Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 712 Cosmic Chaldean Higher Academy

Chapter 712 Cosmic Chaldean Higher Academy

In the universe, there is no air to act as resistance.

In other words, in the universe, as long as a force is given in one direction, it will continue to move. Unless it hits something at this speed or is counteracted by other forces, it will continue to move and drift.

This is what Yagi Xuezhai bet on.

After all, a Servant essentially does not need breathing, body temperature, or food.These are things for the spirit to feel pleasant and comfortable.

However, Yagi still underestimated this space.

He did know from the comics that space would be very cold.

It is so cold that the ultimate creature will freeze, and will give up thinking after freezing.

But after actually experiencing it, it is really difficult!It's really very cold!
Using the recoil force of the holy sword attack, Yagi Yusai flew in one direction at an unimaginable super high speed.

The problem is that he really doesn't have a suitable place to land - how does he know what the hell this Servant universe is, and where should he land?Then, just trust the horse and let it go, and see where you hit.

The body is already frozen, which is of great help.

In this way, you don't have to worry about inadvertently letting go, and throwing x-alter and the YTO robot Black Knight away.

You can sleep by yourself.

It is also very simple to get out of the ice wall if you fall on the planet.

Just release the holy sword and shoot it.

The holy sword is really easy to use.

Yagi yawned, and just closed his eyes. He didn't know when he would hit the ground, so he should sleep first.Very sleepy.


Cosmic Chaldean Higher Academy.

Wearing a blue baseball cap, a girl in a blue tracksuit is strolling in the living area outside the academy, with an Artoria face on her face, looking for a suitable [treasure].

This is an artificial living satellite. However, it has added a variable temperature system inexplicably. It will be very cold in winter, so cold that it reminds people of Siberia, but it will not be particularly hot in summer.At the beginning, I was worried that they wanted to save the cost of light and heat, so I made a reason, but now it seems that it is at least a little bit helpful.

The girl lowered the blue scarf a little, exhaling white air of excitement from her mouth.She's already issued a target.

That is the cosmic bean paste bun known for its sweet and greasy taste!

Just when she was about to pass...

In the other direction, a very heavy bang could be heard.

She looked over subconsciously, and saw a smoke screen rising about a hundred kilometers away.

There is……

There is! ! !
Could it be that it is an enemy from the universe? !

The girl's eyes sparkled, she grabbed the red bean paste bun in front of her, stuffed it into her mouth, and ran towards the smoke screen.

"Hey! You haven't paid me yet!"

Ignoring the shop owner's words, she plunged into the direction of the explosion regardless of the danger.

There, without a doubt... is the teaching building of the Cosmos Chaldea College of Higher Education.

No matter what the enemy is, dare to attack here!How unwise.

The girl thought so, and rushed over decisively.

To say why...

There are credits for defeating the enemy at this time, about 10 points.

Moreover, he can fish in troubled waters and get back the confiscated communicator last month.I just fiddled with it in class!Why did he confiscate it for himself? I really don't know how to work around it!

The idiot who bumped into the teaching building was, of course, Yagi Yusai.

He yawned and woke up from the ruins.

For some reason, he is sitting on a sofa now, and because he bumped into the club's flag, he is wrapped in a large piece of red cloth.

This needs to be changed to a silver hair, otherwise it will be regarded as an archer.

"Oh my, I fell into a wonderful place."

Yagi Seizai sighed with emotion.


There was a sound of sighing in the messy classroom that was hit.

Of course it was a girl's voice—that was impossible.

First of all, it must be a man's voice, and the tone is low, with a sense of vicissitudes.

It sounded like an old man.

"Oh... my waist... the old man's waist..."

"Wow, are you okay?!"

Yagi couldn't care less about posing, so he hurried over to care about the old man who was suppressed by the bookshelf.

It was an old man in his 50s. He was thin and thin. He was wearing a striped shirt and a sapphire blue suit casually. Grey, it looks very... um...

"'s okay oh oh oh, waist, waist..."

Yagi Xuesai hurriedly supported him to sit down.

I just took a nap, why did I get into such a big trouble?
"Come here from seventeen light-years away at a superluminal speed, you are really amazing! Ordinary followers would have been smashed to pieces long ago..."

While sitting down, the old gentleman talked to him, with a hint of questioning in his tone.

"So, young people now, is this to save travel expenses?"

"Eh? Well, wait a minute, how do you know where we came from?"

This is information that even Yagi Xuesai himself does not know!

Unexpectedly, the old gentleman said lightly: "It's very simple. From the power you hit the teaching building, you can reverse the speed at which you landed. Considering that there is no air resistance in the universe, and considering that among the nearby planets, only the planet Rome Inhabitants, if you bring the planet Rome into the calculation, you can get speed and distance. This kind of thing is just simple mathematics. It's not worth mentioning."

The old gentleman laughed. Although he said he was not worth mentioning, it was obvious that he was very proud of his mathematical ability, and he also liked Yagi Xuesai's stunned face.

"Excellent. Can you use math to calculate the drawing numbers for the next lottery?"

"2, 15, 33, 25, 17, 23, 11."

"Wow! So powerful! You can't lie to me!"

Yagi Yusai was stunned.

The old gentleman snorted and smiled...

"Of course I lied to you! Who wants to sell lottery tickets if there is such a formula! The mathematics professor has earned all the money! I want to buy lottery tickets to earn the first prize too!!"

The old man's tone suddenly changed, and his whole demeanor became cheerful.

What, this old man thought he was that kind of old pedant, but judging by the meaning... he should be an old urchin.

While there was a lot of noise here, someone from the Cosmos Chaldean Institute of Higher Education had come to investigate the problem.

A girl in a loose overcoat, accompanied by the figure of a tall man, appeared in the smoke.

"Ahem...Professor M! You, are you okay here?"

"Oh, isn't this the head of the school! No question, no question... Aww, the old man's waist..."

Just as he was about to move, he felt a sharp pain in his waist.

"Well, it looks very serious. Mrs. Blavatsky, you go and bring Nandin, the chief nurse from the medical department."

"Hey?! No need! The old man is very good!!!"

For some reason, upon hearing this name, the old gentleman became serious.

Yagi Xuesai looked at the current situation in embarrassment, well, he understood that his crisis had arrived.

First, it is now obvious that I have illegally invaded and intentionally injured.

The second...probably the impact of the fall, he got separated from the x-alter.

(End of this chapter)

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