Chapter 708 Infiltrate
Free Planet Rome.

In the tavern, Achilles breathed a sigh of relief and drank a whole glass of beer in one gulp.

"Finally got rid of them."

Yagi Xuesai looked at him, not knowing what to say.

Who do you think caused us to be so unlucky!My thoughts are completely destroyed!

What a joke.

Originally, I just wanted to have a big blessing of the universe and a rice bowl from the universe, but somehow, someone smashed the boat, I messed with whoever I provoked!
It's really annoying.

"I'm going back to Greece for express delivery, can you check the confirmation of receipt?"

Yagi Xuesai shrugged, smiled wryly, "Although I really want to, but..."

As he spoke, he took out the mobile terminal from his pocket.

Terminals that should have been the same as mobile phones have become pieces like plastic bags.

When he was fighting with the silver-haired girl before, he was hit by him. Although Yagi didn't take any damage, the blow firmly destroyed his terminal.

This terminal is logged in with the default account password, and Yagi does not know the password. Although X-alter knows, but because of the secret technique of master Aggie, she can't remember anything about Aggie now, including the account password that Aggie told her.

That is to say...

Now Yagi Xuesai has become a pauper with huge wealth.

Wow, that sounds really tangled.

Achilles sighed: "Why is my life so hard... This month's all-star performance is about to go to waste... Forget it... What are your plans for the future?"

"...Well, let's take one step at a time."

Yagi Yusai shrugged and smiled wryly.

Now you ask him what to do?He doesn't know either.

Originally, he was going to buy a spaceship and escape in another direction.

Now it seems that there is no hope.

Please Achilles?

Forget it, this dude, I always feel that asking him will be very troublesome, maybe he will be chased to death by Amazon express.

just forget it.

Moreover, this person looks poor, and he probably can't afford a spaceship.

To be reasonable, if he was really rich, would he deliver couriers here? !
"By the way, who will pay for the drink this time?"

asked Achilles.


Yagi said so as it should be.

"What the hell... I guessed what you said. These days, I have realized deeply that you are really a bad guy."

"Hahahaha, yes."

"Well, but forget it, at least a guy like you is living a happy life. It's better than those of us who want to save face."

"Then, I'll contact Greek Express. If you really can't survive then, come to me. I will help you."

After Achilles finished speaking, he went to the bar to check out.

X-alter was immersed in sadness, lowered her head, and said nothing. After all, not only was her favorite Universal Fortune gone, but even the two of them didn't know the password of their deposits, so they couldn't withdraw money.After that, I will not be able to live a life of eating Wasanbon candy every day...

The thought of having no dessert left her heart empty.

At this moment, a rather sharp male voice suddenly sounded from the door of the bar.

"Ahahaha, everyone! I paid for today's drinks! If you want to ask who I am, I am the captain of the universe-level expedition, Jason! Hahahaha, today I have to explore the hidden treasures in the universe! Drink to your heart's content! Everyone!"

He waved his hand boldly, and the drinkers around laughed when they heard this, and then solemnly began to order the most expensive wine in the store.

Isn't this normal!It's rare to be taken advantage of.

Yagi Xuezhai also took advantage of the opportunity and ordered two bottles of the most expensive ones, so it would be nice to sell them somewhere afterwards for some money!
He looked at the door, and sure enough, the blond man was Jason, with a smug smile on his face, and beside him was the young version of the witch Medea.

Probably a nickname like Cosmic Medea.

The young lady witch grinned and said: "In this way, everyone will be grateful to Master Jason, and recruiting sailors will be as easy as pie!"

"Oh, although it sounds like a routine that only exists in games, but forget it! Hahaha, this is also a good opportunity to start the name of our universe Argonaut! Hmmm!"

Yagi Xuesai suddenly noticed a word.

Recruiting... sailors?
In other words... this person...

"X-Alter, go."

Yagi Yusai tugged at the dejected girl berserker opposite.

However, the other party was lifeless, with no lively temperament at all.

Yagi sighed, and said softly, "I'll sell the wine later and buy cotton candy for you."


As soon as he heard that there was sugar, x-alter's eyes lit up, and he got up after him.

By the way, as expected of the planet Rome, the most expensive wine in the hotel is really expensive.

I randomly found a shop with Caesar on the street, walked in, sold the wine and left.

Ordinary shops will not accept such unknown items.

The Caesars Chamber of Commerce... well, everyone understands it.

Taking this money, I bought marshmallows and lollipops for x-alter, and Yagi led her to the port.

The port of planet Rome looks very prosperous, with unloading workers and bodyguards everywhere.

Sure enough, Artoria's face could be seen everywhere, with various swords in his hands.Western swords, oriental samurai swords, Chinese swords, even broadswords and short swords...

Yagi didn't bother to identify the sabers in different clothes. At a glance, there were at least a hundred Artorias in the port.Really terrible.

"You follow me well, I'm not sure to find you if I get lost."

Yagi grabbed X-alter's hand with a guilty conscience.

The girl's hand was a bit cold and soft, and the inside of the palm was slightly sweaty...

Yagi remembered the girl's touch in his heart, and felt a lot of emotion.

Should it be said that this follower's universe is in chaos?
Yagi did find Jason's boat at a glance.

Because among a pile of cylindrical ships, his ship is a wooden sailing ...

Hello!Is there any wind in the universe, what are you going to do with the sailboat!

It's the Argonaut at all!
But now, Yagi is too lazy to complain, as long as it is easy to use.

As long as I sneak in here, can't I... Hehehe!

Of course, applying for a sailor is also a good plan, but ah!Doesn't this make it necessary to work!

Moreover, there is no way to secretly steal the treasure from this boat!
Yagi Xuesai looked around and felt that this was not an easy terrain to sneak into.

In particular, the entrance is too small.

This kind of ship, you can neither open a hole in the hull, nor can you blatantly invade from the deck.

It's hard to do.

If there's a conflict, it's nice to be able to get their attention.

Just when Yagi was thinking this way, he suddenly saw a huge spaceship approaching in the distance.

There are beautiful golden flags flying on it, and the whole spaceship is golden, big and luxurious.

At the same time, there are two guards of honor at the bow, playing gorgeous marching music, such a gorgeous fleet is heading towards the port.

For a moment, everyone in the port was silent.

Someone muttered softly...

"Why did the Universe Justice Empire come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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