Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 117 Discussion

Chapter 117 Discussion
Chen Yi's face froze, he raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Wei, then turned and left.

At this moment, Sheng Xingnan and Ye Chuan rushed over to the Huo Group's president's office early in the morning, and the three of them were sitting on the sofa discussing matters while drinking tea.

"Brother Chuan, do you think Chen Wei can still make waves this time?" Taking a sip of tea, Sheng Xingnan narrowed his eyes, thinking of today's events, he felt very happy. According to him, he should have done this a long time ago. The three families joined forces, You can't even get a Chen family!

"The centipede is dead but not stiff. You still have to be careful. There may be people behind Chen Wei." The trouble has reached this point, and the people behind Chen Wei still haven't come out. Ye Chuan is a little worried, and the Chen family may not be like this Easy to get rid of.

"I happen to be worried about this too, but...if the people behind Chen Wei can solve things like tax evasion, then the identity of that person..." He frowned tightly. What's the matter? Huo Chen looked at Ye Chuan with a little worry on his face.

"The Huo family and the Sheng family have been in Lincheng for so many years. If neither of our two families can solve it, I'm afraid it will be"

Hearing what the two said, Sheng Xingnan also became a little worried. If the people behind him were really from the officialdom, they might not be able to please them, and they might even suffer backlash.

"Don't think about these things for now, think about what to do next." The aftermath needs to be carefully considered. Although the Chen family is not as good as the Huo family, if it really goes bankrupt, its assets should not be underestimated.

This discussion, by the time Ye Chuan left, it was already dark, and Sheng Nan was so lazy that he took his car and went back to the villa together. Youyou happened to be on vacation these few days and stayed with Ye Shi. The family is not lonely.

When Sheng Xingnan first arrived, Ye You'an was lying in Ye Shi's arms, and the two of them were smiling and chatting together.

"Youyou, your Uncle Sheng is here, are you happy to see me!" Counting the time, he has not seen the little guy and her mother for a long time, with a smile in his eyes, Sheng Xingnan strode over , hugged the child from Ye Shi's arms.

"What did Uncle Sheng come to my house for? Could it be that he misses my mother?" Ye Youan asked with wide eyes and a big smile on his face as he tilted Xiao Nao into Sheng Xingnan's arms.

"Youyou! What nonsense, come to mom quickly!" Ye Shi's face froze, and she quickly dug Ye Youan out of Shengxing Nan's arms and put her into her own, looking at him apologetically, "Brother Nan, what's wrong with you?" I don't know what terrible things the child has seen recently, and he keeps talking nonsense, I will ask him to apologize to you."

"It's all about Tong Yan, sister Shi, why are you being polite to me?" Seeing Ye Shi's reaction, Sheng Xingnan felt sore in his heart, he forced a smile on his face, touched Youyou's little head, and the good mood just now was put on fire .

"Brother Nan, talk to my brother, I'll take Youyou upstairs first." Angrily, she patted Ye Youan's little butt, Ye Shi smiled awkwardly, and turned to go upstairs with the child in her arms.

"You haven't put it down after so many years?" Ye Chuan asked casually while sitting on the sofa when Ye Shi disappeared from sight.

"Love is not so easy to let go. Brother Chuan, I'm fine." With his heart getting heavier, Shengxing Nan took a deep breath, sat opposite Ye Chuan, and tried to adjust his mentality.

Ever since he fell in love with Shimei, he knew that it was impossible for him. After so many years, he had already gotten used to it. Looking back, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. Even if he could only look at her in his life, he would have no regrets.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Brother Chuan, the last time we saw it in the Chen family is considered a secret room, or else, we will find a chance to explore it another day?" He has always remembered what he saw last time. In my heart, the blockade is so tight, maybe there is something in it, Chen Wei, an old fox, has hidden it for so many years, there must be some cards that have not been revealed.

"We have to find a time to investigate, but not now. After this turmoil is over, if the Chen family falls, we don't need to do anything extra. If the Chen family can still stand, then we really have to go in and have a look!" The Chen family is not easy to advance, and they are afraid that there will be no return when the time comes, and this matter needs to be well planned.

"Brother Chuan, plan first. I'm going upstairs to rest. Anyway, if you're going, remember to call me! After all, I'm a doctor, so if an accident happens, you can save lives!" He challenged Ye Chuan without fear of death. Eyebrow, Shengxing Nan quickly ran upstairs.

I hope things go smoothly, and Chen Wei can launch Lincheng's stage as soon as possible!Looking at the dark night sky outside, Ye Chuan always felt that something bad was about to happen, and an ominous premonition flashed in his heart.


"Dingling bells" When the sky was slightly bright, Huo Chen was soundly asleep. He was awakened by a series of ringtones. He frowned and picked it up, and a voice sounded with a little sleepiness: "Say!"

"President, the matter of the old man jumping off the building was rediscovered last time. It was reported that the person who jumped from the building was forced to death by the Huo family. In order to take revenge on the old man and threatened the Huo family, many people suddenly appeared on the Internet. It is said that Huo's treats employees harshly, and the actual salary paid is seriously inconsistent with the salary known to the outside world. The one who evaded taxes said that Mrs. Chen was framed by Mrs. Huo. In short, the news has been flying all over the Internet now. President, the company's "

"What are you panicking about? I'll come right over and check the current situation of the Chen family!" Interrupting Lin Li's words, Huo Chen came to his senses in an instant, hung up the phone, and rushed to the Huo Group.

Chen Wei was so overwhelmed by himself that he still had time to trouble the Huo family. Something must have happened that he didn't know about, or in other words, the person behind Chen Wei started to do something.

Rushing all the way to the company, Lin Li was already waiting at the door of the office. As soon as Huo Chen appeared, he immediately went up to meet him: "Sure enough, as expected by the CEO, the Chen family's tax evasion has been proven to be a fake, and it has been announced on the Internet now." Yes, those suppliers and partners who have gone away have now gone back. The Chen family even issued a notice tonight, saying that they have already taken over. The government's biggest project this year has already started preparations to start construction. If this is the case , I'm afraid the Chen family has to go one step further."

"Ignore these things for the time being, go talk to Ye Chuan and Shengxing Nan, first go to the public relations to suppress the company's affairs, then go to the finance department, carefully check the accuracy of the financial bills given by the other party, and check the specific dissemination The person who sent the news, sent the lawyer's letter, the one who jumped to his death before, throw out all the information we investigate related to him, and be sure to suppress all the news before night!"

"Yes, President." After writing down one by one, Lin Li turned his head and walked out.

The hat of tax evasion is deducted, it is not easy to get it, he must solve these things as soon as possible, otherwise he is afraid
(End of this chapter)

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