Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 129 Successful Kidnapping

Chapter 129 Successful Kidnapping
Chen Yi was humming lightly, shaking the wine glass, with his legs resting on the table, and the intermittent humming sound floated in the dark room.

Time passed, and I searched around the Chen family's villa for three full times, but I couldn't find a single person, and there was no news from the Sheng family. I was planning to expand the search area, and when I looked up, I saw a black figure not far away. He quickly jumped in from the wall.

Although he was so dark that he couldn't see the person's appearance clearly, Ye Chuan recognized him at a glance just by his figure, that person was Sheng Xingnan.

"Chasing them in, get them out!" After jumping over the wall so openly, did he really think that there was no one in the Chen family?Almost crying stupidly, Ye Chuan led a group of people and quickly turned inside.

Turning inside is the back garden. The figure I saw before is no longer found at all. The layout of the villa has been changed by Chen Wei to be extremely complicated. According to Sheng Xingnan's mind, he might get lost if he goes in, so he ordered two people to guard outside. The two people stood guard here, and deliberately left two people to hide in the dark. If something went wrong, they immediately reported to Huo Chen, and then walked inside with the rest of them in peace.

Although the situation inside is very complicated and you can't see clearly because it's dark, but fortunately, the last time you came here, Ye Chuan led people all the way in without any risk, and he had already reached the room where Chen Wei went in. The door of the room was gone, but there was no sign of Sheng Xingnan.

"The president didn't find Mr. Sheng's person. The first floor has been searched all over, and only the back is left!" We have reached the end and there are no windows here. If it wasn't for a group of people walking around and making noise occasionally, there might be someone standing in front of me may not be able to find out.

"Go and search elsewhere." This is the deepest place. According to the complexity of the previous road conditions, Shengxingnan must not be able to reach here. The search area must be expanded. Ye Chuan frowned tightly, always feeling that something seemed wrong. Not quite right.

Even if Chen Wei and Chen Yi have gone out, it is impossible for the huge Chen family to have no servants. They have been in for such a long time, but they have not even noticed any movement. The Chen family is so big, those servants go where is it.

"Speed ​​up, split up, and gather in the living room for half an hour." In half an hour, if you still can't find him, you can only go out and find someone to help. Chen Wei is a very evil person, and he messed up his own house. gloomy.

"Yes, President." A total of four people were brought in and searched separately. Half an hour was enough to turn the entire villa upside down.

The person on the first floor is the most suspected, this place is like a maze, Ye Chuan touched the wall, turned on the phone with a little dim light, and with his extraordinary memory, he turned in every corner and searched for it. After looking around for half an hour, I searched every corner, but still found no one.

The situation was very wrong, I walked back to the living room lightly, and waited for 5 minutes, but none of the people who had made an appointment before showed up. Knowing that something happened, I hurried outside, and all the people who were guarding outside disappeared. up.

I thought it was a bad idea, I was afraid that Ye Chuan was walking fast and was about to climb over the wall to get out, when the lights of the whole villa suddenly turned on.

Knowing that he couldn't get out, he simply stopped what he was doing, and Ye Chuan turned around and walked back.

"Boss Ye is so brave, you actually came back by yourself?" The living room is not as empty as before, Chen Wei and Chen Yi are sitting on the sofa, and a row of bodyguards are standing not far away, lying on the ground in front of the sofa The ten people whose lives and deaths were unknown were brought here by him, and Sheng Xingnan was lying at Chen Yi's feet with their eyes closed.

"Where is Mr. Chen smart? I wonder when Mr. Chen plans to let him go outside?" Sure enough, Chen Wei and Chen Yi were both there, and they were destined to be unable to take them away today. If you want to return, you must go back and inform Huo Chen.

"Why leave in a hurry, Ye Chuan, it's rare for you to take the initiative to come to my Chen family as a guest. As the head of the Chen family, I certainly want to treat you well, don't you think so?" Shrewd.

"My sister is still waiting for me to go back, so why should Mr. Chen force others to make things difficult for him?" Although he knew that he couldn't leave, Ye Chuan didn't want to give up as long as he had a little hope. If he didn't go back all night, Xiaoshi might be worried about what he would be like.

"Hey, Mr. Ye wants to come here by himself. Naturally, he will stay for a few more days!" As soon as the words fell, Chen Wei's expression changed, and he ordered Ye Chuan and Shengxing Nan to be taken away with a blank expression. Throwing it out, it seemed that he was not afraid of others knowing it at all.

Before Ye Chuan could figure it out, he was hit hard on the back of the neck, his consciousness was instantly blurred, and he passed out.

"Take it to the basement, and tie the two of them to the chairs separately, and tie them firmly." After finally catching Shengxing Nan and changing to Ye Chuan, Chen Yi felt a lot relieved. After returning to China for so long, this time was the only big harvest.

"Don't lock it up here and take it abroad overnight. Ye Shi and the Sheng family are nothing to be afraid of. Huo Chen is not that easy to deal with. Do you think this basement can hide from Huo Chen's eyes?" Take these two people away, otherwise he spent so much effort to kidnap them away, Huo Chen found them in the Chen family at a glance, so why would he use them!
"Yes, Father!" Chen Yi bowed his head and asked the bodyguards to carry Sheng Xingnan and Ye Chuanwai outside.

After flying all night, the group arrived at their destination when the sky was slightly bright. Ye Chuan also slowly regained some consciousness at this time. He moved his hands and tried to open his eyes, but found that his eyes were covered by a black cloth. up.

His hands were tied behind his back, his legs and feet were also tightly bound, and he couldn't move at all. He adjusted his posture slightly to make himself lean a little more comfortably. Suddenly, a heavy object came up on his shoulders. He shrugged and turned sideways to touch it. When he found out that it was Sheng Xingnan, he didn't resist, just sat on the seat obediently, listening to the wind outside, he probably knew that he was in the car.

There was darkness in front of him, and he couldn't tell where he was at all, and he had no concept of time, until after a long time, he felt the car stopped, someone opened the door, and took Sheng Xingnan away, and then he felt a pair of hands on his At the waist, just as he was about to struggle, he was carried on his shoulders. The head-down posture was really uncomfortable, and his stomach was pressed against him, which made him want to vomit.

As if a century had passed, after a long time, my body lightened and I fell on a bed. The black cloth on my eyes was also removed. The eyes hurt from the bright light, and tears flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably It took a long time for him to open his eyes.

He and Shengnan seem to have been taken to a certain warehouse, a boxy house with a large area, at this moment he is sitting on the bed in the middle, Shengxingnan is lying at his feet, not yet awake come over.

There was no one around, and there was only a bed in the middle and a chair not far away in the whole room, and nothing else.

(End of this chapter)

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