Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 108 Invitation

Chapter 108 Invitation
Huo Chen was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground. He originally planned to try this kid Youyou, but now he has no time.

Since these things happened one after another, the stock of the Huo Group has been falling, while the Chen Family has been rising slowly.

Time passed quickly, three days later, while Huo Chen was still dealing with the sequelae of what happened in the past few days, the invitation from the Chen family arrived.

"President, tomorrow night, Mr. Chen hosted a banquet to recognize his own son, and sent you an invitation." Lin Li said softly as he put the gold heat-pressed invitation on the table.

"Okay, got it." Putting down what he was doing, Huo Chen took the invitation from one side, and nodded while talking.

Lin Li glanced at Huo Chen, turned around and closed the door to leave.

At this time, the banquet was held, and Chen Ya hadn't been gone for many days, so she was not afraid that she would come back overnight if she found out the news.

Unable to understand what Chen Wei was thinking in his heart, Huo Chen frowned, he still wanted to go, he always wanted to see what kind of guy the biological son who was recognized was and whether he would pose a threat to him.

It's just that he doesn't know whether Ye Chuan will go back or not. He probably won't, after all, the Chen family is the Ye family's enemies.

Throwing the invitation aside casually and continuing to deal with the matter at hand, Huo Chen shook his neck. He has been in the company for such a long time, and he hasn't seen Ye Shi for a long time. A woman forgets.

A dark light flashed in his eyes, he finally made some progress, he didn't want to go back to his previous appearance.

After thinking about it, he simply called Ye Chuan, and soon, a cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "Say."

Still as cold as ever, Huo Chen didn't care, leaning on the back of the chair with a relaxed expression: "Chen Wei sent me an invitation card, will you go to the banquet tomorrow?" Since there is no way to meet, he always wants to create opportunities for himself .

"Go." As if he had read Huo Chen's mind, Ye Chuan calmly added, "Xiaoshi won't go." Although tomorrow night is said to be a banquet, who knows what will happen? If any accident happens, it is enough for him to go by himself.

"It's a rare banquet, but isn't Xiaoshi married to Shengnan? Why has she been living in Ye's house?" Huo Chen recalled this, saying that he was married, but it seemed that Youyou had no special relationship with Shengxingnan. The appearance of intimacy, Xiaoshi's relationship with him is also a bit strange, as if they are very familiar friends, like a brother, the three of them stand together, there is no feeling of a family.

"Xiaoshi is not used to the Sheng family, do you think I will let him live in that filthy place of the Sheng family?" Originally, he didn't expect to keep Huo Chen for a long time, Ye Chuan didn't say much. Changed the subject: "Chen Wei has been very peaceful recently, there is no moth at all, I suspect there will be a good show."

"I also suspect that he is messing around again behind the scenes. It is estimated that after this banquet, we will see the first clues. Since Xiaoshi can't go, then I won't say more. Help me and Xiaoshi, and Yu Woo."

After finishing speaking, he simply hung up the phone and threw the phone aside. Huo Chen rubbed his swollen head, feeling a little aggrieved and confused, with mixed feelings in his heart, which was extremely complicated.

There is still a lot of work to be done in hand, don't think about it, Huo Chen buried his head and continued to work
In the Chen Group CEO's office, Chen Wei stood by the window, and Chen Yi stood behind him, looking at him: "Father, it's not time yet, why did you send it so soon?"

The invitation in his hand was just sent to Huo Chen today, and he held it up to Chen Wei and said, "I'm going to come out now and I can't do many follow-up things, father, isn't it a little too early now? Otherwise, after a few days, I will arrange all the things that should be done, and we will make more decisions."

"You think you can hide your identity. I'm afraid Huo Chen and Ye Chuan have known about you for a long time. They are just waiting for you to reveal yourselves. Tomorrow night is a good time. This time I promise to let Ye Chuan come. No return, ruined reputation!"

With his hands behind his back, Chen Wei took a deep breath, his voice trembling a little, his face was full of excitement and the joy of getting what he wanted soon, after searching for so many days, he still couldn't find Shen Yayu, he couldn't wait up.

"Father, if there is anything that needs me to do, I will go through fire and water!" With his head pressed, he stood respectfully behind Chen Wei. Since Chen Ya left, he has been in the Chen family villa and the Chen Group. In and out, there is only one public status missing. Thinking of this, Chen Yi is not entangled, and quietly waits for tomorrow.

Summer is slowly passing by, and the darkness is getting earlier and earlier. These days, the descendants have even started to put on coats. The night wind blows on the body with cool air. When Ye Chuan returned, the sky had already darkened .

Thinking of going to Chen's house tomorrow night, he was in a bad mood for no reason, probably because he didn't like it at all, and told Zhu Li to pay more attention to the affairs of Chen's house, so he didn't care too much.

"Uncle came back so late today again." Ye Youan stood up and took two steps forward to greet Ye Chuan, while Ye Shi sat on the porch, moved a rocking chair leisurely, lay on it, with a smile on his face, Looks like I'm in a good mood.

"Don't wait for me to see tomorrow night. The Chen family has a banquet, and I'm going to the appointment." Holding Youyou's little hand, they walked inside, ignoring Ye Shi at all, and said to Ye You'an while walking.

"Can we go to the Chen family's banquet?" Ye Shi climbed down from the chair and walked to Ye Chuan's side, frowning slightly.

"Under the eyes of everyone, Chen Wei can still eat me." He raised his hand and knocked on Ye Shi's head unceremoniously, bent over to pick up Ye You'an, and strode towards the villa, completely ignoring those who were still complaining behind. Ye Shi.

Although there was indeed a bad premonition in his heart, this time he wanted to go no matter what he said.

Some things have been hidden in his heart for a long time. If he doesn't figure it out, he will not only feel sorry for himself, but also his parents. For some revenge, he still has to take revenge, and for some people, he still has to deal with what should be dealt with.

"Then can you take me there? Anyway, I can give you a helping hand when there is danger!" Xiao ran took two steps to catch up, Ye Shi's big eyes were full of tears, and she blinked vigorously at Ye Chuan, pretending to be pitiful. It's the pinnacle.

"I won't take you if I say anything this time. Rest early, and I will let you and the driver pick me up tomorrow." He slapped her head away with his big hand, and Ye Chuan nodded her forehead. It's just such a younger sister who is spoiled by him. What should I do if I look like this.

With a severe headache, he simply went upstairs. He was afraid that something would happen tomorrow, so he had to make arrangements in advance.

Feeling unwilling, but knowing her brother's character, Ye Shi pursed her lips and hugged Ye You'an and ran back to the room "deng deng deng". Must go to work, can not stay at home.

As usual, it was parent-child interaction time, Ye Shi helped Youyou take a shower, let him play in the bathtub outside by himself, and took a shower in the shower room inside.

(End of this chapter)

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