Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 139 Encounter

Chapter 139 Encounter
Their eyes are blindfolded, and now they can't even stand up. What on earth are these people trying to do.

"Be honest!" The guard in charge shouted harshly.

The door was shut tightly with a "snap".

Unable to stand up, she just lay down on the ground. I don't know what this group of people are thinking, or they just want to torture her. They have already been locked up, and it's fine if the rope on their body is not untied. Even if the black cloth is not untied, she will be taken abroad and locked up, will she still be able to escape!
Just as she was thinking about what to do, suddenly the door creaked open, a voice of cursing came from a distance, followed by a sound of beating, a dull male voice sounded familiar, she was about to lean over Listening carefully, there was a sudden "bang" sound beside him, and a huge figure fell beside him, splashing dust all over the place.

Nothing happened between the two of them for a long time, Ye Shi couldn't help but hesitated a few times.

The other party was silent for a while, and tentatively said: "You, who are you? You were also arrested by Chen Wei?"

The hoarse and deep voice was very familiar, and Ye Shi probably knew who it was. She tried her best to move slowly with her ankles and buttocks, and walked in his direction. Although the two were very close, it took her a lot of effort Move over.

"Brother Nan!" Ye Shi sat up with her back facing him without taking a breath, and leaned on his back, "Untie it for me quickly!"

"You are, sister Shi!" Ye Shi's voice, which he could never remember wrongly in his life, Sheng Xingnan shouted in shock.

"How did you get caught here? Why didn't Huo Chen protect you well!" He should have taken precautions, but why Shimei was still caught, he ignored it himself, who knows what would happen to a person like Chen Wei To Ye Shi.
Ye Shi: "The butler said that someone has news about my brother and you, and I need to buy it myself. I made an appointment with the visitor at the gate of the community. I thought it would be fine, but it was still... I suspect that the butler has been bought by them. Hurry up and buy it." Untie me!"

"Cheated? You, sister Shi, you are so careless, this kind of place! All hope is really on Huo Chen now!" Just now, he was dragged out and tied up, what did he think he was going to do!I didn't expect that I wanted to lock him up with Shimei, and I didn't know what Chen Wei and Chen Yi, the father and son, wanted to do. At this time, shouldn't it be better for Shimei and Brother Chuan to be together!
Ye Shi was suddenly annoyed: "I didn't know it would happen. The butler watched my brother and I grow up. I didn't expect him to be bought by Chen Yi!" The rope in his hand was untied, and Ye Shi tore off the eyes. Covered with a black cloth, he blocked the light with his hand, then slowly opened his eyes, turned around and helped Sheng Xingnan untie the rope on his body.

"Forget it, since it's already like this, there's nothing we can do. Brother Chuan should be in the warehouse next door. I was locked up with him before. I was led out and walked for a while before I walked to this place. I should leave outside. It's not far away!" This time it was about to fall into Chen Wei's hands, Sheng Xingnan untied the rope on his leg depressedly, a little frustrated.

"Wait a little longer, Ah Chen should be able to find us soon. It took a long time for Chen Wei to take you and brother away to hide most of the clues. Chen Yi came to kidnap me so recklessly. Ah Chen will find him soon."

He was taken away at the gate of the community. At that time, there were three bodyguards behind him, as well as the security at the gate of the community. No matter how careful Chen Yi was, it was impossible for him not to leave any clues. It will be fine soon.

"There is one more thing that I don't understand. Why did the housekeeper have been with our family for so many years, why was he bought by Chen Wei, and how did the Chen family and his son know our every move? He didn't think about what happened. Chen came back suddenly, did he get caught on the spot?" The question came, how did he guarantee that Brother Nan would definitely go to Chen's villa?

It is also how to ensure that what he does will not be seen by others. If Chen Wei does many things that are even slightly off, he may be caught on the spot. How did he do this?
"It's very likely that there are Chen Wei's internal agents around us who are watching us, but these people hide so deep that we didn't find out, like the housekeeper, if you don't experience it yourself, you will never believe that the housekeeper will betray the Ye family!" Sheng Xingnan Sighing, he dragged Ye Shi to the bed in the middle. There are many things that he still can't figure out. What Chen Wei wants to do is still unclear.

The two frowned inside and couldn't figure out what to discuss. Chen Yi had already taken a group of bodyguards to a small building not far away. Inside the ice coffin was Shen Yayu who had already jumped into the sea and died. Chen Wei was sitting on the side, staring at the person in the ice coffin obsessively.

"Father, I have already brought him back. It is estimated that Huo Chen should be able to find this place before noon tomorrow." When he brought Ye Shi back, he left such an obvious clue. Huo Chen's degree of danger has to be recalculated.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's get ready first. Before eight o'clock tomorrow morning, transfer the people there, and notify the people outside. Be careful, Ye Chuan's quiet time is a bit too long."

After observing for so many years, he has already figured out exactly what kind of temperament Ye Chuan is. The reason why he has been quiet for so long is that they have no intention of hurting him. Now that Sheng Xingnan is suddenly taken away, he will not stand idly by .

"Yes, Father." The plan is about to be completed, but Chen Yi is not happy at all. He thought he would have the pleasure of revenge, but the closer he is to the completion of the plan, the more empty his heart becomes.

"What are you thinking? Hurry up and do it!" Just as he was thinking, Chen Wei sternly interrupted his train of thought. Come smile.

He quickly lowered his head and agreed: "Since those people are going to be gone soon, in such a boring world, he has to find something interesting to do for himself, so that he can live a good life!" Turning to the door Walking over, when he closed the door, he smiled and stared at Chen Wei's Lian for a while before closing the door.

"Yayu, I will avenge you right away. Back then Huo Chen and Ye Chuan forced you to jump into the sea and made me lose you. I don't worry, I will let them taste what it is like to lose a loved one. , you wait for me, I will accompany you when I avenge you!"

Holding the cold ice coffin with open arms, Chen Wei had a frenzied expression, staring at Shen Yayu's face, his eyes were red, and tears fell drop by drop on the ice coffin, ignoring the wet clothes and the already wet clothes. Frozen and red arms tightly hugged the temperatureless ice coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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