Chapter 137

Embracing Ye Shi, who had fainted, Chen Yi smiled, and gently sent her into the car on the other side. He thought that Huo Chen was watching this woman, and it would not be easy to bring her out. Thinking of this woman's big heart, she dared to go out in such a situation, and she didn't know if she was stupid or naive, but it was good, it made it easier for him to act.

Ask someone to bring the three bodyguards behind, and take Ye Shi directly to the airport without staying too long.

It was just time for a nap, and her mother disappeared. Ye Youan panicked, and called Huo Chen with trembling hands, holding the receiver in both hands, sitting on the sofa with a pale face and staring at the door.

The call was connected quickly, Ye Youan resisted the urge to shed tears, and said in a stuttering voice: "Uncle, uncle, mother, my mother seems to be gone, you, her, is she with you now?"

Huo Chen was looking for some clues about Ye Chuan at this time, and wanted to surprise Ye Shi, but he was shocked by Ye Youan's words as soon as he picked up the phone. He calmed down and said, "Youyou, don't panic, isn't your mother at home now? Think about it, did she tell you today that she was going out, or did she tell you what she was going to do today? ?”

I couldn't sit still in the office, stood up holding my phone, picked up the car keys on the table, didn't even have time to get my coat, and strode outside, with an unprecedented seriousness on my face, as if there were knives in my eyes. Like flying, fierce and unusual.

"I didn't say that, my mother and I just took a nap. I woke up and went to find her. When I got to my mother's room, there was no one there. I searched the whole villa, but I couldn't find any trace. The servants at home said they didn't see her." until mom went out”

Unprecedented panic shrouded his heart, Ye Youan held the microphone, as if he was holding the only life-saving straw, and held it firmly in his hand, tears in his eyes couldn't stop swirling, but he insisted not to fall.

"I'll come over right away, Youyou, let your bodyguards search the entire neighborhood first, search carefully, send someone to the door to ask the security guards if they have seen your mother go out, do these two things well, and wait for the rest I'll talk when I'm here."

Before she left, she was told to be more careful, but she never thought that something would happen in the end, how could someone disappear for no reason, no one saw her go out, how could she disappear in the villa for no reason.

Galloping all the way to Ye's villa, the originally quiet neighborhood is now very noisy, there are bodyguards everywhere, looking for someone like headless chickens, no need to ask, you know, there must be no one.

"Uncle!" Ye You'an saw Huo Chen all the way away, shouted loudly and ran towards him: "I've searched everything, no one has seen my mother, but I asked the bodyguards to check in the security room Without monitoring, my mother seemed to go out by herself, just when I was taking a nap, and she hasn't come back until now."

Panting, she ran to Huo Chen, hugged his thigh, and looked up at him.

"I will investigate this matter, Youyou, do you know that you stay at home obediently?" Since she walked out by herself, but no servant in the villa saw her go out, if she wants to bypass everyone, unless it is
"Call me all the servants in the villa immediately, as long as they are in the villa, except Youyou, they must all be brought to the hall after 2 minutes!" Pulling the bodyguard beside him, Huo Chen's face was as dark as ink. , if it is what he thinks, the whole Huo family and Ye family need to be cleaned again.

Stride to the villa, that child Youyou has already done what should be done, and the rest is his business.

Standing in the living room with his back to the door, Huo Chen frowned, turning around in time, "Is everyone in the villa here?" He has seen the servants of the Ye family before, although he doesn't know if there are any. How many people, but not only six or seven people.

"Mr. Huo, except for the housekeeper, everyone is already here. Sir and miss do not like outsiders to disturb them, so there are always only seven servants, including the housekeeper, a total of eight people!" The bodyguard in charge stood aside trembling road.

"The housekeeper?" He is familiar with the housekeeper of the Ye family. Speaking of which, Ye Chuan specially found this person after returning to Lincheng. He was the housekeeper of the Ye family before they were defeated. Speaking of which, he also watched them together Grow up to be an old man.

"When did he disappear?" If you want to trick Shishi out of all the servants in the house and keep Shishi from being suspicious, this butler should be the only one in the villa who can do it.

"Mr. Huo, I've sent people to look for it, but the housekeeper's room is all empty. When did he leave? Even the surveillance camera didn't capture it, so..."

When did the person disappear, where did he go from, and whether anyone came to meet him. I don't know anything.

"Expand the scope of the search, take someone to the airport to check immediately, help the young master pack up, and bring a servant who is familiar with the young master, and come with me in half an hour!" Even with such strict precautions, Ye Shi can still Being kidnapped, the villa is no longer safe, Youyou has to follow him.

The person must have been taken away by the Chen family. Although he was very anxious, but fortunately, he had found some information about Ye Chuan before, and he would definitely be able to find out where they were in less than a day!

Ye Shi woke up shaking her head, her eyes were pitch black, she felt dizzy and a little nauseous, the back of her neck was throbbing with pain, but it was still within the range of endurance, her body was crooked and uncomfortable, just about to change her movements, Suddenly, the voice from before came to mind.

I opened my eyes and sat up in an instant, but felt that my body was restrained, my hands and feet should be tied up, my eyes were covered with a black cloth, and the bottom of my buttocks was soft. I guess I was sitting on a chair, or someone took me to a car On the road, although the driving was quite stable, Ye Shi still felt a little bumpy, and his eyes couldn't see, and the feeling of dizziness was even more uncomfortable.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Where do you want to take me?"

The eyes could not see, but the other senses became much clearer. I felt the sound of pouring water on the left side. Ye Shi pursed her lips and leaned slightly to the other side. When she was knocked out, she didn’t even see the other party. Now I don't know how long it has been, whether Youyou and Huo Chen have found out that they have been kidnapped, their hearts are very flustered, but their faces are quite calm.

"That's right, I woke up quite quickly, Miss Ye, my father just wanted you to watch a good show, don't worry, I'm not interested in you, and I don't have a habit of hurting others, just stay at ease, I Of course I won't embarrass you!"

Holding the wine glass, Chen Yi looked up and down at the woman in front of him, his eyes were calm and unmoved.

"In this case, can I trouble you to remove the thing above my eyes, I'm a little dizzy."

(End of this chapter)

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