Chapter 709
As the pure gold warship docked at the port, hundreds of servants of Artoria's face rushed off the spaceship with their swords.There are hundreds of servants with beam guns on the ship, thank God, these servants are not Altria's face anymore.

In this majestic fighting posture, a man wearing a full-coverage knight armor slowly stepped out of the ship. The armor was expensive at first glance. The pure white color was decorated with a lot of gold. With a blue cloak around his back and a pure gold laser sword in his hand, someone came to the bow of the boat, probably wanting to stick the sword in the bow to show his majesty?

However, as soon as the laser sword touched the golden bow, it poked a hole. She froze for a moment, unmoved, and said loudly, "The Universe Justice Empire came here to look for the wanted criminal. Is it here?"

As it spoke, there was a heavy breathing sound from the armor, as if some kind of breathing assistance device was hidden in the armor.

The people around looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

When Yagi saw that everyone's eyes were on the shining golden battleship, Yagi Xuesai heaved a sigh of relief, hugged the x-alter beside him, and raised the magic power to the maximum in one breath. At a high speed, they skipped behind everyone at high speed, came all the way to the vicinity of the Argo, jumped onto the deck, and sneaked in all the way.

Thanks to this golden upstart-like battleship that has attracted everyone's attention!
Yagi Yusai thought so.


"Huh? It smells like Altria particles. My intuition tells me that he's hiding... there!"

The white armored knight at the bow waved the golden beam saber in his hand, pointing at another ship that was incompatible with the atmosphere of the port: the Argo.

Upon hearing this, the Altria guards who had just disembarked quickly ran over and surrounded the ship, and hundreds of archers also aimed their beam rifles there.

"Whose ship is there, please accept the inspection of the Universe Justice Empire. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a declaration of war against the Universe Justice Empire."


This outrageous decision stunned everyone present, but no one was surprised.

To say why...

Although this cosmic empire is the [Empire of Justice] in name, its king, the cosmic emperor Gilgamesh, is a tyrant.A tyrant who loves to collect rare treasures and servants of Artoria.

And now this man in a white armor and blue cloak holding a golden sword is a front-line soldier of the empire, a vanguard officer, and the [Imperial Lord of Justice] who is proficient in martial arts and tactics.

According to legend, this person can use powerful magic power, has extraordinary intuition, and has an indestructible golden lightsaber.As the number one lackey of the universe emperor Gilgamesh, he is rampant in the universe.

Really troublesome guy.

With the attitude of "how can you be a king without being arrogant", the universe emperor Gilgamesh turned a blind eye to the various rebellions that broke out within the empire, and handed them over to this warrior to solve them all.And it did help the empire quell civil unrest.

No one knows when it came to Cosmic Empire.One day, the universe emperor Gilgamesh suddenly announced that this person is his vanguard officer.

Very inexplicable.

At that time, it happened to be the time when the Cosmic Justice Empire began to declare war on [Dark Round Table], one of the villain alliances.

This warrior quickly suppressed the voices of resistance against it within the empire through the suppression of the Dark Round Table.

This person's ability is genuine.

Whether it is the "Gawain of the Night", who is known as invincible at night by the Dark Round Table, or the "Galaxy Knight Lancelot", who is known as the unparalleled swordsmanship in the world, they are defeated by it one by one.

It is really a very tricky existence.

Regarding the Cosmic Empire, everyone dared not speak out. The main reason was that they were afraid that this person's sharp blade would fall on their own heads one day.

Unexpectedly, they would dare to act wildly on the planet Rome—this free planet that has not sworn allegiance to the Universal Justice Empire!
"Who dares to act wild in the rest of Rome?"

Suddenly, a voice as calm and firm as a rock echoed in the sky above the entire Roman planet.

It was the voice of Romulus, the Maharaja of Rome.

That is the lord of Planet Rome, who does not recognize the universe justice empire at all, and is known for his bravery and majesty.

Accompanied by a gorgeous voice, Romulus, who was wearing a red cloak and was as powerful as a brass statue, came to the port.

Jason was also ready to sail at this time. He brought the sailors back to the port and was about to unload the cargo on his ship...but he saw his beloved ship surrounded by layers.

"Hey hey hey, what are you doing!"

Jason shouted at them dissatisfied.

The awe-inspiring knight in white armor turned his gaze and pointed the golden sword in his hand: "We are searching for wanted criminals."

Hearing this word, Jason was suddenly stunned.

"No matter who it is, if you want to exercise the right to search on this planet Rome, you must first obtain my (Rome) permission."

"Hmph, then there's nothing to say. Romulus."

The tone of both sides is not good, it is the atmosphere of going to war!Jason didn't care about unloading the cargo, and hurried to the Argo with the sailors.

What are you doing still cold?Hurry up!Otherwise, if you really fight, you will be finished!


On the other side, Yagi Yusai and X-Alter, who sneaked into the Argo, stayed in the cabin and found a fully piled cargo warehouse.

Yagi checked, and it was mostly food.It seems that there should be no worry about being moved down and sold as goods.Cleverly moving the box, in the innermost corner, Yagi created a small space that can accommodate two people.

Yagi didn't care about so much now, and led her into it.

"Just be patient here. Wait until the ship reaches the next port."

X-alter nodded, very obedient.

In the small space, Yagi stretched his body as far as possible, leaving enough space for her to sit down.

Unexpectedly, this made him feel like he was squeezing the subway during working hours.The feeling that you have to use all your strength to barely support a small foothold.

The well-behaved and quiet Berserker lady sitting in his arms, in the eyes of outsiders, must be quite... so what kind of picture.

Yagi Xuesai's idea is, no matter what, let's get out of here first.

Now that he has no money and no connections, the only way is to either raise enough funds here, or, as it is now, to smuggle.

However, judging from Yagi's actions, he is definitely not the kind of person who earns money honestly.

The sound insulation measures in the room are very good. It is estimated that the magic of sound insulation has been applied. Yagi did not hear the noise outside at all.

Ever since, without Yagi's complete knowledge, the crisis was approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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