Chapter 118
Huo Chen frowned, always feeling that the matter would not be so simple, no matter how widely it was uploaded on the Internet, it would still be able to stand firm for the Huo family, unless some real evidence could be produced.

Just thinking about the next countermeasures, Lin Li, who had just left, suddenly turned back, with a very bad expression on his face: "President, the major shareholders have requested to hold a general meeting of shareholders, and some of them have already come, so you must arrive on time at nine o'clock." !"

He was dragged to the conference room just after he left the house. Lin Li wished he could use 1 minute instead of 2 minutes, but he was wasted so much time by those shareholders.

"Okay, I see, you can go to work first." He waved his hand to let Lin Li leave first, Huo Chen frowned even deeper.

Although the Huo family owns 50.00% of the shares of the Huo Group and has one vote to decide, it will be difficult for him to act if more than two-thirds of the shareholders in the general meeting oppose him.

There was still some time before nine o'clock, and Huo Chen buried himself in his work. Once the rumors on the Internet were not dealt with properly, it would still hurt Huo's nerves.

At this time, Ye Chuan was on his way to the company, and Zhu Li had already told him everything on the phone. Sure enough, Chen Wei couldn't be solved so easily. Not only has the Chen family recovered now Before, and even one step closer.

It seems that the business of Chen's villa is inevitable.

When they arrived at the company, Zhu Li was already waiting for him. The two had just met, and Zhu Li said as he walked: "The situation on the Internet has begun to be controlled. It should be that the Huo family has already started to take action, but tax evasion is not easy to deal with." , I have already let the company's financial statement read the financial statement given on the Internet. There is indeed a phenomenon of tax evasion, but it is not serious. It’s a little difficult to do.”

"Go and find out who is the person who released the bill, and also find out who is the person who solved Chen's tax evasion this time. It's the best if you can find out. If you can't find out, don't force it for now." Find out who is behind the scenes.

"Yes, President." Lin Cheng, who had been cold for a few days, became lively in an instant. There were not a few people who gossip. The Huo family, the Sheng family, and the YS family all controlled it together, but they were faintly unable to control it. It can be seen that the people behind Chen Wei are very powerful.

"President, it's almost time to go to the meeting." Seeing that it was almost nine o'clock, Lin Li knocked on the door and came in to remind him.

"Okay, you go with me." After straightening his cuffs, Huo Chen was expressionless but majestic, got up and walked to the meeting room.

Before the person arrived, he could hear the noisy people in the conference room from a distance, talking continuously.

Not caring what these people were saying, Huo Chen opened the door and walked in directly. It was quiet for a moment, you looked at me and I looked at you, and finally all eyes were on Huo Chen who was standing on the main seat.

"Everyone asked me to come here. I have something to say." Smoothing the wrinkles on his clothes, Huo Chen frowned and sat down, lowering his head and playing with the ring on his hand, with a bad expression on his face.

"Huo Chen, don't be too arrogant. We are all people who worked hard with your grandfather back then. If you can't manage the Huo Group, then find someone who can manage it. Look at the Huo Group. What is it like now!"

Sitting not far away, an old man with gray hair stood up with a cane, and yelled at Huo Chen.

"It's just a small incident that scares you into this state. My grandfather is my grandfather, and I am me. If you have any objections to me, I don't mind if you leave Huo's." The tone was indifferent, without eyes Hey, talking to this group of people is purely a waste of his time.

"Huo Chen, you are really deceiving people. Are we not shareholders of Huo Corporation? Don't think that you don't care about us because you own 50.00% of Huo Corporation's shares. Don't forget that if we Two-thirds of the people voted against you, you can't stay in Huo's any longer!" The old man sitting on the other side, with his face covered all over, stood up and slapped the table and shouted sharply, panting and shouting , his face was flushed, and his face was hideous and ugly.

"I don't mind taking back everyone's stocks. I have a way to get them back how my grandfather gave them back. Do you want to try?" I am really upset, Xiaoshi's matter has not been resolved, Chen Wei also stepped forward, and this group of people came to add to the obstruction again, and his patience was about to run out.

"Achen, Grandpa Liu knows that you feel bad, but everyone is a shareholder after all, and they all care about Huo's life and death. It's really bad news on the Internet now. How can you go about tax evasion and tax evasion? Do!"

Seeing that the quarrel was almost over, Liu Lan stood up, acting as if we were all thinking of you, which made Huo Chen feel even worse.

"Of course I won't do it. I make my own decisions about Huo's affairs. If you stay at home honestly, you will help me. There is nothing to say. I have something else to do. Let's go first."

After glancing at Liu Lan, a sneer flashed in Huo Chen's eyes, and he turned and left regardless of the shouts from a group of people behind him.

"Old Liu, look at this Huo Chen, he is so arrogant and conceited, he doesn't pay attention to us shareholders at all, you have to talk to Mr. Huo, we are also doing this for the future of the Huo Corporation, Huo Chen really can't continue to be the president."

"Don't worry, everyone. These are all my duties. I'll talk about them later. Don't worry, everyone, calm down!" The eyes flashed, but there was always a kind smile on his face.

"President, this group of people is obviously uneasy and well-intentioned. Why don't you ask Mr. Huo to come forward and deal with it?"

"Deal with the rumors and the Chen family first. I have plenty of opportunities to deal with these people!" Interrupting Lin Li, Huo Chen returned to the office with his brows frowned, feeling a little irritable.

After some testing, it turns out that among this group of old stubborns, only Liu Lan is the most threatening one, but I don't know who he is working for now.

"Lin Li, come in." Picking up the phone on the table, Huo Chen pressed the corners of his brows, feeling irritable.

"President, you found it." Lin Li's face was gloomy. Things on the Internet were a little out of control. Now more and more people are participating.
"Check Liu Lan, hurry up." The test just now made him realize that Liu Lan might also come to test him, so he hastily held this shareholder meeting. There will be new tricks.

"Yes, President." Lin Li frowned, turned and left.

In the Chen Group CEO's office, Chen Wei was leaning on the chair in his spare time, his face was relaxed, his eyes were slightly closed, and Chen Yi stood aside, "Father, the Huo Group is about to lose its stability, do you want to move on to the next step?"

(End of this chapter)

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