Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 120 Quarrel

Chapter 120 Quarrel
Huo's family is in a mess now, and the stubborn old man in the family wants to interfere. Huo Chen's face became more and more ugly, but he still left the door immediately after Lin Li left.

All the way back to the old house, the housekeeper was already waiting at the door: "Master, I'm afraid the master will lose his temper this time. You know his temper, so bear with it. The master's health has become worse and worse over the years, and his anger will hurt his body." ,you."

"I see, you go in first, I'll figure it out." Huo Chen nodded at the butler, and walked directly to the study.

He knocked on the door and pushed it in. Sure enough, he just took a step in when a book flew towards him and hit the wall not far away. Huo Chen didn't panic at all, and walked away leisurely. Go in and sit on the chair opposite.

"You still have the face to come back, Huo Chen, when I gave Huo's to you, I asked you to do this kind of thing? If your grandpa Liu hadn't told me, I would still be kept in the dark! Cough cough cough. "Speaking of the excitement, Mr. Huo couldn't help it. He covered his chest and coughed frantically. With a trembling hand, he took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth. It took a long time before he gradually calmed down.

"I said why are you looking for me in such a hurry? Am I that kind of person in your heart?" Tilting your head, your eyes are like torches, staring straight at Huo Lao's eyes, deep in the eyes Mixed with light disappointment and irony.

"What kind of person, Huo Chen, you have been suppressing the old department I left over these years. After you took over the Huo Group, all the people I stayed behind will be cleared away? I'm your grandfather, you put Everyone cleaned up where to put my face, how on earth do you want me to face those old subordinates, they are all people who accompany me to fight!"

One hand was pointed straight at Huo Chen's, and Mr. Huo's face was flushed. He never thought that he would teach such a grandson to use such unscrupulous means in order to control the entire company.

"Do you need me to tell you what kind of people you left behind? All of them are pocketed, and they know how to play prestige every day when they don't do business. I really think I, Huo Shi, are you Charity organization?" Thinking of those who were cleared out by him, Huo Chen became even more angry, if it wasn't for those shareholders, he didn't have time to deal with it right now, he would probably have left the company long ago, and he could still ventilate here Report the letter, make a small report.

"Huo Chen, are you looking down on your grandfather me now? Cough cough cough. Huo Chen, let me tell you, no matter what they are doing, Huo's achievements are also due to them, so just keep silent Wouldn't it be chilling for Bu Xiang to drive them away? Now go and apologize to your grandfather Liu immediately, as the second largest shareholder, can he not control the company's affairs?"

Mr. Huo panted heavily, and stood up on crutches, staggering as if he could fall to the ground at any time.

"Impossible, I have something to do now, so I'm leaving first." It was a waste of words, Huo Chen stood up, turned around and was about to leave.

"Huo Chen, you. You stop. Stop! Boom!" Before he finished speaking, Mr. Huo fell to the ground with his eyes closed, completely unconscious.

When Huo Chen heard the commotion, his expression froze. He turned around and saw the figure of Mr. Huo. He hurried forward and walked around behind the table. He was lying on the ground behind the table. His face was pale and he was trembling. He looked very uncomfortable. good looking.

Feeling flustered all of a sudden, he managed to calm down, quickly picked up Mr. Huo who was lying down, and ran downstairs.

"Master, master! Young master, what's the matter, master." The butler has been waiting downstairs, fearing that Huo Chen and Mr. Huo will have a conflict, so he rushes up to stop him at the first moment, but he turned around and saw Huo Chen Hold people down.

"Call the driver, go to the nearest hospital, hurry up!" Although he was already very disappointed in his heart, his grandfather brought him up, and when he was in this situation, he regretted and reluctantly rushed forward, making him a little breathless gas.

Huo Chen hurried to the hospital. Huo Chen didn't say a word along the way, his face was pale, and his expression was full of struggles. He looked at the old man lying on the seat, his hair was white and weathered, and the wrinkles on his face could not be covered up no matter what. , my heart is a little heavy.

Escorted all the way to the emergency room, Huo Chen leaned against the wall slumped, the red emergency light at the door was always on
It didn't take long for Mr. Huo to be sent in. Ye Chuan knew the news, and he frowned. What happened was too coincidental. Fearing that something might happen to the Huo family, he stood up and asked Zhu Li to go out. go and see.

Halfway through, Ye Chuan pursed his lips and called Ye Shi: "Xiaoshi, Mr. Huo is in the emergency room now, and I'm going to go there now, do you want to go and have a look?" After much deliberation, he still made this call. There are not many ten years in which he can wait. All his younger sister's youth and love are on Huo Chen's body. After going around for so many years, he doesn't want her to regret it in the future.

"I'll be right there! Brother, you go first." Huo's just had such a thing happen, and turning around, Grandpa Huo had another accident. Huo Chen's current mood can be known without even thinking about it. The confusion in his heart, the struggle was suddenly thrown away At the back of her mind, her mind is now full of Huo Chen, thinking of hurrying over to see him and comfort him, he is sadder than anyone else now.
Not caring about tidying up, Ye Shi changed into simple clothes and drove to the hospital.

The operation was still in progress. Huo Chen put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall. His hair, which was originally delicate and neat, was now a little messy. His bangs, which were neither long nor short, hung on his forehead, giving him a bit of unruliness out of thin air.

"Huo Chen, how's the situation?" Ye Shi hurried to the hospital first, and Ye Chuan found him without much effort.

"It's not good. I suspect that Liu Lan and the Chen family have cooperated. The old man asked me to go back this time because Liu Lan tipped off the news. I guess I don't have the energy to take care of it now. You help me keep an eye on him. He probably will I want to meet with the Chen family!"

Although he was too flustered, Huo Chen still explained the matter in a simple and orderly manner.

"It's going to be fine. I'll help you with anything else. You can stay here carefully. Do you need me to call Xingnan over? After all, he is a doctor. He may have a solution for patients." After such a thing, he can't help much, and he can only do what he can.

"I'm sorry to bother you. Lin Li will take care of the other things. You don't need to act yet. Don't worry, I won't hold on." Unexpectedly, Ye Chuan was the first to help at this time. Huo Chen laughed at himself He smiled and bowed his head in silence.

"Okay, I'll go first, I'll call if I need something." At this time, his consolation is useless at all, it's better to help him a few times, and finally looking at Huo Chen, Ye Chuan turned and left, it can be said that he came Go in a hurry and go in a hurry.

Ye Shi and Sheng Xingnan rushed to the hospital at the same time, they looked at each other, and didn't say a word to go in to find anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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