Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 135 No chance

Chapter 135 No chance
Something happened to Ye Chuan, and Huo Chen's protection of Ye Shi will be more stringent. To annoy Huo Chen at such a time, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I gave Huo Chen such a long time, but he has no fighting spirit, so I will help him. As long as Ye Shi is in our hands, Huo Chen will not dare to jump the wall. He can only kneel in front of me and send Huo Shi Give it to me!" Seeing Shen Yayu lying lifelessly in the ice coffin with her eyes closed every day, Chen Wei's heart ached as if it had been gouged out, he couldn't wait any longer, he didn't want to wait for a moment.

"But father, it's not that simple to bring Ye Shi out, or we're growing up."

"What I said, you can do it. The Chen family is still in my hands. Do you have a share in your speech?" With his eyes wide open, Chen Wei raised his hand unceremoniously on Chen Yi's face, with a "snap" Crisp sound, especially in the quiet night.

"Yes, Father!" Tilting his head, Chen Yi lightly touched the numb left face from the slap, his tongue pressed against his cheek, his eyes were red, and his voice was hoarse.

The slap just now seemed to slap his self-esteem. There were bodyguards all around him. Although he didn't hear any sound, Chen Yi still felt that these people were laughing at him. There seemed to be countless strange eyes watching him. Gritting his teeth, holding back the tyranny in his heart, now is not the time, when he and Huo Chen fight to the death, it will be his chance.

Chen Wei is just relying on the power of the person behind him now, and one day he will replace him
Staring at his back with dark eyes, Chen Yi put his hands behind his back, his right hand pinched his palm tightly, barely showing his emotions outside, turned his head to look at the warehouse, and pulled an evil smile at the corner of his mouth , Chen Yi turned and left.

"Brother Chuan, did you hear it? It seems that Chen Yi and his son are arguing. I just heard the sound of slapping. The two of them are not going to fight among themselves!" Sheng Xingnan heard the movement.

It happened that when he walked to the door, he heard a crisp sound. According to his judgment, it must be the sound of a slap in the face. If Chen Yi and Chen Wei were really pinching each other, it would be great news for him and Ye Chuan up.

"What else did you hear?" Ye Chuan frowned and could only hear some small buzzing voices. He didn't hear what Sheng Xingnan said at all. Frowning, he simply moved away from the door, folded his hands on his chest, and waited for the news.

"When I came, I only heard a slap, and then Chen Yi said yes, probably because Chen Wei wanted him to do something insane. Chen Yi's conscience found that he didn't want to do it, so Chen Wei forced him. Father and son, who can tell clearly!"

Now there is no movement at all, Sheng Xingnan spread his hands and looked helpless, he might not be able to hear what Chen Wei wanted Chen Yi to do earlier, but he was a step late and didn't hear anything.

"Don't worry about it, it's just getting dark, take a good rest, we'll think of a way to see if we can get out in the early morning." The time of being locked up here is not short, only delivered food once two hours ago Yes, no one has ever come in, and no matter whether they need to go to the toilet or not, there is no trace of cameras in the whole warehouse, and no matter what they are doing inside, Chen Wei's approach made Ye Chuan wonder for a long time, I haven't figured it out until now.

"I listened to Brother Chuan, but Brother Chuan, did you say that she received the message you sent to Shimei?" Although she was kidnapped here by Chen Wei, apart from feeling guilty, Sheng Xingnan had never worried about her own safety. No matter how outrageous Chen Wei is, he will always let them go back in the end. After all, matters involving human life are not as simple as kidnapping.

Ye Chuan closed his eyes and leaned on the bed to take a nap. He heard Sheng Xingnan's words without raising his eyes, and said, "I should have received it. Chen Wei probably wanted to use this way to let Huo Chen take pictures. I can't find a chance tonight." Just stay at ease, Huo Chen should be here soon!"

"Brother Chuan, rest, I'll keep watch, anyway, I've been sleeping for a long time, and I can't sleep now!" Looking up, it looks like the sky, the only place where you can see the outside of the whole warehouse is this transparent ceiling, today's moon The color was unexpectedly good, sighed, Sheng Xingnan leaned on the bed, with his hands behind his head, a little absent-minded.

Before Sheng Xingnan woke up from his own world, a voice suddenly came from the door, he sat up straight and was about to get out of bed to have a look, when two teams of bodyguards rushed in outside the door, standing close to the warehouse wall.

Unexpectedly, Chen Wei would come up with such a trick, Shengxing Nan swallowed, and just about to wake Ye Chuan up, the people around him sat up by themselves, their eyes were sharp, it didn't look like they had just woken up.

"What does Chen Wei want to do? Personal surveillance?" I don't know what he wants to do. If he wants to monitor, adding a camera will save trouble. If so many people have to come in and watch, it will really make others feel uncomfortable. .

"I don't know, but since this is the case, go to sleep and cheer up, there will probably be a tough battle tomorrow." Looking at the battle, I'm afraid he has already figured out a countermeasure, and one person at five steps and one post at ten steps, I really think highly of him Now, just lie down on the bed and close your eyes to sleep. Since the precautions are so strict, it's better to abandon those unrealistic thoughts as soon as possible.

"No, Brother Chuan, are you just giving up?" Although there is no need to struggle in this situation, giving up so easily seems a bit...a bit too straightforward!Not believing that Ye Chuan would do this at all, Sheng Xingnan opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

"Have a good rest, don't think too much." Now that Chen Wei has passed the news back, it is only a matter of time before Huo Chen finds this place. Neither of them had any chance of winning.

Why bother to make indifferent sacrifices, it is better to cultivate enough energy to better seize the opportunities in the future!Ye Chuan shook his head and fell asleep.

The time for sleeping seemed to pass extremely fast, and the image in my mind was still from last night. As soon as I opened my eyes, Huo Chen had long since disappeared, and even Youyou didn't know where he went.

Get down from the bed in a daze, opened the curtains, Ye Shi squinted his eyes and stretched out his hand to cover the glare of the sun, it took a long time before he could barely open his eyes, today is a rare good weather, yawned and stretched At the waist, a hand suddenly appeared from behind to wrap around her waist and forcefully lead her behind.

With a scream of fright, Ye Shi's face turned pale, and Ye Shi struggled to break away the big hand on his waist, "Who are you? Let me go!"

"Shishi, what are you afraid of? Besides me, there is no one else in the house!" A familiar voice sounded beside her ears, and her warm breath flowed around her ears, but Ye Shi didn't have any charming thoughts at this moment. He stomped on his big feet, pulled his big hands, pushed the man out forcefully, and pulled his clothes back.

(End of this chapter)

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