Chapter 711
As the woman claimed, she blasted the deck of the Argonaut with an arrow, opening a huge hole, and she fell in the air.

She was also aware of her own notoriety, but she didn't think about redeeming the stigma, but thought, just make a profit like this!

The result is...


"Well, you are really lucky to meet me."

"There is good fortune there..."

Jason muttered softly.

"Although I don't know how you got into Gilgamesh, it doesn't matter. I have already helped you solve the imperial warship, and now I charge you 6000 million QP. With a slight discount, it will be [-] million. It supports transfer payments and checks, of course cash is also supported, and equivalent gems or other treasures can also be used.”

The smiling black-haired girl held out her hand to Jason.

"Are you kidding! [-] million?! This can buy seven or eight warships!"

"Well, because they are much better than these junk warships. It's worth the price. It's the so-called value for money."

"I refuse! We won't be blackmailed! It's not that you insist on hitting yourself! Why do we have to pay! Hey! Hercules!!! Give me this arrogant Women cut to pieces!"

Following Jason's order, he has been waiting behind him. The huge black and strong man who looks like a robot decoration picked up the big ax and sword in his hand, aimed at the opponent and slashed over...


So noisy.

This was Yagi Xuesai's first reaction.

It was just too loud.

Yagi Xuesai felt more and more that something was wrong.

Not only shaking, but now there are even more violent explosions...

Could it be, are you fighting?
I chose the Argonaut because of Jason's character as a coward, and I would definitely not go on a dangerous voyage. I should be able to reach the next planet safely.what happened?

Look at x-alter, she is hugging that old cylinder-like robot and falling into a deep sleep.

The touch of being leaned on by a woman was so blissful that Yagi didn't even think about getting up.

By her own account, it was going into energy-saving mode for lack of sugar and books.

As always, there are so many slots that I don't know how to spit it out.

Just when Yagi Yusai thought so,
The sound of the explosion was getting closer.

Boom boom boom!

clack clack...

The sound of uninterrupted explosions, the sound of trampling on the floor, and the sound of walls smashing were mixed in...

Yagi Xuesai had an impression of this voice.

It was like this when Achilles fought the silver-haired woman before.

Could it be that? !

Yagi Xuezhai picked up his sword, thought for a while, hid it again, and replaced it with a spear.

It seems that in the rules of the universe, Saber must have the face of Altria, so I better not take risks with the sword.

With the sound of heavy footsteps and crushing sounds, the dark giant has come to the warehouse with a machete. Wherever he went, everywhere he went turned into a tragic battlefield, and he swung his huge ax and sword to smash the cabin Among them, a black-haired beauty dodged the attack dynamically and lightly.

Hey, are you really fighting? !

Hercules should belong to the Argonaut, so this the intruder?
Yagi Xuezhai has no intention of helping at all, just watch the fun.

But... depending on the attitudes of these two people, I'm afraid that this ship is about to die, so we have to prepare in advance.

Yagi Xuesai smiled wryly, and quickly woke up X-alter, asking her to get ready, and quickly went to see if there was an emergency escape boat on Jason's boat.

Noticing someone running in the cargo hold, the flying black-haired woman glanced subconsciously.

This is human nature. When you see something dynamic, you will habitually confirm what it is.

Then, her eyes widened, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became wider.

"That gun is unmistakable, it is the rarest lancer! And it is a Servant with both saber and lancer adaptations! And it is a male saber that is rare!! Hehe, the information is indeed correct. If you bring him to Whitebeard Your grandfather must be able to make a lot of money!"

The girl's eyes had completely turned into money.

It can be seen that she is the type who likes money very much.

There's nothing shameful about that, who doesn't love money?

It's just that it's a matter of means, some people are upright, and some people are a little less glorious.

Judging from the fact that the victors write history, it should be that those who are aboveboard are more powerful.

"Hey! You are not allowed to run!"

The black-haired gold-worshiping girl was about to catch up, but Hercules slashed at her with an axe. She fell rapidly and was almost cut in half by Hercules.

She doesn't have the armor to neutralize the enemy's attack, nor does she have the bug-like ability to automatically resurrect after death. If she gets hit by Hercules, it's no joke.

As a last resort, she could only relax and chase the two of them.

"I have no choice but to be serious, because it is a very precious prey! You must not let it be snatched away."

As she spoke, her eyes turned golden, and countless crimson lines appeared on the large expanse of bare skin like vines.

This is a [miracle] that people with divine inheritance often have. It seems that this girl has the attributes of a god without a doubt.

Moreover, judging by the number, she should not be the Son of God, but she should be the god herself.

Bloody radiance radiated from all over her body, and the girl with black hair and golden eyes turned the huge blue bow beside her.

"I'll kill you in one shot!"

Yagi Yusai took x-alter and ran all the way to the warehouse behind the ship.

However, there are no escape boats here.

Generally speaking, in various movie animations, escape boats are tied to the sides or stern of the ship.

However, generally speaking, for Master Jason, the escape pod must be within easy reach.That is, his own dormitory and command room.

As a result, Yagi Xuesai ran away.

But definitely can't stop, that black-haired woman, the target is obviously herself...

Moreover, from that person, Yagi sensed an extremely dangerous aura, and she looked at herself with the same eyes as examining goods...

It must be trying to extract benefits from himself.

How to do?
Yagi looked at the thicker smoke behind him, and knew that there was no way out.

"X-alter, we are going to wander in the universe with our physical bodies for a while, are you afraid?"

Facing this question, the quiet berserker silently shook his head.

"With the Dark Lord following, I'm not afraid at all."

"That's good. Thank you so much for your trust."

As Yagi said, he cut a huge hole in the wall with the holy sword.

Just in the middle of the night, the black-haired woman had already rushed nearby.

"Hey! What do you want to do!!!"

"Of course—run away! Stupid!"

Yagi Xuesai put away the red gun, raised the holy sword high with one hand, and the golden light soared into the sky.

"Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)!!!"

With the liberation of the holy sword, Yagi jumped up with both feet, and pushed himself back with the recoil of the holy sword's slash!

He held x-alter in his free left hand, and in x-alter's arms, held the cylindrical robot.

(End of this chapter)

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