Chapter 109
The child grows up fast, and after a year, she will not be able to get close to Youyou so unscrupulously, so she must hurry up when doing bad things, while thinking about Youyou's white and tender body, soft flesh , my heart blossomed with joy.

With things in mind, time seemed to slow down. I sent Youyou to school early in the morning, and I was lying on the bed. I usually just hold my phone in my arms, and it would be noon when I let it go, but now I don’t even have a phone Can't read anything on it.

He simply sat up straight and prepared to trim the flowers in the yard while the weather was fine today.

Absently wandering around the yard with a pair of large scissors, after almost cutting herself for the third time, the servant standing aside finally took the scissors from her hand and put them aside, and helped Ye Shi sit in the rocking chair Come on, prepare pastries and tea, which can be regarded as making people calm down.

The breeze gently brushed against the cheeks, the sun was not too strong, and the rest was basically blocked by the umbrella. I got up too early this morning and tossed myself for a long time. Ye Shi squinted her eyes and was still thinking Things, unknowingly fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes, all the red clouds in the sky appeared. Calculating the time, Ye Chuan probably set off by now.

Sure enough, at this time Ye Chuan was taking Zhu Li in the car, heading for the Chen family's villa.

The people invited by the Chen family this time were all well-known and respectable in Lin Cheng, and they must have valued Chen Yi as a son, otherwise they wouldn't have held such a grand banquet to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan.

When the sky just darkened, Ye Chuan happened to arrive at the place and got out of the car. Huo Chen happened to be right in front and just took two steps.

Seeing that Huo Chen was in front, he was not in a hurry, and walked over slowly. The two of them walked in one after the other, and sat on the sofa one after another. The two of them were almost the focus of everyone. Seeing them sitting together , the people who wanted to go forward before were a little timid.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Huo Chen crossed his legs and tilted his head to observe the entire lobby of the villa. It seemed that there was nothing strange about it, but the Chen family villa just made him feel panicked for no reason and didn't want to stay. here.

"There is nothing abnormal for the time being, but we still have to be careful." After Zhu Li checked repeatedly yesterday, it was true that nothing was wrong, but this made Ye Chuan even more worried, and no loopholes were revealed. , It was either arranged in advance, or there was a conspiracy.

"It's really strange. I asked Lin Li to check it again, and there was nothing abnormal at all." Both of them are cautious people. As long as the master doesn't do anything, there is no flaw in this kind of conspiracy. They have to guard against it, but It is also difficult to prevent.

"Let's talk if you have any questions. I'll take a look around first." Huo Chen nodded to Ye Chuan, finished speaking softly, tugged his sleeves, and led Lin Li to the other side.

Ye Chuan was still sitting where he was, his eyes fell on Chen Wei intentionally or unintentionally, he wanted to see what kind of trick the Chen family was playing, so that neither he nor Huo Chen could show any flaws.

"Today is a big day for children to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors. I, Chen Wei, thank you all for coming here. Xiao Yi was just born and the wine glass was reported wrong. Ever since I visited him, I have always felt guilty. Fortunately, now I can have I will take this opportunity to compensate him, and now I will take this opportunity to hand over the Chen family to him, and I will be considered a leisurely person in the future, and you are welcome to come to the door whenever you have time."

After speaking with a smile, Chen Wei patted Chen Yi on the shoulder, hurried down the stairs, and disappeared around the corner.

Feeling something is wrong, just about to follow up to have a look, Shengxing Nan suddenly jumped out from the side, "Brother Chuan, so you are here too, why don't you come to find me? I found you only after everyone stood up , how is Xiaoshi? Are you okay?"

"Everything is fine at home. I have something to go over now. Get out of the way." Opening Shengxing South, Ye Chuan frowned and walked over, but Chen Wei was nowhere to be seen. When he found out, he was not in a hurry, turned around and walked back, slowly sat on the sofa, and put his eyes on Chen Yi.

"Brother Nan, I'll go back with you tonight. I have something I want to talk to Xiaoshi." Seeing Ye Chuan come back after a round, Shengxing Nan said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, keep an eye on Chen Yi for me." Nodding, he took a sip from the wine glass on the table, feeling a little irritable.

"You suspect that there is something wrong with Chen Yi? But this should be the first time we have seen him." Chen Yi had already walked down at this time, and he was in the middle of a group of people, with a decent smile on his face, looking very gentle, no Looks like it's dangerous.

"Just watch if I tell you to." Sitting on the sofa with crossed legs, a pair of cold eyes flicked across the corner from where you just came out from time to time. After waiting for a long time, Huo Chen had already walked this way He has never seen Chen Wei walking back from there, it seems that he went to another place.

He is not very familiar with Chen's villa, he only came here a few times when he was young, not to mention it has changed a lot now.

Just when he was about to look in another direction, Chen Wei appeared from behind, his face pale.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Ye, Mr. Shengda, being able to come today really makes the mansion shine!" As he rushed towards this side, Ye Chuan lowered his head and stopped looking at him.

Huo Chen nodded and turned his head away. It looked like he didn't want to care about anyone anymore, only Sheng Xingnan was left, and smiled at Chen Wei: "Mr. Chen is really joking. Congratulations, Mr. Chen for finding his real child!"

"You're welcome, then Mr. Chen won't bother you, everyone, have fun."

After speaking politely, he left, as if Chen Wei just came here to say a few polite words.

Ye Chuan frowned, raised his head and looked at him thoughtfully.

"What did you find?" Staring at people, he couldn't tell why. After leaving here, Chen Wei took his son whom he had just recognized to identify people everywhere. He was very busy. Ye Chuan got something in his heart. asked Huo Chen.

"I didn't find any important clues, but it seems that there is a room in the villa that only Chen Wei can enter. Even Shen Yayu and Chen Ya have never entered this room. There may be clues in it, but I don't know where it is. clear."

After walking around for such a long time, I only learned about this matter through the mouths of a few servants. The whole villa is tightly surrounded like an iron barrel.

"Don't move today, we will do it in a few days." The Chen family must be destroyed as soon as possible, especially Chen Wei. Ye Chuan could feel his hostility towards him, although it was not very obvious.

"Okay, let's separate. I'm going to take a look." Nodding, Huo Chen felt uneasy, stood up and walked in the same direction.

As soon as Huo Chen left, Chen Wei immediately left the crowd and walked to another corner.

Seeing this, Ye Chuan raised his head to follow, Zhu Li stayed where he was and waited for the response, Sheng Xingnan raised his legs and followed, chasing after Ye Chuan, following in a decent manner.

(End of this chapter)

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