Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 106 The first wave has not settled, and the other

Chapter 106

For a moment, he couldn't understand what kind of tricks the people behind him were playing. Lin Li carefully read the contract. It was indeed a formal contract, and the template was Huo's template, but the project was not originally managed by Huo's Instead, it belongs to the Sheng family.

This is a bit strange, Lin Li took out his mobile phone and carefully took a picture of the entire contract before returning the things in his hands to the old man, squatting down, and his tone softened a lot: "Master, there is indeed no problem with this contract, but this The project was not under Huo's management at the beginning, have you been deceived by others? Why don't you come to the company and tell me first. "

The matter is really a bit complicated. I thought it was just someone embezzling the project funds, but now it has something to do with the Sheng family.

"I can go in with you, but people like me have to stay outside and wait for me. If the matter is not resolved, the outside will not leave. It was Huo's people who signed the contract with me, and the stamp on it is also your Huo's. Zhang, now you tell me that it is the project of the Sheng family, who are you bluffing? Do you think I am being bluffed? Am I so easy to deceive? "

"No, sir, you misunderstood me. Since this matter is related to our Huo family, we will definitely investigate it to the end. Don't worry about this, but you see that you brought the big guy over and just let it go outside like this It's not good to be in the sun, go in with me and rest for a while, if this matter is not handled according to your wishes, it's not too late for you to come out!"

Not wanting to make a big deal, Lin Li had exhausted his good and bad words, so he brought all the people blocking the door to the company before eating, ordered them to serve tea and snacks, and brought the old man into the meeting room.

"You wait here for a while." After sending the person in, Lin Li walked out with a cold face, returned to his office, and called the president again.

"President, I have read the contract. The project on the contract is the project of the Sheng family, but the seal is the company's seal. I haven't seen the name of the signer in Huo's. This matter must have been premeditated! "

It's easy to hide from the open gun, and it's hard to escape the hidden arrow. Lin Li thought back on the contract just now. There was no loophole left. It was indeed a normal contract, and there was no problem with signing and stamping. It seems that this loss has to be eaten.

"Look for Shengxing Nan to find out what's going on with that project, and the person who signed it must find out how the Huo Group's seal appeared in the hands of outsiders. Check it out carefully, it's time for the company to change its blood! "

One wave of ups and downs and another wave of ups and downs.Things turned out to be more troublesome than imagined, Huo Chen stood by the window, looked coldly at the sparkling lake in the distance, and probably guessed in his heart who did it.

It seems that Chen Wei is much more difficult to deal with than imagined. After so many years of planning, I am afraid that the future will not be peaceful.

Hang up the phone, he can't even leave the house now, unless he finds Chen Ya first, he now understands why Chen Wei must frame him, saying that he kidnapped Chen Ya, now it seems that it is just to let He can't leave the house, so it's much easier to deal with Huo Shi.

Huo Chen pursed his lips. If Chen Wei's target is the Huo family, then there is no need to attack YS. If Chen Wei's target has always been the Ye family, what is the reason for attacking the Huo family? ?
After waiting for the call to be hung up, Lin Li returned to the conference room. The Huo family would definitely not pay for the project. After all, the project belonged to the Sheng family, and there were still many things that had not been investigated clearly. He had to persuade people to go back first.

The old man was quite difficult. Lin Li spent half an afternoon on him before he reluctantly persuaded him to go back. He wiped the sweat off his brow, called Huo Chen to report the situation, and quickly returned to work.

Although Ye Shi didn't go out, she still found out about Huo's affairs through her mobile phone. What she said on the Internet was ambiguous, and her heart was also fluctuating. She waited for the news all day, but in the end she still didn't figure out what was going on. thing.

It wasn't until the evening, when Youyou and Ye Chuan went home one after another, that her depressed mood got better.

Picking the rice in her bowl, Ye Shi looked up at Ye Chuan from time to time.

Even if Ye Chuan lowered his head, he could feel the hesitant to speak, and the food was almost done. He simply put down the chopsticks in his hand, put his hands on the table, and looked at Ye Shi: "Xiaoshi is there. Want to talk to me?"

All thoughts were written on his face, Ye Chuan thought with his toes, he could think of what she wanted to ask.

Although she still didn't want her to miss Huo Chen so much, she was her own sister after all, so she deserved to be pampered.

"It's nothing, I just want to know what's going on with the Huo family now. What's said on the Internet is serious. Brother Chen can't even leave the house now, and Chen Ya's matter has not yet come to fruition. Now it's happening again."

"Why, I'm worried about Huo Chen." His tone was a bit unfriendly, Ye Chuan habitually knocked on the table with one hand, looked at Ye Shi with a look of hatred for iron, and then said after a while: "Otherwise, I will send You go to live with your brother Chen for a while, and see if he is still alive now."

"Brother, you know that's not what I meant. It's just that Huo Chen saved me before, so I paid more attention." Interrupting Ye Chuan, Ye Shi lay down on the table and looked at him eagerly.

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll go and have a look tomorrow, and I'll report the situation to you when I come back!" He raised his hand and tapped Ye Shi on the head lightly, Ye Chuan got up and went straight upstairs. Ye Shi didn't leave any eyes on her.

Ye Shi froze for a moment, lay down on the table, turned her head just in time to meet Youyou's eyes, the child sat on the side, her sitting posture was much better than that of her mother, she had already eaten at this time, and was about to eat Get out of the chair.

"Mom, what are you doing staring at Youyou?" Ye Youan originally wanted to get down, but her mother's eyes just happened to look over at her, and now she didn't know whether she was going down or not, her hands were propped on the chair, and her posture was twisted very.

"It's nothing, Mommy will take you down." He walked over and picked up the child and walked upstairs. After returning to China, he originally wanted to spend time with Youyou, but he didn't expect to stay in the hospital for such a long time. Youyou was left out in the cold even more.

The child is growing fast, but I haven't seen it these days, and it feels a little taller, and it looks more and more like Huo Chen.

"Mom, you're not in good health. I'll go by myself." Struggling lightly, I wanted to get down and walk by myself, but my hands honestly touched Ye Shi's neck. It's been a long time since I've been so close to my mother Yes, Ye Youan felt a little wronged.

"It's my mother's fault. During this period of time, my mother promises to stay at home with Youyou, okay?" With her head resting on Ye Youan's small forehead, tears glistened in Ye Shi's eyes. She was in the hospital during this time and could only see the children occasionally. , and with many things in her heart, she didn't even notice that the abnormality of the child was due to her dereliction of duty as a mother.

(End of this chapter)

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