Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 141 Transfer

Chapter 141 Transfer
It took such a lot of effort to get people here, there is nothing in the warehouse except the bed, and there are a lot of bodyguards outside, just like this, people can run away, seeing that the plan is about to come true, but now they are with He said that the key part ran away.

"Father, I have already sent someone out to look for it. He is not familiar with the terrain here, so he shouldn't be far away. Don't worry, I will definitely capture Ye Chuan back." The attitude of bowing his head and admitting his mistake was quite good. The darkness in Chen Yi's eyes Continuously pouring out, firmly suppressing the hatred and anger in my heart, I managed to make my voice sound okay.

"Ye Chuan's cunning is no less than that old fox in Lincheng. He brought some people back to guard him. With so many people looking for him outside, he has no way out. He will definitely choose to come back first to take Shengxing Nan away, and ask someone to take Ye Shi away first. Let's go, no matter what, even if Ye Chuan and Sheng Xingnan escape, Ye Shi must be left to me!"

To deal with Huo Chen, only Ye Shi has the deterrent power. Even if Ye Chuan and Sheng Xingnan are in the hands, they are not as useful as Ye Shi!
"Father, don't worry, you take your mother and Ye Shi away first, I'll clean up the scene and join you as soon as I catch Ye Chuan!" He really didn't think about Ye Chuan going back to save people, he was running for his life, and he thought It's really great to save people!
After hanging up the phone, Chen Yi let out a cold snort, and led half of the people back without hesitation. Although he despises Chen Wei's actions, his decisions are rarely wrong, and Chen Yi still believes in him. Judgmental.

Taking a shortcut, he quickly returned to the warehouse in charge of Ye Shi. There were only a few people in the entire base camp. If he hadn't brought anyone back, maybe Ye Chuan would have saved them all when he came back. He broke out in a cold sweat and ordered People lie in ambush in the dark.

He asked someone to open the door of the warehouse, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and tore some messy clothes to make himself look less embarrassed. With a smile on his face again, he pushed the door and walked in.

"Chen Yi! What are you doing here?" Ye Shi and Sheng Xingnan realized that something had changed when there was a change outside the door.

After quarreling for a while, a series of footsteps went away. Listening to this movement, it seemed that they were chasing someone. There were a lot fewer people. The two were thinking whether to run out while they were in chaos, but Chen Yi suddenly appeared here.

"What else can I do, Ms. Ye, at night, of course I will take you to do something interesting." Pulling his tie, the smile on Chen Yi's face became brighter, he waved to the bodyguards behind him, and continued :"take away!"

"Chen Yi, what do you want to do? Something is coming at me, let go of Shimei, Chen Yi, you..." Sheng Xingnan's face changed drastically, seeing that Ye Shi was about to be taken away, he rushed up desperately, Attempt to stop people.

"Tie it up and throw it in the corner!" With a sneer, Chen Yi suddenly put his foot on Sheng Xingnan's stomach, and Ye Chuan ran away. He was really sorry for charging some interest.

"Chen Yi, stop! I will obediently follow you, don't touch him!" Seeing Sheng Xingnan being kicked by Chen Yi and falling to the ground, Ye Shi threw herself on him after struggling until now. , stopped Chen Yi, who was still about to step forward, with a look of horror.

"As long as Ms. Ye cooperates obediently, of course I won't embarrass him." Subconsciously, he took a step back and put his hand on her waist. Chen Yi rolled his eyes and lay on the ground unable to get up, and his eyes were fixed on his own. Sheng Xingnan suddenly had a smile on his face, and gently caressed Ye Shi's cheek with his other hand, his movements were gentle, and his eyes were full of malice.

"Chen Yi. Get your dirty hands away, don't touch her!" I was kicked just now, and I felt that my internal organs were hurt a bit, and I couldn't get up anyway. Can lie helplessly on the ground.

As if he had tasted the fun, the smile on Chen Yi's face grew wider. Enduring the discomfort in his heart, he simply took Ye Shi into his arms, pinched her waist with one hand, and touched her smooth face with the other. Touch back.

"Miss Ye's skin is well maintained. Sheng Xingnan, I don't know if you have touched it all these years?" Looking at the person lying on the ground with the look of wanting to kill himself, Chen Yi pushed Ye Shi over with one hand, and looked up to the sky. laugh.

"Chen Yi, don't be too complacent, Ah Chen will never let you go, and my brother will definitely save me!" He gritted his teeth and wiped his face twice, but the feeling in his heart The feeling of discomfort could not disappear for a long time, Ye Shi's face was livid, and she wanted to help Sheng Xingnan, but her hands were held down by the bodyguard behind.

"Don't say it's you and Shengxing Nan, Ye Chuan is in my hands now, who do you think Huo Chen will choose to save when Huo Chen comes?" Bending down in front of Ye Shi, the two of them looked directly at each other, Chen Yi smiled and waved his hand, not wanting to talk to her, turned and left.

"Where do you want to take her? Where is Ye Chuan, Chen Yi? You will be punished, Chen." Struggling to catch up, Sheng Xingnan clutched his stomach, sweating from the pain, his face pale and colorless .

Before he could calm down, he was tied up by the bodyguards not far away and thrown into a corner to lean against.

His consciousness gradually became dizzy. He is also a doctor himself. Although he doesn't know much about these aspects, he also knows this kind of pain. It is likely that his internal organs were injured, which caused him to be so weak. Before he could figure out a way, a sudden Goes black, and soon loses consciousness.

With her hands tied and her eyes covered with a black cloth, Ye Shi pushed and walked forward.

"Chen Yi, what do you guys want? What did you do to my brother? Where are you taking me now? Can you tear off the black cloth from my eyes?"

"Being tied up and talking so much, Ms. Ye, do you really not understand the situation or are you out of your mind? If you say one more word, I'll let someone gag your mouth. It's so annoying!" Chen Yi, who read the same thing, had a headache.

I didn't realize before that Miss Ye family is still such a talkative person, and she can talk so much at such a short distance.

"As long as you tell me everything, I will naturally have nothing to ask!" She couldn't see anything, and the surroundings were eerily quiet. If it wasn't for someone pushing her away from behind, she would have collapsed in fright .

Originally, she was not a talkative person, and she didn't want to talk to Chen Yi, but the fear in her heart was about to overwhelm her, so she gritted her teeth to force her words not to tremble. If Chen Yi didn't reply, she might be Talk to the bodyguard.
"Differences do not conspire with each other, I have nothing to say to Ms. Ye." The car at the entrance of Xiaolou was ready, Chen Yi opened the car door, dragged Ye Shi and threw her in, and slammed the car door behind him. His face was gloomy.

Sure enough, no one surnamed Ye was easy to deal with, and Ye Chuan was enough for him to have a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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