Chapter 101
Frowning tightly, Huo Chen looked at the big reporter behind him, raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm afraid only Mr. Chen knows where the people are. If you bring so many people to my house at night, I'm afraid it will scare you." To my old man."

"Huo Chen, Yayu has already been killed by you, and now even Xiaoya won't be let go, won't your conscience hurt?" As he said, covering his heart, Chen Wei pointed with a pained expression. Huo Chen trembled all over.

"Mr. Chen might as well move into the living room. If you have any questions, let's talk slowly."

Walking out from behind Huo Chen, Mr. Huo was leaning on a cane, with silver hair and an old face.

He probably had received the news a long time ago. There were more and more reporters around outside. Huo Chen frowned deeply. He looked at Chen Wei with dim eyes. He wanted to see what the hell the people in front of him were doing!

"Mr. Huo, because you are an old man, I will talk to you carefully. I must take Chen Ya back today. You'd better persuade your grandson, otherwise, everyone should not think about it!"

He didn't answer Mr. Huo's words at all. It seemed that he was determined to make things worse outside.

Huo Chen snorted coldly: "Mr. Chen must be the one who took Chen Ya away just like that? I'm not as proficient as the Chen family in terms of thieves calling for arrest!" What kind of person is Shen Yayu, who can make her ten years ago It must be difficult for Chen Wei to hide things so tightly.

They thought it was wrong before, even if Chen Wei was serious, these things about Shen Yayu's sitting down were not so easy to hide from him, not to mention that according to what Chen Ya said, everyone in the Chen family's villa knew that Shen Yayu liked Ye Zhi.

So there must be something wrong with Chen Wei, it's just that he has no evidence at all and is restrained by the other party.

"Huo Chen! Yayu is gone, Xiaoya is my only relative, today you must give me an explanation!"

Huo Chen took Chen Ya away after biting Chen Ya to death. Chen Wei stood where he was, and his words were non-negotiable.

"Mr. Chen, even if I took Chen Ya away, tell me how I brought such a living person out of the Chen family's villa. I still know whether I, Huo Chen, have the ability!" After ripping off his clothes, Huo Chen sat on the chair that the bodyguard had just brought out. Huo Chen was driving his feet, propping his chin with one hand, and putting his other hand on his lap.

The slender fingers were pointing regularly, the black suit pants and the white fingers formed a strong contrast, very seductive.

"I should be the one asking you these questions. If something goes wrong with Huo Chenxiaoya, I will definitely not let you go!"

"I'm not interested in your daughter at all. Why bother to bring her out, Mr. Chen, it's best to find out who she is before you trouble her!" He hasn't dealt with it well yet, and he played such a big show in the evening, it seems that the weather in Lincheng is not peaceful.

"Huo Chen, you Huo family had no chance to destroy our previous cooperation first, and now you have kidnapped my daughter. I, Chen Wei, can't swallow this breath. Just wait, I will definitely not let you and Ye Chuan go!" With a wave of his hands, the group of people who brought him left in a mighty manner, leaving behind the reporters who were still waiting to watch the show, with a dazed expression on their faces.

"Take the old man in first to rest." Seeing Chen Wei leaving quickly, Huo Chen frowned, with a hint of puzzlement flashing in his eyes, he ordered Lin Li to lead someone in first, and he himself followed.

Before the reporter could react, he directly closed the door of the old house, blocking everyone out.

He was a little puzzled by Chen Wei's play. It stands to reason that Shen Yayu is gone now, and the Chen family should behave with their tails between their legs. Purpose, what good can it do for him.

Sitting in the car, Chen Wei closed his eyes, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and looked in a good mood.

Chen Yi sat on the side, pondered for a while, and asked tentatively: "Father, you are here today."

"Oh, I just want Huo Chen to let go of his vigilance. It would be great to bet on Huo Chen by the way. It just happens to drain Chen Ya's last bit of value and kick this person out of the Chen family. She If she stays at home, she is doomed to be a disaster, I must get her away as soon as possible!"

Taking a sip of the amber wine in his hand, Chen Wei smacked his mouth, YS is living under Huo's wings now, he can't do it directly, as long as Huo's down, YS is still within reach, Ye Chuan, Ye Shi Even brothers and sisters cannot escape his grasp.

Everyone related to the Ye family deserves to die. He was not soft-hearted back then, Lin City has long been ruled by the Chen family!
"Oh, by the way, did your mother find it?" Chen Wei didn't look sideways, playing with the cup in his hand, but his voice was trembling.

Chen Yisong touched his shoulders, lowered his head slightly, and said, "I haven't found it yet. The people sent there have searched twice, but they still haven't found anyone. Now I suspect they were rescued." No news is the best news .

"Send two groups of people to look for it, and search all the surrounding villages. Even if it is a corpse, I must fish it up!"

The tone of the words was harsh, and he threw the cup in Chen Wei's hand mercilessly, and gradually covered Chen Yi, sticking to his body wetly, and the sweet smell of wine constantly wafted through the net.

Resisting the discomfort, Chen Yi responded, and Chen Yi sat on the side without saying a word.

After returning to the Chen family villa without incident, Chen Wei walked towards the basement with a bodyguard.

There was an unpleasant smell in the dark and cold basement. He remodeled this place on a whim, but he didn't expect it to come in handy right now.

In the pitch-dark basement, Chen Ya's hands and feet were tightly bound, unable to move even an inch.

After eating dinner at night, she felt a little dizzy. She thought it was just caused by her discomfort in the rain. Unexpectedly, soon after she lay down on the bed, her eyes went dark and she lost consciousness. When she woke up again, she was tied up and thrown into the Here, it is not known who did it.

It is impossible for someone without certain skills to take her out of the Chen family's villa. Chen Ya's teeth itch with hatred. If she knew it earlier, she should have been more cautious. Even if she was at home, she had to be guarded by Ah Fu.

Not sure who kidnapped him, he was very flustered.

Suddenly in the dark environment, a ray of light shone in, and the door creaked open.

The sound of the two footsteps was very obvious in the quiet environment, and Chen Ya couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman after hearing the footsteps.

The visitor was silent for a while, and Chen Ya squeaked a few times.

The other party was silent for a long time before a rough male voice sounded: "Be honest, stay quiet!" The echo could not dissipate for a long time.

The voice was very strange, Chen Ya frowned, as if she had never heard such a voice in her image.

Who kidnapped her?

Seeing that the visitor ignored her at all, Chen Ya murmured for a long time, and the towel was suddenly pulled from her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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