Chapter 116
"80.00% of the companies have already started to terminate the contract with the Chen family, and we will probably see the effect tomorrow!" Looking at the red sky outside the window, Lin Li felt that the wrinkles between his brows had deepened a little these days, and he was busy. If you don't touch the ground, it's hard work that pays off.

"Okay, follow up on the remaining 20.00%, and take them all before the day after tomorrow!" Even if it hurts his muscles and bones, he must take down the entire Chen family. Since Shen Yayu disappeared, Chen Wei is Getting more and more arrogant!
"Yes, President!" Lin Li nodded in response, turned and left the office.

Things went better than expected, Huo Chen relaxed a little, leaned on the back of the chair, his head hurt a little.

Ever since he talked with Ye Shi, his mind has been full of Ye Shi's figure recently. As long as he is free, the longing in his heart makes him a little different from himself. Work in the office.

There has been no news from Ye Chuan. If he hadn't been afraid of bad things, he would have sneaked to Ye's villa a long time ago.

I ordered things one by one, but my mind became more and more muddleheaded. After thinking for a long time, I finally couldn't hold back. I drove to the Ye family's villa by myself, and parked the car in the distance while it was dark. Watching quietly.

The smoke in his hand shone with scarlet light, and he let it burn between his fingers. The car was filled with smoke, and he couldn't see the distance clearly. Huo Chen's eyes were dimmed. He couldn't wait aimlessly like this. His own happiness You still have to rely on yourself.

After thinking about this, Huo Chen was not in a hurry, opened the car window to clear the smoke from the car, and drove away with a smile on his lips.

In the Ye family's villa, Ye Chuan and Ye Shi were sitting face to face in the living room.

"Xiaoshi, what are you thinking? Since Huo Chen already knows that Youyou is his child, he will definitely not let it go. I can indeed hold him back for you, but if he wants to, I won't be able to stop him sooner or later." With Huo Chen's temperament, it is not easy for him to wait for such a long time. If he waits any longer, he will probably have to use his own method to solve it.

"Brother, I know, but I won't be able to face him for a while. In short, brother, I'm in a mess now, and I don't know what to do!" My mind has been in a mess for several days, since the last time Ye Chuan After bringing back Huo Chen's words, she felt panicked, afraid that one day Youyou would be snatched away by Huo Chen suddenly, and that Huo Chen would do something she didn't want to see regardless of her wishes.

"Everything is up to me, Xiaoshi. If you really don't love Huo Chen anymore, I will help you get rid of him." His eyes were blurred, and Ye Chuan looked at the girl sitting opposite, with some distress in his eyes, she was in pain How could the younger sister who had spoiled her for so long become what she is now? She had to think about rejecting a man for so long.

"Of course Youyou still belongs to our family. After Xiaoshi thinks it over, she will give me the answer the day after tomorrow at the latest. Huo Chen can't wait long."

After speaking, Ye Chuan stood up, sighed, and left.

"Brother." Ye Shi's eyes were confused, looking at Ye Chuan who was walking away, she suddenly felt sad.

Huo Chen didn't feel it when he wasn't by his side, but occasionally in midnight dreams, he would recall the scene of the two of them getting along, but as long as she thought that she would be separated from this man in this life, and would never see him again, her heart would be broken. But dull pain.

What happened five years ago, she couldn't forgive Huo Chen, and she couldn't forgive herself. Huo Chen paid off all the Ye family's debts, but she will always remember that she went to the Huo family's old house to find Huo Chen and knelt down. One day and one night in the heavy rain, but she still didn't feel the pain when she saw him. This was a hurdle she couldn't get over in her life.

Sitting in the living room all night, it wasn't until it was light that he came back to his senses, turned and went back to the room with a blank face.

The sun was rising, and the sun was shining all over the world. It was a rare good weather without clouds, but Lin Chen's sky changed on this day.

It shows that the Chen family was investigated for tax evasion and tax evasion, and then the suppliers and partners from all over the country terminated the contract. The entire Chen family was on the verge of collapse overnight. The employees in the company raised the banner and resigned.

Chen Wei's face was condensed at this time, sitting in the study of Chen's family, he thought everything was safe, but he didn't expect that Huo Chen's actions would be so fast, before the news in his hands was released, Huo Chen actually beat Chen down first.

With trembling hands, he took out a black mobile phone from the safe, and looked at the string of unfamiliar mobile phone numbers on it. The only person who could save him now was this person. He dialed it with trembling hands, he swallowed, feeling panicked. stand up.

After a long time, when Chen Wei thought that no one would answer the phone, a deep voice came from the other side: "What's the matter?"

"You should have heard about the Chen family. I need your help!" Holding the phone was like holding a life-saving straw. What he wanted to do hadn't been done yet, and the Chen family couldn't do anything right now.

"Chen Wei, you should know my rules, I can help you solve this matter, but after it is done"

"I'm already starting to deal with the Huo family. As long as you help me this time, after the Huo family falls, I don't want anything. As long as Huo Chen is this person, I will give you everything, just like back then!" After talking, Chen Wei's complexion became more and more unsightly. It was not the first time he had done such a thing as seeking skin from a tiger.

"Okay, I'm just trusting you once, just wait, there will be results after tomorrow." The voice on the other end of the phone sounded in a good mood, with a hint of excitement in his voice, and he was skilled in his actions. This is the first time to do such a thing.

When the phone on the other side was hung up, Chen Wei immediately let go of the big stone in his heart, and locked the phone back in the safe. As long as the tax evasion and tax evasion problems are resolved, the partners and suppliers will be much easier to solve.

As long as something happens to the Huo Group, these people, promise to get back obediently!
"Bang bang bang" a sudden knock on the door interrupted Chen Wei's thoughts, and Chen Yi's voice came from the door: "Father, it's not good!"

"What does it look like to be noisy, what are you panicking, come in and tell me!" Chen Wei looked indifferent, and the words he said were not polite.

"Some of the company's executives have been poached by the Sheng family and the Ye family, and the remaining half are still under consideration, and they probably won't last long. The entire company is basically empty now!" Waiting for someone to report the news At that time, most of the people had already left, and even if they went to chase them back now, it would be too late.

"What are you panicking about? Tomorrow morning, you will spread the news about the last time. I have my own solution to the company's affairs."

Huo Chen and his group were a little too immature to chase him down.

"But father, it's difficult for the company to run now, aren't we?"

"Just do what I tell you, what are you talking about!" Violence flashed in his eyes, Chen Wei's face was full of rage, and his tone was very impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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