Chapter 140 Escape
In the warehouse, Ye Chuan frowned, lying on the bed and looking at the sky above, he was obviously the person Chen Wei was targeting before, but he took Sheng Xingnan away in a blink of an eye, he couldn't figure out what was going on, the worry in his heart But it is getting more and more prosperous.

I can't just sit and wait, I have to find a way to figure out what they are going to do. There was no movement before but I didn't want to cause unnecessary casualties. Now Shengxing Nan has been taken away, and his life and death are unknown. Waiting to find a way to save people.

Thinking about putting his hands on the bed, he got up. The whole warehouse is very big. During the day, the bodyguards are outside and only come in at night. He went to the door to hear that there are a lot of bodyguards. The time is about once every four hours, very frequent, it can be said that the security is heavily guarded.

The only chance to escape is to go to the bathroom once a day. Someone will take him to the bathroom. Although the bathroom has no windows, and he is blindfolded every time he goes out, this is his only chance to get in touch with the outside world. .

Fortunately, when he went out, he was only blindfolded, and he would not be tied up when he was pulled by his arms. This gave him a chance.

It was just about time to go to the bathroom. I checked the entire warehouse carefully again. I didn't find any monitoring equipment, nor did I find anything useful. The only thing in this room that could be used as a weapon It seems that only the middle bed and the things on the bed are left.

Frowning deeper and deeper, Ye Chuan stared at the quilt on the bed for a long time, and suddenly showed a faint smile.

Pick up the top quilt and pull out the bed sheet, and then spread the quilt carefully so that no one can see that there is something missing on the bed.

Tear the quilt on his hand into strips of cloth, twist every three into one strand, then carefully wrap the twisted rope around his waist and wrists, and arrange the outer clothes until they are no longer visible. Sitting on the bed with arms folded and eyes closed.

"Boss Ye, it's time, please let me know if it's convenient." At that time as usual, the door was opened with a creak, and the bodyguard came in with some mocking voices, which echoed in the empty warehouse.

"Let's go." Eyes opened suddenly, the same bodyguard came to call each time, but the one who took him was different each time, Ye Chuan didn't even give him a look, stood up and walked out the door .

Although there are already a lot of light stands, many places outside are still shrouded in darkness. Ye Chuan quickly scanned around, letting the bodyguards cover his eyes and put his hands behind his back so that they can grab them and let himself be caught. will not be injured.

Counting the steps, he roughly estimated the distance. It should not be very far from the warehouse where he was locked up. Combined with the scene he just glanced at, he has a general understanding of the distribution here.

Being unceremoniously pushed into the bathroom, Ye Chuan tore off the black cloth from his eyes, turned on the bathroom light, and the snow-white light came down. This small bathroom seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

There is no place to take a bath, only a toilet and some simple toiletries. I don’t know whether to say that Chen Wei is caring or not. I have prepared things for washing, but I don’t even have a decent bathroom. It’s been several days He didn't take a shower, and felt that he was smelly now, so Ye Chuan took off his outer coat in disgust, and untied the rope wrapped around his body.

Fortunately, when he was a child, he had a wide range of interests. He also learned the handicraft of making weapons by twisting ropes. The mirror on the wall was taken down, and he tapped it into the shape he wanted little by little with a comb, and then wrapped it with a rope to make a handle.

A knife was made like this, and he swung it vigorously twice, which was quite smooth. Ye Chuan put the things he had just sat on to one side, and took the tooth cup and the rest of the mirror, comb, toothbrush, etc. and used the rest After wrapping the ropes one by one, he carried all the things, stood up with his hands behind his back, kicked the door with his feet, and stood there with a solemn face.

There was a sound of ding ding dong dong opening the door, and after a while, a gust of cold wind came in, and the door was opened.

Before the person came to react, Ye Chuan kicked the person out fiercely, strode outside, and took the lead in throwing out the long string of things in his hand, stopping several people running along the way, He took a step and ran towards the dark place without looking back.

There is only one chance, if he doesn't run away this time, he definitely doesn't want to see the end. Fortunately, the benefits of his usual fitness are coming. Although the people behind are chasing closely, he still Dodged several times.

After running for a long time, Ye Chuan was somewhat exhausted. Panting for breath, he hid behind the bushes and tried to adjust his breathing with his back against a tree. After all, he was alone, and the terrain here was not very familiar. Hei is still familiar with the terrain. If there is no good shelter or no support, it will be a matter of time before he is caught back.

Sheng Xingnan doesn't know what's going on now, but when he ran out just now, he noticed that there seemed to be light coming out of the warehouse on the other side, and there were no less bodyguards standing at the door than his door, and most of them were locked inside. .

It's just that I don't know why Chen Wei wants to separate the two of them. It's troublesome to disperse the force for nothing, unless he must have caught someone else, and this person is something he can't meet now.
The more he thought about it, the more he felt that things might be getting worse. Ye Chuan squinted his eyes and looked at the bright area not far away. More and more people came to him. It was not an option to be so stalemate. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, squeezed his hands With only one weapon, he slowly stood up from the ground, stooped and continued to walk forward.

With so many people coming out to look for him, the number of guards in the base camp will be much less. At this time, the possibility of going back and saving people is very high.

"Did you find anyone! All trash is a bunch of trash!" The sweat on Chen Yi's forehead couldn't stop dripping down. He really expected Ye Chuan to make a move, but he didn't expect him to actually be able to run. If you let him go back to Lincheng, or get in touch with Huo Chen, if the two of them work together, all the things they did before will be in vain!

The matter is so big that he can't help it now, so he asked the bodyguards around him to find it quickly, walked to the side and gritted his teeth, and called Chen Wei. The beeping sound was like a reminder, making him endure I couldn't help clenching my hands, feeling as if a century had passed, Chen Wei's hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone, "Say!"

"Father, Ye Chuan has escaped!" With a deep and hoarse voice, Chen Yi gritted his teeth, and tightly grabbed the tree trunk beside him with his left hand.

"Trash! Chen Yi, if Ye Chuan can't come, I don't mind letting you try the big gift I prepared for him first!" The veins on his forehead twitched, Chen Wei put his foot on the desk, his eyes were red, as if at any time Like bleeding.

(End of this chapter)

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