Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 119 Cooperation

Chapter 119 Cooperation
"Contact that old fox, Liu Lan, and let him confirm the matter of tax evasion!" It's good to strike while the iron is hot, and drag Huo Chen down in one fell swoop, so that he won't use his brains again, and another accident will not be easy to deal with. up!
"Don't worry father, I'll go now." Chen Yi nodded, with a smile on his face, he turned and left.

Back in his office, Chen Yi lowered his face, leaned back on the chair, raised his head and squeezed his swollen head, closed his eyes and took a deep breath before taking out his cell phone and making a call.

After waiting for a while, an old voice came from the opposite side, "What else is there?"

"Old Liu, what's the matter? Will our cooperation continue?" Chen Yi's voice was careless, with a smile on his lips.

"Young Master Chen, Huo Chen is not a cheap lamp. You have made so many things, and it's not that you let him have a good time outside. I haven't considered the matter of cooperation yet. Let me think about it carefully." Eyes, a smile on the wrinkled face, Liu Lan's small abacus is crackling, and it has always been his rule to see the rabbit and not to scatter the eagle.

"Okay, since Mr. Liu has said so, I will give you another 2 minutes. If you haven't considered it yet, I can find someone else to cooperate. Let me remind you, Liu Lan, don't forget, Apart from you, the Huo Group has many shareholders!" The black pupils shrank slightly, Chen Yi was expressionless, and his tone was tough.

"Mr. Chen said this, but I'm offending the old man. Since Mr. Chen has said so, then the old man should be respectful and obedient. In the afternoon, make an appointment to meet. If there is anything you want me to do, how about meeting in detail?" After cooperating with Chen's at the beginning, Liu Lan knew that she had no way out, and she just wanted to increase some bargaining chips.

"Okay, since Mr. Liu is so happy, I will personally visit at two o'clock in the afternoon, and I hope we can have a good time." The ridicule in his eyes disappeared in a flash, Chen Yi sneered, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Throwing the phone on the table with a flick of his hand, he was slightly angry. Liu Lan, that old man, was extremely cunning.

The phone was hung up suddenly, Liu Lan narrowed her eyes, her face darkened in an instant, she threw away the phone in her hand, her complexion was cloudy.

"Master, why do you cooperate with this kind of person? If something goes wrong, I'm afraid I will be the first to push you to take the blame." The old housekeeper stood behind Liu Lan, with deep frowns between his brows, and sat down like this Things, if they are discovered, I am afraid that
"I have my own sense of proportion. Chen Wei and Chen Yi and his son are just relying on the support of someone behind them. How do you think the Ye family fell so quickly back then? It's not because there are people behind who want money. How can I have no cards when I cooperate with them? !" There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Liu Lan sneered, he was also lucky back then, and accidentally learned something, as long as he still held this handle in his hand, he would not worry about the Chen family not saving him.

"My lord, be careful in everything." Having been by Liu Lan's side all his life, the butler's eyes were cloudy, but he could see clearly. The Liu family was afraid. How could they do such a thing as seeking a tiger's skin!
"First arrange the servants in the villa, as well as the restless ones at home, let them all settle down a bit recently, and just get through this period of time!" Said his sons and grandsons, Liu Lan's face was a little depressed, she waved her hand, and walked upstairs with a cane. If it wasn't for the fact that the Liu family hadn't had a promising heir in two generations, why should he be like this.

With his old body, he still had to fight for it. If he fell down, the Liu family would definitely be expelled from Lin City within five years.

At this moment, Huo Chen's face was dark, looking at the group of people standing in front of him, his eyes were gloomy and his anger was rising.

"President, I have already checked. The bill that was released before is indeed our bill from last year, but several numbers on it have been changed. The document has been sealed and put in the company's archives." Clenched tightly, stood in the middle, finished speaking tremblingly, and quickly lowered his head to return to his original position.

"It's true that you can't blame you for the document being stolen, but when I said to check it, there is no problem with who is mine." The sharp eyes swept across, and Huo Chen's temples twitched. There are things like this happening now.

"President, we checked at the beginning and there was indeed no problem. The documents were not lost or tampered with, and even the lock on the door of the archives was still intact." Everyone was puzzled during the inspection. After walking around, I didn't lose anything at all, which seemed a little abnormal, but I didn't find out any problems after checking, so I left it behind.

"How is the matter on the website going? Have the family members of the troubles been appeased? Have you negotiated with the partners and suppliers who are clamoring to terminate the contract? Huo's pays you wages, not for you to take care of the elderly, go immediately now Do it!" The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, Huo Chen stood up abruptly, with a gloomy expression, and squinted his eyes and asked a row of people in front of him.

"Yes, CEO, let's do it right away." As soon as Huo Chen finished speaking, a row of people in front of him quickly disappeared into the office, and the anger in his heart grew stronger. It seemed that it was time for the company to clean up.

"Bang bang bang!" Not long after he left, there was a knock on the door. Through the door, Lin Li's voice was a bit dull: "President, we have already found out some things about Liu Lan."

"Come in." After tidying up his clothes, Huo Chen sat down, picked up the pen on the table, and said expressionlessly.

"President, I just found out that Liu Lan might be meeting a more important person in her villa this afternoon. The housekeeper of the Liu family has already cleaned up the entire Liu family villa, and not a single servant was left behind." Lin Li briefly reported and checked. to things.

Frowning slightly, she always felt that things were not that simple, so she stood aside.

"Find someone to monitor, I want to know who met him and what he said in detail." Sure enough, he looked right, how could that old bastard Liu Lan organize a group of idle old fritters for no reason? general meeting of shareholders.

"Yes, President, it's just..." Swallowing, Lin Li stood aside with a hesitant expression on his face.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Lin Li has been with him for so many years, he knows what kind of person he is, and if it wasn't about the company, he wouldn't be so hesitant to speak.

"Mr. Huo asked you to go back to Huo's house right away. The butler said that the old man answered a phone call and he is angry now. He asked you to control your temper a little after you go back." Well, Mr. Huo has a tough personality, and the president is not too lenient. When these two get together, they are probably going to quarrel again. It's no use for him to say such a few words.

"Understood, you go down first, make sure to keep an eye on Liu Lan."

(End of this chapter)

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