Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 138 Who Are You

Chapter 138 Who Are You

Trying to control her voice so that her words would not tremble, Ye Shi gritted her teeth and sat up straight so that she would not look embarrassed.

"Of course it's okay, but, Miss Ye, you have to control your eyes. If you see something you shouldn't see, I don't mind hiding your eyeballs." I thought this woman would yell and cry More than that, I didn't expect to be so calm. This made Chen Yi a little interested. He licked his molars and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, sir, I naturally have this self-control." The visitor's wicked answer made her clenched her back molars. Although she was still a little timid in her heart, it was too frightening to lose sight of her eyes. You have to wait to see where you are before you can find a way to leave some marks on Huo Chen, and the chances of being found will be greater.

"Okay." As he spoke, Chen Yi waved his hand, motioning for the bodyguard behind to let Ye Shi untie it, and stared at her with his chin propped up.

The black cloth in front of her eyes was loosened, and Ye Shi squinted her eyes for a while before opening them with the urge to cry.

When the bright lights came down, Ye Shi looked around, and only then did she realize how stupid her thoughts were just now. She was indeed on a vehicle, but how could the plane flying in the sky leave any marks.
"How is it, what does Ms. Ye think of my plane?" Chen Yi smiled like a spring breeze, put down the wine glass in his hand and sat back on the chair, wearing a simple and elegant suit, spouting hairspray and meticulous styling, as if it was a solemn meeting.

"Who the hell are you? We've never met!"

When did such a person exist in Lincheng? Although she has not been back to Lincheng for a long time, she has a brief understanding of it. The upper-class people in Lincheng basically have not changed. They are still those people. She has never heard of this man at all. Pass.

"Miss Ye may not know me, but your brother, your current husband in name, and your future husband must all know me. Of course, you must all know my father. I have just returned to China. Please give me more advice from Miss Ye." !" Chen Yi lit a cigarette, held it between his fingers, and said calmly.

This way of posturing and talking made Ye Shi feel uncomfortable, "I don't know you, if there is anything." She frowned and said it without thinking. Halfway through the sentence, she was shocked As if thinking of something, his eyes widened.

Leaning back in the chair abruptly, he raised his head in shock and said, "You are——Chen Yi?"

"It's hard for Ms. Ye to think that I am the eldest son of the Chen family, Chen Yi, please give me more advice!"

Before the shock was over, Ye Shi immediately thought that Ye Chuan and Sheng Xingnan were taken away by the Chen family, so she quickly sat up straight.

"Chen Yi, my brother still has more."


Ye Shi's words were interrupted, Chen Yi changed his previous attitude, and stared at her with weird eyes.

Chen Yi said: "At this time, I still have time to care about Ye Chuan and Sheng Xingnan, Miss Ye, you should think about what to do now!"

She frowned tightly, although she wanted to know what happened to her brother and Sheng Xingnan, but now she had no ability to resist at all, as if everything was in the hands of the Chen family and his son, even if she knew the news about her brother and the others now, Also completely useless.

"You, what do you and your father want to do? As long as you let my brother and Sheng Xingnan go, what do you want, I will find a way to help you do it."

"Don't you know? Miss Ye, what my father wants, you should have always been clear." Chen Yi took a puff of cigarette, and said with a smile: "Originally there was still a chance of redemption, but you put the only one who can lock up the beast. The prison is destroyed, and my father will become what he is now, thanks to you, how do you think my father will deal with you?"

Completely different from the gentle and polite appearance just now, Chen Yi seems to be a different person now.

Although there was still a smile on his face, Ye Shi inexplicably felt creepy.

"So where are you taking me now? Are my brother and Shengxing Nan still?" She didn't want to go around in circles with him.

"Of course they are still alive and well. The main characters have not arrived yet, and the fun has just begun." Chen Yi said calmly, fiddling with his fingers.

All of this was not planned by Chen Wei on the spur of the moment. The plan was so thorough and detailed that it took more than a day. She had to find a way to leave clues for Ah Chen as soon as possible, otherwise she might be killed by then.
"Since your plans are big, I'm just Miss Ye's family. I have no right to manage my brother's company. You've tried your best to bring me there, but it's useless at all!" She twisted the hands slightly. Rope, trying to break free.

She was moving, but her hand was suddenly pinched by a big hand sticking out from behind her. She turned her head and saw that it was the bodyguard who had been standing not far away, staring at her expressionlessly.

Sweat covered Ye Shi's palms, he turned his head and frowned and asked, "It's just a little uncomfortable, Mr. Chen doesn't need it!"

"It's okay for Ms. Ye to move, but the rope is not so easy to break free!" He said with a sneer.

All the windows were sealed, she couldn't see the outside clearly, and she didn't know where she was going to be sent. She didn't ask anything. Ye Shi simply lowered her head and closed her eyes to rest. She couldn't be afraid of getting out on the plane, so why not Replenish your energy and wait until you find a solution.

"It's coming soon, Ms. Ye has to get ready!" Looking at the silent Ye Shi in front of him, a sarcasm flashed across Chen Yi's face. I don't know what Huo Chen thinks of such a boring woman Up.

After closing her eyes, the plane was a bit bumpy while driving, and she opened her eyes suddenly. Ye Shi's palms were covered with sweat. The bumps were so severe. She was afraid that something happened to her. Just as she was thinking, the plane stopped suddenly, and the man in front of her suddenly stopped. stood up.

"Miss Ye, what are you nervous about? It's already here. I'll take you to see your brother now. How are you doing?" With his hands in his pockets, Chen Yi signaled the bodyguards to take Ye Shi with his eyes, and walked forward first.

Both hands were pinched by the bodyguards, Ye Shi knew that she had no possibility of escaping in this situation, she frowned and ordered to follow their footsteps, getting off the plane and starting a large number of weeks.

After getting off the plane, I was taken into the car immediately, and my eyes were quickly covered again. After a quick glance, I can barely judge that this place is probably a small city in Europe, and it should be a relatively remote place. , It looks very beautiful, but I have no idea which city it is.

It took a long time to drive the car, and counting, it took about two hours to get there. She was pushed and pushed out of the car, and the black cloth on her eyes made her walk a little staggeringly.

The door creaked, and before she could react, she was pushed hard. With a grunt, she fell to the ground. Ye Shi shook her dizzy head after being pushed and shoved. She tried several times, but nothing happened. able to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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