Chapter 136

"Huo Chen, how could you be like this! You are like this, next time, you, if you want to be like this again, me, me, next time, see if I will let you into my house!" Ye Shi spoke incoherently in anger. Panting heavily, completely ignoring Huo Chen's embarrassment of jumping around with his feet in his arms, he shook his hands and left.

"Shishi, I just want to make you happy. Shishi"

Huo Chen hopped around the room with his legs in his arms for a long time, and when he saw that he was gone, Huo Chen put his legs down with a smile, his face turned cold, everyone had sent the clues to him, and after searching for so long, there was still nothing I didn't find out, and I don't know what's going on with Ye Chuan now. Although he said that Chen Wei would definitely not hurt him, Chen Wei is uncertain. Who knows what kind of things he will do? Come!

After staying in Wenrou Township for such a long time, it's time for him to go back. After she understands all these things, she can stay by his side with peace of mind, and Ye Chuan can also trust Shishi to himself.

Running out all the way, Ye Shi hid in Ye Youan's room angrily, because she often stayed with the children, this person had everything she needed, she simply washed up and changed into a comfortable body clothes, propped his head with his hands, sat by the window in a daze, snickered twice, then frowning for a while, his appearance changed a lot.

"Bang bang bang" there were a lot of things in his mind, and before he could come up with a reason, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, thinking that someone might be coming to apologize, the depression on his face instantly changed to With a smiling face, he straightened his clothes, walked over with a straight face on purpose, opened the door, and was about to turn around and walk back into the room, but found that the person who came was not Huo Chen, but the housekeeper.

"Housekeeper, what's the matter?" At this time, if you don't eat or do anything, it stands to reason that the housekeeper wouldn't knock on the door silently.

"Miss, some people came over just now, saying that there is news of the whereabouts of the husband, and asked if you need anything, miss." The housekeeper trembled slightly, lowered his head and sighed, looking a little unhappy.

Ye Shi was a little puzzled, shouldn't one be happy when there is news, but the butler looked sad, feeling something was wrong, but the worry in his heart still overwhelmed this point, Ye Shi glanced at Ye Youan, and said: "Since there is news, it's a good thing. Can the housekeeper have any conditions?"

"The person who came here said that he wants 100 million, and you need you to deal with him in person, otherwise he will not tell the news." The person's conditions were a bit too harsh, and the butler stood at the door, frowning, and sighed now. The number of times is almost enough for the previous year.

"What's the matter? Ask him if it's okay to trade at the entrance of the villa. Our Ye family is also in business, so we still have some integrity. If you say 100 million and give him one point, he won't lose him." Making such a request is nothing more than It's just for fear that they will regret it, the news of exchanging 100 million for Ye Chuan is already quite worth it in Ye Shi's eyes, and she doesn't mind spending some money to find out earlier.

"Okay, I'll go and ask, but Miss, the situation outside is so complicated now, do you want to talk to Mr. Huo about this matter?" The Ye family is now a flock of sheep that have lost their protection. If Mr. Huo hadn't been protecting them, I'm afraid it has been carved up by these high-sounding people in Lincheng long ago.

"No need for now, Ah Chen is probably too busy to be dizzy now, I'll go find him when I get the news!" It's just a transaction at the door of the house, not to mention that the Chen family and his son are not in Lincheng now, so nothing should happen. question.

"Then I'll prepare now, Miss, be careful." The butler bent over and turned around, a flash of emotion flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. Although his hair was gray, he walked much more nimbly than many young people.

Ye Shi watched the butler leave, feeling much better. She hugged Ye Youan and walked around the room twice with a smile, before falling down on the bed with a "bang", showing her first happy smile these days.

Originally thought that there would be a result soon, but I didn't expect to wait until the afternoon.

He had just finished lunch with Ye You'an, and was about to take a nap when the butler brought good news.

"Miss, it's all decided, but he said that he will be outside under the third tree at the gate of the community, and no more than three people can be brought outside. He will wait for you there in half an hour. After you go, remember not to let the bodyguards approach you If you go too far, if you scare people away, you might not be able to find them again!" The matter was arranged properly, and after the butler bent over and finished speaking, he waited quietly on the spot.

"Okay, without further ado, let's go now, have you got all the money ready?" Although the security facilities in the villa area where the Ye family lives are not as top-notch as Huo Chen's, it is already quite good in Lincheng. So for a mere man, even if he has ulterior motives, the three bodyguards she brought over by herself can kill him.

The location was set here, and Ye Shi was not worried at all, and she didn't even change her clothes. She was still in the comfortable home clothes in the morning. She put on her shoes and took her out.

She didn't take a car either, she held a small umbrella, stared at the big sun, and walked slowly with her eyes squinted. The villa area is very big, and it took about half an hour for her to reach the place.

At this time, a man wearing black sunglasses was standing there, with his head bowed, looking thin and weak, he would shake even when a car passed by him, he was as timid as a frightened bird.

After observing for a few minutes to make sure that there is no danger, Ye Shi took the box containing the money by herself. It was as heavy as if several big stones were placed in it. Unexpectedly, 100 million yuan was so heavy. Ye Shi secretly wiped off the cold sweat, Staggered forward.

"It's just that you know the news about my brother, I've brought the things here, so tell me!"

It was only a few steps away, but Ye Shi was tired and sweaty. He went to the shade of the tree and squatted down, putting the box in his hand on the ground. Ye Shi took a few breaths, calmed down, and then spoke.

"You, you are Ye Shi?" The slender voice didn't sound like a man's, but rather feminine. Ye Shi went up and down a lot, a little surprised.

Looking at this man from a distance, he looked thin and small but also quite tall, but he didn't expect that after walking in, he looked about as tall as her, but he was too thin, so he looked taller.

Clearing her throat, Ye Shi frowned slightly. She didn't have time to waste time with people here. She was carrying such a heavy thing under the sun, and her mood was very impetuous, so her tone became a little bad, and she said: "Yes. I, I have already given you what you want, shouldn't you also tell me the answer I want?"

"Of course, Miss Ye!"

A deep male voice came from behind, but before Ye Shi could react, her neck hurt and she fell to the ground and lost consciousness!

(End of this chapter)

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