Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 107 Revenge

Chapter 107 Revenge
"It's okay, I don't blame mom, it's not mom's fault that mom got hurt." Lying in Ye Shi's arms, Ye Youan was in a happy mood, her little face was bright red, her big eyes were blinking, and tears were shining.


At this time, in the basement of the Chen family's villa, Chen Ya's experience was not so good. The desire to go out finally defeated everything. The last time she was drugged, what did those people do to her? They were all in a daze, but this time it was different. They clearly felt the unprecedented humiliation. They were still tied to the chair, and the cloth strips on their heads had not been taken off. The tears in their eyes could not stop, soaking Wet the placket.

Strong hatred supported her, gritted her teeth and forcibly endured these inhuman humiliations, and kept swearing in her ears, as if challenging her bottom line, Chen Ya could only let herself think about how to get revenge after going out This group of people clenched their teeth until they heard the familiar "Xiaoya!" and completely lost consciousness.

"Sir, I've already fainted." The two bodyguards stepped aside, and Chen Ya was naked in front of Chen Wei.

Covering Chen Ya's bruised body with the blanket in his hand, he ordered people to be brought up, turned around and went up first.

The bad smell in the basement made him sick. Ever since Shen Yayu jumped off, his white body was no different from pork in his eyes. His whole life was completely ruined after his Yayu jumped off. .

Probably because the hatred in her heart was too strong, Chen Ya woke up within a short time, the wound on her body had been treated with medicine, and even her clothes were well put on, the room was still a familiar one, quiet Get out of bed.

Sitting on the dressing table, staring at herself in the mirror, Chen Ya had a stern expression, and gently touched her cheek with her left hand.

The red mark on her neck could not be covered up, as if she was mocking her, it lay at the junction of her face, just by looking at it, one could know what happened to her before, after a long time, she slowly stood up.

Sitting on the window sill, looking at the slightly bright sky outside, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes were full of hostility.

The knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and Chen Ya called "Come in" without saying a word.

"Miss, sir told you to go to the study, and he will wait for you there." The servant stood respectfully by the door, lowered his head, not daring to look at Chen Ya. Although she didn't know why, but she didn't say a word, she looked at her It was more scary than the noisy ones before.

"Understood!" Her voice was hoarse, she responded, stood up directly, and walked to the study, wearing only a bathrobe.

"Father, you called me." Raising her hand to knock on the door and pushing in, Chen Ya said calmly, her tone unchanged.

"It's my father's fault. I went late and caused you to encounter such a thing. Sooner or later, my father will make Huo Chen pay the price. Don't worry, Xiaoya!" She stood behind the desk with a haggard look on her face. , It's really distressing.

There was no turmoil in her heart, but the corners of her mouth slowly turned up. With tears in her eyes, Chen Ya walked over to hold Chen Wei's hand, and her crying voice was a bit distressing: "Dad, I want to avenge myself, Huo Chen will treat me like this, in the final analysis it is Ye Shi's fault, I want Ye Shi to taste the pain I am suffering now, and I want to take revenge myself."

"Xiao Ya, you want to take revenge yourself. With your current skills, it's impossible to do it. Dad will send you abroad. When you learn it, you can take revenge yourself when you come back. Dad will help you deal with Huo Chen first." Touching Chen Ya's hair, Chen Wei's eyes flashed. He knows the revenge psychology of women. If you send someone out and bring them back in time, the lethality will be much stronger.

Of course, he is willing to do this kind of business without losing money.

"Xiaoya listens to her father." Buried on Chen Wei's chest, tears fell from Chen Ya's eyes, but the corners of her mouth curled up, with a malicious smile that made people panic.

"Father has already booked a flight ticket for you in an hour. Let Ah Fu go with you. I'm relieved." He is no longer useful, and Huo Chen can't take care of himself for the time being. He can easily hide it from everyone. sent out.

"Okay, I'll pack up my things now and leave. Dad, I don't know when I'll be back again. I don't care about the others. Ye Shi, keep it for me. I will definitely seek revenge on her myself." Wipe dry With tears on her face, Chen Ya lowered her head and bowed to Chen Wei, then turned and left.

Seeing Chen Ya go out with his own eyes, Chen Wei took off his coat and threw it on the ground. His chest still seemed to be a little wet. He tore off the piece of cloth on his chest in disgust, and hurried back to the room to take a shower.

As soon as Chen Ya went out, Huo Chen immediately received the news. Sure enough, the real person came out of the Chen family's villa. Chen Wei directed and acted a scene by himself. The purpose was just to keep him from going out. I'm afraid there is no need to work so hard. .

There must be some purpose in it that he didn't discover, but don't worry, as long as Chen Ya finds it, he can go out.

While it was still early, Huo Chen went directly to the Huo Group.

Back in the office, Huo Chen called Lin Li over first, "Do you have any clue about what happened yesterday?"

"President, I have checked with the Sheng family. They did take over the project at that time, but all the project funds have been paid out, and there is no such thing as arrears. There is also the project that the group of workers said and the project that the Sheng family did. sorry."

After asking all the details yesterday, Lin Li went to the site to investigate, and told the old man that there was nothing wrong with it, but in the records of the Sheng family, it was not this place at all, and Huo's had never undertaken this project, and the more I checked, the more confused I became. up.

"Have you found the middleman? The person who signed it, and where did the chapter come from?" Feeling that something was wrong, Huo Chen frowned and asked Lin Li
"President, it is indeed the company's seal. The company was burglarized once half a year ago, but nothing in the entire office was stolen. This incident was finally settled. I don't know if you still remember this incident. I remember." He also just remembered that what happened half a year ago was only realized when a security guard reminded him, probably the stamp was secretly stamped at that time.

"Where's the signatory?" One thing has been planned for such a long time, but it can't really cause Huo's harm. Huo Chen really doesn't know what the people behind the scenes want to do at the moment.

"I haven't found out yet, but according to the old man's description, it is likely to be Chen Wei's secretary." Yesterday he screened people overnight, and found that according to the old man's description, that person was very similar to Chen Wei's secretary-general.

"Send someone to watch Chen Wei and his secretary, and tell me about every move." What is the Chen family planning, or what Chen Wei wants to do.

(End of this chapter)

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