Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 102 I decide on my own affairs

Chapter 102 I decide on my own affairs
"Who the hell are you? What do you want to do by kidnapping me here?" Chen Ya shouted loudly without caring to catch her breath.

"Hush! Ms. Chen and our husband said, don't think that your mother's jumping into the sea can offset the sins on your body, and I will ask you to get them back one by one!" The clear male voice, listening to the age Not very big.

"Huo Chen. Or——Ye Chuan!" She had indeed never heard the voice of the speaker, but only a few of you knew about the incident on the cliff, and there were even fewer who wanted to seek revenge on her.

"Our husband said that you don't need to know these things. After you pay off the debt, you will naturally be let go!" The voice of the visitor was gentle and cold, which was Chen Ya's favorite voice. She was creepy.

"Kidnapping is against the law, aren't they afraid that I will go out and sue them?" Unwilling to be locked up here, his eyes were dreamed up by Hei Bu, and he could only vaguely see three people standing not far away.

"We are just the ones responsible for carrying out the orders. We have no right to resist what the master ordered. Ms. Chen should save some energy and save it for herself. After all, this process is not easy!"

After hearing this, Chen Ya struggled frantically, and her tightly bound body wriggled on the ground like a bug.

The other party fell silent for a long time, and there was a "ding ding dong dong" sound not far away, as if looking for something.

The unknown is always the most frightening thing. Chen Ya's face turned pale, and tears poured down from her eyes, soaking the black cloth on her eyes, but she was able to see the three people in the distance a little more clearly. But only the heights of three people can be seen.

Realizing that she really couldn't escape, Chen Ya calmed down completely, lying on the ground, as if she had accepted the fact, without any sign of resistance.

Not far away, Chen Wei was sitting on the side, with a smile on his lips. The bodyguard had already chosen the tool at hand, and was silent, but approached Chen Ya step by step.

Although there was a moment of hesitation, Chen Wei still chose to send Chen Ya to this basement, and sent her out intact. Maybe she would still be the same as before. Only by suffering can we learn to be good.

He watched helplessly that the child he had raised for more than twenty years was whipped and rolled about in pain, but there was no wave on his face.

If the bodyguard standing on the side hadn't seen Chen Wei's right hand clutching the armrest so tightly that his fingers were turning white, he would probably really think that he has no feelings at all.

But after a while, Chen Ya was covered in bruises, so Chen Wei waved his hand to signal to stop, turned around and left.

Back in the room, I stood by the window, with my hands behind my back, I didn't fall asleep all night, and I added a few more silver threads to my head.

The Chen family is not at peace, and the Huo family is also in dire straits. Mr. Huo is looking at Huo Chen angrily.

"Grandpa, I'll take care of this matter. You go upstairs to rest first." It's been almost a year since we saw each other. Huo Chen looked a little cold when facing Mr. Huo, and he didn't want to stay here for too long. He sent the old man in and prepared to go back up.

"Didn't you explain Xiaoya's matter at all? Ah Chen, you should be the only one in Lincheng who has the ability to bring Xiaoya out of the Chen family." Mr. Huo sighed and sat down slumped. On the sofa, the whole person instantly aged a lot.

"Grandpa, I didn't do it, I won't admit it." I felt a chill in my heart. I never thought that Grandpa would not believe me. It was useless for him to kidnap Chen Ya. Instead, he caused trouble for himself. This kind of effort Unpleasant things, he can't do anything!
"Is it because Ye Shi came back?" He couldn't breathe in his chest, and he breathed for a long time before Mr. Huo continued: "Don't think that I can agree to her marrying Ye Shi when she comes back." Huo family, it's impossible, let me tell you Huo Chen, I will never agree to this matter, how long do you think Ye Chuan's small company can last?"

The more he spoke, the angrier he got, Mr. Huo covered his chest and blushed, pointing at Huo Chen with trembling fingers.

"Grandpa, I may have been unable to do anything to you five years ago, but today, I will consider my own affairs. I don't need you to tell me what to do here, so I will go back first. I will naturally deal with this matter. The old house is safe for the elderly.”

After the words fell, Huo Chen led Lin Li away neatly, as if watching a farce. He thought all the way and still couldn't figure out what Chen Wei wanted to do.

"Check and see if there are any new faces in the Chen family recently." Before getting out of the car, Huo Chen paused, as if thinking of something, he turned his head and said to Lin Li.

"Yes, President." Lin Li nodded in response, and drove away quickly.

I went back upstairs and thought about it, but still felt uneasy. After thinking for a while, I closed my eyes and called Ye Chuan.

Although it was already midnight, the call was connected within a short while, and the other party's cold voice came, "Speak."

"Chen Wei went to Huo's old house to make trouble tonight, saying that Chen Ya was missing and I kidnapped her. I suspect that the trouble was caused by the termination of the contract. Recently, you should pay more attention to Xiaoshi's surroundings. I'm afraid he will The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry."

After speaking in one breath, Huo Chen took a deep breath, held the phone, felt relieved, and then asked, "How is Xiaoshi now? When are you going to discharge her from the hospital?"

"Understood." After saying a word, the phone was hung up neatly, Huo Chen sighed with a chuckle, threw the phone aside, and kept the room lights still, taking advantage of the moonlight, he unbuttoned his clothes while Go to the bathroom.

"Brother, who will call you at night?" Lying on the bed and unable to sleep, Ye Shi looked at Ye Chuan with sparkling eyes.

"I'll teach you about the company matters when Youyou is in elementary school." Ye Chuan threw away the phone in his hand without looking up.

Touching the tender little face of the child beside her, she had accidents frequently these days, which probably frightened him, even though her studies were getting heavier and heavier, she still insisted on going to the hospital every day to stay by her side.

"Brother, please persuade Youyou to let him rest at home during this period of time. Look at the dark circles under his eyes, and it hurts me." He looked up at Ye Chuan who was sitting on the sofa, Ye Shi's eyes were a little worried.

Not long after returning to Lincheng, things happened one after another. Not long after the things around her were resolved, there was a problem with the project of YS and Huo's company. What was said on the phone just now must be the same. It's not a good thing, although it seems that the person who killed her parents has been found out, but she always feels that something is wrong, and she can't tell.

The anxiety in my heart became heavier and heavier, and I always had a bad feeling about what happened ten years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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