Chapter 104 Price
Huo Chen sat on the other side with a blank expression, as if he had guessed what Ye Chuan was thinking, ignored him, and sat on his own.

"I'll take you out first."

After reassuring Ye Shi for a while, Zhu Li's formalities were almost done. Although Ye Chuan was allowed to take him out, he was detained at home these days and was not allowed to go out without special events.

She glanced at Huo Chen sympathetically, Ye Shi pursed her lips and waited for Ye Chuan to return to Ye's house.

"Brother, what exactly does the Chen family mean? I believe Huo Chen is not such a person!" Sitting on the sofa, she looked displeased.

"Huo Chen will worry about this matter, you just stay at home with peace of mind." Ye Chuan looked at her with raised eyebrows, his face changed slightly.

"But, brother." Watching Ye Chuan walk out, Ye Shi could only sigh helplessly.

I really don't know when these things will end, I always feel that someone is manipulating everything behind this, my heart is in a mess, Ye Shi has lost her original mood, went back to the room with a sad face, lay down on the bed and took out her mobile phone.

In the Chen family's villa, in the basement, Chen Ya was waking up in a trance at this time, her eyes were still pitch black, and she couldn't help crying softly because of the pain in her body.

"How long do you think the CEO wants to lock her up?" A rough male voice came.

"Who knows! But I heard that I, the person in charge of the Chen family, recently yelled at the president, saying that he must let him hand over the person. I usually don't see it. I didn't expect this person to be a bit of a father. You look like that." With a teasing tone, the voice was exactly the same as that of the person who beat her last night.

Chen Ya's face was condensed, and she was beaten up yesterday without any explanation. Although she didn't believe that Huo Chen had kidnapped her at first, after hearing what the two said, she believed it halfway before, and now she is convinced.

Her eyes were tied with a black cloth, so she couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly. Chen Ya clenched her palms tightly and asked tentatively, "Both brothers, is what you just said true?"

"That's right, Chen Wei wants to save you, Miss Chen, it seems that your life is quite valuable." One of them walked to her side, and Chen Ya gritted her teeth when she heard the sarcastic words. .

"Look, brother, since you know that my life is relatively rich now, as long as you can let go, my father will definitely give you all the money, and I promise to send you out of Lincheng and spend your whole life outside."

When she asked for help, she seemed to rub all her self-esteem on the ground. Chen Ya's face was pale. She, the eldest lady of the Chen family, the most honorable person in Lincheng, had never been so humble. Huo Chen, Ye Chuan, Sooner or later, she will make these people pay the price!

"Hey, you're here to buy our brothers, Miss Chen, don't tell me, our brothers are really not interested in your little money, the president gives you a lot, but if you let our brothers play, if you play, it's a good idea." You can think about it!" The rough male voice sounded, but the meaning in the words made Chen Ya feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her whole body was icy cold.

The other person also laughed and echoed: "Yes, yes, yes, I have grown up so much, I don't know what your lady tastes like. If our brother you are serving is satisfied, it is not impossible to let you go haha Ha ha!"

"You guys!" Tears couldn't help falling down, the whole body was tightly bound, Chen Ya twisted her body on the chair angrily, but the angry appearance made the two men in front of her laugh louder.

"Miss Chen, let's think about it. After all, the second round of punishment will start tonight. Our brother is not as easy to talk to tonight as the first day!" After the man finished speaking, he snorted coldly, opened the door and walked out.

The basement returned to calm, and Chen Ya sat on the chair weakly with her fists clenched. She still remembered clearly the pain from being beaten with a whip yesterday, and it was even worse tonight.

Tears fell drop by drop, the hatred towards Huo Chen and the others slowly accumulated in his heart, and became stronger and stronger, the desire to go out gradually overwhelmed others, he gritted his teeth and wished that he could go out now and let those people be buried with him !

Two bodyguards came out of the basement, glanced at each other, and walked upstairs to the study.

"Sir, the matter is almost done, and I have told the lady everything that needs to be said."

Lowering their heads, looking at the floor under their feet, not daring to look directly at Chen Wei who was sitting behind the desk, the two bodyguards felt slightly chilled.

To be able to do this to a daughter who has been raised for so many years is beyond their belief.

"Okay, at two o'clock tonight, I'm going to rescue someone. Make sure she's unconscious."

Nodding his head, Chen Wei glanced at the two bodyguards in front of him, and the light in his eyes flashed.

Ye family, Huo family, sooner or later he will make them all pay the price they deserve.

Back at the Huo family's old house, Huo Chen sat in the hall with a gloomy expression while Lin Li stood beside him without saying a word.

"Have you found out where Chen Ya is?" The more he thought about it, the more anger grew in his heart, Huo Chen frowned slightly, and his tone was not kind.

"We haven't found it yet, but we probably haven't left the Chen family's villa. Our people have scoured the periphery for a long time, but there is still no news. That old fox Chen Wei probably hid him." Lin Li always understood Rules, now that the old fox has even called out what he said, it can be seen that he is also very angry.

Having never left the Chen's villa, Huo Chen focused his attention, and suddenly a bright light flashed in his mind, and said: "Check to see if the Chen's villa has undergone renovations or other changes in the past few years, and report immediately if there is any news."

"Yes, does the president have any other orders?" I don't know what the president is doing, he was very puzzled, but he didn't ask, Lin Li simply responded and stood aside.

"Not for the time being, let's go down first." Chen Ya disappeared, and Chen Wei suddenly made such a show. He had no way to fight back for a while, and he could attack his own daughter. He really never thought of it.

Just as he was thinking, someone at the door said that Ye Chuan had come, and Huo Chen came back to his senses, he pulled himself together and asked the servant to bring him in.

"What do you think about Chen Ya's matter?" Just as he sat down, Ye Chuan asked straight to the point.

"I don't have a clue yet. I don't know what kind of medicine Chen Wei sells in the gourd, but I have already checked it. If the result is what I think, I will probably know where Chen Ya is." Huo Chen heard this. , also simply explained his thoughts.

Ye Chuan frowned, and waved to Zhu Li who was standing behind.

Zhu Li, who had been paying attention to Ye Chuan all the time, hurried forward, put the file bag in his hand, then retreated, standing quietly behind as a background board.

"What is this?" Sitting up straight, Ye Chuan frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"The news you just got, let's see for yourself." After saying that, he handed over the file bag in his hand to Huo Chen. Ye Chuan sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, but his brows were always furrowed, which shows that there is something in his heart. Huo Chen didn't need to worry about things.

(End of this chapter)

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