Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 105 Debt Collection

Chapter 105 Debt Collection

Open the yellow file bag and take out the contents. It's not thick, just a few sheets of paper. As soon as I took it out, a photo slipped out of the bag and fell to the ground.

Turning his head to look for a while, he bent down to pick up the thing on the ground. In turn, it turned out to be a photo of Chen Wei, but the man standing next to him was very strange, he was not from Lincheng at all, but he was It made Huo Chen somewhat familiar.

For the time being, he couldn't remember where he had seen this person before, so Huo Chen simply put down the photo, took the document and read it first.

The more I looked at it, the more I frowned, and it didn't take long for me to read all the papers in my hand.

"Surprised? I was also surprised when I got the news. Since Chen Wei has done this, then he must have planned something big." Originally, he wanted to wait for Huo Chen to speak first, but he looked over there and frowned. Ye Chuan, who was stunned, sighed and spoke first.

"Unreasonable and expected, otherwise Chen Wei wouldn't be able to treat his daughter like this." Throwing the things in his hand aside, Huo Chen pinched his brows, and then said: "Since Chen Wei is already preparing to admit her Now that he is his own son, he probably doesn't intend to hide his wolfish ambition anymore, this situation is really hard to guard against."

Really never thought that things would turn out like this, Huo Chen's temples twitched, everyone said that a tiger's poison does not eat its offspring, but Chen Wei was so vicious, he could do such a thing as changing a child to be raised outside.

It is really frenzied, no matter how ruthless, he is a bit willing to bow down.

"Chen Ya must be in his own hands, shouldn't be easy to find out." The more he thought about it, the more he had a headache. Huo Chen sat upright, and for the first time, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't think of a way out for a while. The relationship between her and her was too chaotic, and she had long thought that Shen Yayu might not be the real murderer, but now it seemed that Chen Wei should be the real murderer behind the scenes.

But he could bear it for so many years, and only now revealed his wolfish ambition a little bit, Chen Wei is not easy to deal with.

"This matter should be resolved in the next two days. Chen Wei will not procrastinate for a long time. I guess he may send Chen Ya abroad in the end, so the most important thing now is to solve the matter of jumping off the building and the project first. gone."

Even now that most people are attracted by Huo Chen's kidnapping of Chen Ya, the project is a cooperation with the government after all, if it is not handled carefully, it might stop work.

"I have asked Lin Li to find the family who jumped off the building. I have all the hospital certificates, payment records, and condolence videos. Don't worry, this matter will be resolved soon."

"If that's the case, then I'll go back first. It's not clear who Chen Wei wants to attack. Everyone be careful." For the sake of saving his sister several times, Ye Chuan kindly reminded him, and turned around mercilessly. leave.

Lincheng has been very lively recently. The incident of jumping off the building has just passed, and now there is such an eye-catching incident as the president of a wealthy family kidnapping his ex-fiancee. As a result, this wave of melons has not been finished yet, and a group of troublemakers appeared at the gate of Huo's .

Thirty or fifty people gathered together, yelling for Huo to pay the owed wages. There were even a few women and children lying at the door of the Huo Group, crying hoarsely, making the original work Some people even have difficulty getting in and out.

The security guards couldn't stop him, and Huo Chen couldn't show up at this time. The entire Huo's gate was in a mess, and more and more people gathered around.

When Lin Li arrived, the scene was almost out of control. The security guards and the rioters were at war with each other, as if they could fight immediately if anyone made one more move.

Big drops of sweat dripped down from his forehead, and Lin Li squeezed into the middle with a smile on his face: "Everyone have something to say, I'm Mr. Huo's assistant, tell me if you have anything to say, if it's Huo's Our president will definitely deal with it fairly, so don’t worry about it, put down everything on your hands, after all, everyone belongs to the same company, right?”

In troubled times, if a fight broke out this time, Huo's life would be difficult in the future.

Seeing that someone appeared to be in charge, one of them, who looked to be over 50 years old, stood up, with an angry face, gnashed his teeth and shouted: "You Huo family are not authentic, we people have been running around so much. It’s the first time I’ve met people like you in a few years. It’s been almost half a year since the project payment was in arrears, but there’s been no movement at all. Every time I say it’s going to be right away. How long has it been? There’s still no result at all, Huo Shi has no trust at all! Let me tell you, if you don’t settle the account with me today, we won’t leave here!”

The more he talked, the more angry he became, and in the end the old man simply sat on the ground with his legs crossed to show his firmness.

A group of people behind them also sat down together, blocking the door tightly, and stopped shouting, but it seemed impossible to get people to move.

It's time for lunch soon. If this group of people continues to fight like this, there will be more and more people around, and the impact on the company may not be calculated at all.

Pursing his lips, he turned and walked into the company, stood inside, stared at the group of people outside, and called the president.

"President, those people said that the payment for the project outside was not settled. The project half a year ago, I remember, should be the repair project in the suburbs of Lincheng, but all the accounts were settled at that time, and the financial statement has already been checked. What should we do now?"

Unable to figure out where this group of people came from, Lin Li stared at the group of people outside, his anger rising.

"Go and ask who signed the contract with, let them take out the contract, and then find out who the main person in charge of the project was, and they must be removed within an hour."

Chen Ya's matter is not over yet, and the Huo family has a problem again. Huo Chen has a headache, but he can only sit at home and worry.

"Yes, President, I'll do it right away."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Li tugged at his somewhat messy suit, and walked out with his hands behind his back.

"Who signed the contract with you at the beginning? All the projects half a year ago have been checked and settled. Please show me your contract." Lin Li stretched out his hand with an indifferent tone, but there was no doubt about it. Look at the leading man.

"When I signed the contract, I was a man in his late 40s. He was a little bald and had a fat body. We didn't get the project payment, and the contract was also stamped with Huo's stamp. If you don't believe me, see for yourself!"

The old man didn't panic at all, he took out the well-folded contract from his pocket, and handed it to Lin Li.

Turning over the paper, the last chapter is indeed Huo's chapter, but he has never seen the name signed, not to mention that Huo's does not have the man he described, but the chapter is real.

(End of this chapter)

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