Chapter 128
Since Chen Wei doesn't want the Chen family anymore, you are welcome!
Huo Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, resting his hands lazily on the chair, closing his eyes and suddenly feeling much better.

As time passed, Ye Chuan frowned and gave up work altogether. He always felt that Sheng Xingnan would not give up so easily, so he sat on the sofa with his brows frowned. Although he had received accurate information, Chen Wei was indeed bringing Chen Yi Registered and left, but he always felt that according to Chen Wei's city, it was impossible to leave so easily, there must be a ghost in the process.

Seeing that it was completely dark, the people sent to the surrounding area of ​​the Sheng family's house did not send any news back.

Feeling uneasy, Ye Chuan frowned and decided to take a look even though he really didn't like the rest of the Sheng family.

At this time, Shengxing Nan was ready to dress, wearing a simple black sportswear, and simply put on makeup for himself, simplifying the facial features, making it difficult for people to remember. Climb up and down.

Sure enough, when they reached the gate of the Sheng family, there were several people leaning on the tree with their hands folded on their chests not far away. At a glance, they were people sent by Ye Chuan. , got out from the small door in the wall.

This place was dug out when he was young to run away from Sheng's house to play in Ye's house, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now. This place has been around for so many years, so it can be seen that other people don't know it at all.

From this place, there is a small road a few steps ahead, as long as you walk quickly, you can reach Chen's house in more than half an hour. This road was also found by him when he was a child to save time. This time It can be said to be a great help.

Without alarming others at all, he ran out of Sheng's house from the layers of defense in a relaxed manner, Sheng Xingnan took a deep breath, and walked briskly towards the Chen's villa.

Since it was still early and he could barely see clearly, he had to go and feel around the Chen family's villa first.

As soon as Shengxing Nan stepped on the starting path, Ye Chuan arrived at Sheng's house.

Someone came to visit, and in the huge Sheng family, only Mr. Sheng and Mrs. Sheng came out to entertain guests, and none of the others showed up. However, this was exactly as Ye Chuan wanted. He really didn't want to see the rest of the Sheng family. , very annoying.

"Why did Mr. Ye come to visit you so late?" He blew on the teacup, took a sip, and asked with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"It's nothing important. The junior came late at night to discuss something with Xingnan and interrupted the old man's rest." There's no need for him to break face with the Sheng family, otherwise Shengnan's situation will be much more difficult.

"In this case, Xingnan's mother, you can take Mr. Ye up, I won't entertain you anymore, after all, I'm old, so it's not as strong as you young people!" Shaking his head, Mr. Sheng stood up and was supported by the housekeeper. went upstairs.

"Excuse me." Ye Chuan stood up after him, lowered his head and said softly.

"Why does Xiao Chuan come to look for Xingnan at this time? Is there something important?" Sheng's mother asked curiously when Mr. Sheng left.

Only Mother Sheng and him were left in the living room, and Ye Chuan had nothing to hide, so he briefly explained the matter and followed Mother Sheng upstairs.

"That kid from Xingnan is not a reckless person, why is he so impulsive this time?" Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Sheng's mother's face froze, knowing that something bad was going to happen, she hurried upstairs with her skirt in her hands. It's over, if I want to leave, I'm afraid I'll leave long ago, even if I chase after him, I may not be able to catch up, I just hope that the child of Xingnan will not be impulsive.

He walked quickly, and within a few steps, he came to the door of Sheng Xingnan's room. The door opened as soon as it was pushed, and the inside was so empty that no one could be seen.

Sheng's mother's face turned pale, and she turned to look at Ye Chuan behind her, with a trembling voice, "I'm afraid Xingnan has already left, Xiao Chuan. He just has a stubborn temper, and I'm afraid it will be hard to explain what happened this time!"

"I'll go and have a look now, you wait for him at home, remember not to disturb the rest of the Sheng family." I knew that Sheng Xingnan would not let it go, but I didn't expect him to sneak out of the Sheng family quietly.

"Okay, then I'll leave everything to you. Something happened to Xiaochuanye's family back then, and Xingnan always hated himself for not being able to help. I'm afraid that being so stubborn this time may have something to do with what happened ten years ago. Auntie, please, I will definitely We must bring Xingnan back safely”

Chen Wei is not an easy person to get along with. Even she, who doesn't go out often, has heard of the things he did recently. I jumped in by myself.

"Don't worry." Time waits for no one. After Ye Chuan said this, he hurriedly left from Sheng's house, took everyone with him to the Chen's villa, and was so angry that he understood it so clearly. , In the end, he secretly went without telling him.

It's just that I don't know what to say, and my courage is getting bigger and bigger. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain and going to the tiger mountain, it's just stupid.

The car took the main road, and it took half an hour to drive from Sheng's house to Chen's house. After parking the car a little less than [-] yuan, Ye Chuan got out of the car and led a group of people to approach Chen's villa quietly.

It's almost ten o'clock, and the Chen family's villa is not in a lively place. It's quiet around here. There's not even a light on in the villa. It seems that the real owner is not there. The surrounding quietness makes people feel a little flustered.

"Split up, and get Sheng Xingnan back for me. If he resists, knock him out and take him away!" If it weren't for the special circumstances, Ye Chuan would have had the entire Chen family surrounded to find Sheng Xingnan and beat him up. He is really outrageous.

"Father, Sheng Xingnan and Ye Chuan have already arrived, but Ye Chuan brought a lot of people, it seems that they came to find Sheng Xingnan, the people outside have surrounded the whole villa, and their every move Under surveillance." After a day's flight, even Chen Yi, who is energetic, still feels a little dizzy at this moment, let alone Chen Wei, who has already leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

"Let's keep an eye on it for the time being, and obstruct Ye Chuan appropriately. Don't let him find Sheng Xingnan. After Sheng Xingnan comes in, find a chance for him to find out. Whether he can get in or not is the business of Young Master Ye." He was short of breath, Chen Wei closed his eyes and let out a long breath. Although he was physically exhausted, he was very energetic at this time, and even though his eyes were closed, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Father, don't worry, I have already explained it, and I guarantee that Shengxing Nan will be able to come in smoothly." A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, Chen Yi nodded and turned to leave from the basement. Originally, he didn't plan to attack them so soon, but who asked Huo Chen to cooperate with Ye Chuan pressed on every step of the way, and they had nowhere to attack Ye Shi, so they could only make Shengxing Nanchu bleed.

All the arrangements have been made, and now I am waiting for Xiao Yang to throw himself into the trap, and come to the study to sit down in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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