?

Yagi Yusai was startled.

That courier who speaks very fluently and uses his brain very well is actually a berserker!

"Yo, yo... ahaha..."

Achilles was also embarrassed.

He just noticed who the other party was, so he deliberately hid behind Yagi, unexpectedly!

I really didn't expect it!

The silver-haired woman uttered a sharp, bird-like sound.

With a sound of tearing, the suit on her body was directly torn by the inner muscles, revealing the extremely wild combat clothing inside. There was almost no armor covering her body, and her fit body was reminiscent of Greek statues.Each hand picked up a big iron ball full of spikes, and there was a chain connecting it in the middle.

This is a weapon called a meteor hammer...

That huge hammer head was almost as big as her entire upper body...

Being hit by this thing is no joke!


With a loud roar, Yagi almost thought she was someone who could directly attack with sound waves!

This is Nero, Elizabeth's devastating voice on another level.

The speeding meteor hammer turned towards Achilles, and Achilles quickly picked up his spear to block, took advantage of the trend and took a side-sliding step, borrowing the opponent's strength, to hide aside.

What you need to know is that a weapon like a chain hammer...

If you swing it out, what will you hit... that's not certain.

Especially when the other party dodges...

I saw a meteor hammer whirling in mid-air, like deadly fangs, shattering the hatch of the spaceship...

Wow!Again? !
This is the first impression in Yagi's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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