Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 121 Successful Surgery

Chapter 121 Successful Surgery
When she saw Huo Chen, Ye Shi's eyes couldn't help but shed tears. When she heard the news and didn't see anyone else, she wished she could hurry up, but after seeing someone, But hesitated a little afraid to go forward.

Sheng Xingnan, on the other hand, glanced at the girl beside him, sighed and ignored her, and hurried forward: "How is the situation? How long has it been since the operation? What happened after fainting? Has anyone come out of the operating room?" Ever? Mr. Huo."

"After fainting, my whole body trembled, my complexion was pale, and I was stimulated. I had cough symptoms before, and my face would turn red when I spoke faster. No one came out during the operation. I don't know the rest." He usually doesn't go back to the old house. , Others have to ask the housekeeper.

"Let me go in and have a look first. I'll tell you if I have any news. Don't worry. The symptoms you mentioned may be a heart attack. As long as the heart disease is treated in time, you will be fine." Pointed at Huo Chen Nodding, Shengxing Nan turned and left.

It was a rare harmony for the two to meet. Hearing what Sheng Xingnan said, Huo Chen's complexion improved a little, he raised his head and nodded at him, and turned his eyes to the girl standing not far away.

Surprised for a moment, he thought he had misread it, and quickly turned his head to look, and it turned out to be the person who haunted him in his dreams.

Taking two steps forward in disbelief, Huo Chen's eyes widened slightly: "Xiaoshi."

"I'll take a look at you and Grandpa Huo, how are you doing now?" Now that she has been seen, all her original apprehension has been taken back in her heart, Ye Shi took two steps forward with the corners of her mouth pulled, and walked up to him. asked softly in front of him.

"I don't know what's going on yet, Xiaoshi, why are you here, it's Yuan"

"I haven't thought about those things yet. It's just that Grandpa Huo has taken care of me for a while after all. I'll come and see him. How are you doing during this time? I heard that the Huo family has a little problem." Interrupting Huo Chen's words in the previous step, Ye Shi clenched her hands tightly, feeling a little nervous.

"I'm fine. The Huo family has a little problem for the time being. I can solve it. Don't worry, take good care of yourself." After holding back for a long time, Huo Chen raised his hand and gently stroked Ye Shi's hair , his complexion looked much better than before.

"It's fine, then I'll wait here with you. Brother Nan has already entered. His medical skills are very good. You have to trust him." Seeing him, my mind went blank for an instant, I didn't know what to say, I didn't even know what I did, all actions were based on instinct.

"Sit down, the surgery won't heal so quickly." Now is not the time to talk about things, and he doesn't have the mood of flirting with love for the time being. He sat down with Ye Shi. Huo Chen looked calm and didn't speak. say.

The waiting time was so tough, especially with a man she couldn't ignore sitting beside her, Ye Shi gradually couldn't sit still, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she squeezed her trouser legs tightly with both hands, before she could sit still. Barely suppress other thoughts.

After waiting for about a century, Sheng Nan, who had gone in before, came out with a serious expression.

"Huo Chen, the operation was a success, but since Brother Chuan asked me to come here, I think I should explain some things to you clearly,"

"Say." The originally relaxed body tensed up immediately, Huo Chen frowned, and his heart was raised suddenly.

"Did the old man have a history of fainting due to a heart attack before?" Although the operation was successful, after a series of examinations, the results of the examinations were not satisfactory. Other doctors would not dare to tell Huo Chen about this kind of thing , the rest is him, after all, as the young master of the Sheng family, it was Ye Chuan who called him over, so he would show some face.

"About five years ago, the situation is similar to the current situation." Five years ago, he had a big fight with his grandfather in the ward, so he remembered very clearly that his grandfather was hospitalized five years ago.

"That's right. The old man is already old. Even if the injury five years ago has healed, it can still be used as an introduction to make him fall ill. This operation will seriously damage his vitality. Huo Chen, be prepared Well, not a few years."

These words were too cruel. After finishing speaking, Sheng Xingnan shook his head and turned around. If he didn't say some things, he might be even more sad when the time came. Although he really didn't like Huo Chen very much, as a doctor, he had to say what he had to say. Absolutely will not hide.

"Achen, don't be sad, let's go see Grandpa Huo first, he's alone in the ward now." Unexpectedly, it would be resolved like this in the end, a tear fell from the corner of his eye and fell to the ground, Ye Shi stepped forward One step tugged on Huo Chen's sleeve.

"I know, Xiaoshi, I've been tired for so long, you go back first, I'll go see grandpa." I always felt that there was still a long time before, and I always felt that the old house was annoying and I didn't want to go back. Some dare not face it.

"Ah Chen, I'll accompany you, I'm not tired." I've never seen such a depressed Huo Chen, the worry on Ye Shi's face was beyond words, she naturally grabbed his arm with both hands, and carefully helped him to the ward walk in.

Mr. Huo is now covered with tubes all over his body, lying on the hospital bed, his face is pale, and his breathing is weak.

Huo Chen's face was calm, he broke free from Ye Shi's hands, sat on the chair beside the bed, stared at Mr. Huo with red eyes, and said nothing.

Ye Shi wisely didn't bother her, walked to the sofa not far away and sat down, lay on her side with one hand supporting her head, and yawned. Originally, she wanted to guard the person in front of her, but she didn't expect how long the United States would take. He closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

The strings in his heart were always tense, Ye Shi was already exhausted, Mr. Huo had succeeded in the operation, he suddenly relaxed, resting his head on his hands, although his posture was twisted and ugly, he still fell asleep after a while.

The sky slowly turned from bright to dark, and Huo Chen sat on the chair in a daze without moving his body.

Ye Shi was woken up by a small voice, she frowned and opened her eyes, only to find that it was her brother who came.

At this time, she couldn't understand what Huo Chen said about the company, so she didn't go up to join in the fun.

"It was Chen Yi that Liu Lan saw. Although Chen Yi hid it well, I'm sure that person was him, Liu Lan, that old fox. When the two of them were talking, in the study room, no one could go in, so our people only knew It's probably because of the bill that was leaked by that person on the Internet before, so be careful and watch out for Liu Lan."

Ye Chuan looked a little annoyed, he didn't expect Liu Lan to be so cautious, it was not easy to resolve this crisis.

"Knowing that Liu Lan is indeed in collusion with the Chen family is already a great help to me. You can go back with Xiaoshi and tell her to let her wait for me. When I settle everything, I will go talk to her." Plead guilty."

Originally, I planned to wait and see what happened, to see what kind of tricks these people were playing.

(End of this chapter)

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