Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 142 Are You My Dad?

Chapter 142 Are You My Dad?
I didn't expect Ye Shi to appear now, and it is so annoying, it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible.

"Did you catch it?" After carefully placing the ice coffin, Chen Wei walked to the side of the car and asked indifferently.

"Father, don't worry, everything is ready, and it's only a matter of time before we catch him!" With the burden of Sheng Xingnan, even if Ye Chuan managed to get past those bodyguards and rescue him, he wouldn't be far away, unless he planned to abandon Sheng Xing Nan.

"Meet me as soon as you catch it, and then send the accurate information back, and lead the person to me." The plan has reached the last stage, and he will never allow mistakes. Chen Wei stared at the big and excessive car behind him. , Tenderness flashed across his face.

"Father, don't worry, you will never make such a mistake again!" Chen Yi lowered his head in response, and the corners of Chen Yi's mouth curled up.

At this moment, in the villa where Huo Chen usually lives in China, Ye Youan curled up on the sofa holding his legs expressionlessly.

"Youyou, I already have conclusive news. Don't worry, mother will come back safely!" The child has maintained such a posture and expression since he picked it up. It has been an afternoon without eating or resting. Huo Chen is worried. I'm afraid that Shishi hasn't been found yet, and the child can't support himself first.

"Uncle, are you my father?" After a long silence, Huo Chen just wanted to continue to comfort him, but Ye You'an suddenly said something, Huo Chen was startled, and didn't react for a while.

"Why do you ask that?" He didn't understand what the child was thinking. Although he was indeed his son, he had never gotten along with him after all. He didn't know what the child's temper was, so he answered rashly that he was afraid of accidents.

"Mom won't take me to sleep with other men, not even Uncle Sheng, so, are you my father?" Tilting his head on his knees, Ye Youan blinked and stared at Huo Chen.

"I think it's better for your mother to tell you this. Youyou is so smart, so you should be able to understand!" Walking over to pick up the child and rubbing his soft short hair, Huo Chen smiled gently at him, although The action is still a little rusty.

Although he didn't get a clear answer, he already understood it in his heart. Ye Youan sighed and leaned on Huo Chen's arms to look at him: "Although I don't know how you lost your mother before, but this time, you must Get Mom back."

As she said that, tears welled up in her eyes, she grabbed Huo Chen's clothes tightly and cried sparingly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find him back. I have been together for so many years, and I cherish it very much. Believe me." Although he is not a talkative person, and he is not very good at comforting others, But as long as he thinks that the crying child lying in his arms was born for him by Shishi after a narrow escape, his heart will soften beyond words.

"I believe you, Dad, when are you going to find Mom? Can I go with you?" Huo Chen threw herself into Huo Chen's arms. She was still a little strange at first, but after knowing that he was her father, the word "Dad" came from a strange place. mouth popped out.

After finishing speaking, Ye You'an quickly covered his mouth and secretly looked at him.

The smile in Huo Chen's eyes deepened, he put his arms around his small body and said with a smile: "Sooner or later, you will have to bark, there is nothing wrong with getting used to it in advance, but you must never bark outside before your mother admits it. If she knows, she will be ashamed!"

Covering her little face, she felt much better. Ye Youan rubbed all the tears on Huo Chen's clothes wickedly, "Dad, don't worry, I will never let outsiders know before Mom admits you. You can work hard!" As he spoke, he struggled to jump off Huo Chen's lap, and ran to his room covering his face.

Children just change quickly. Huo Chen looked at Ye Youan who ran away and shook his head. After searching for so long, he finally found out Chen Yi's whereabouts. It has been a while since Ye Shi disappeared, and he couldn't wait any longer. Yes, we are leaving tonight.

He took his bodyguards and got on the plane overnight. Huo Chen closed his eyes and calculated the problems that might arise in the preview over and over again in his mind. Since Chen Wei and his son exposed their whereabouts openly, it is impossible that they were not prepared at all. It is very likely that they The news he got was fraudulent, but now he can't control that much, as long as he thinks that Ye Shi might be hurt, he won't be equal for a moment.

"President, there is news that YS has now been assigned to Chen Wei. It is likely that Mr. Ye signed it for the sake of preservation. You." Lin Li sat not far away, frowning and looking at the screen on the tablet. News, simple reporting.

"Find out when the contract was signed, find someone to keep an eye on Chen's company and Chen's villa, and report immediately if there is any disturbance." Ye Chuan was taken away and has never been found, but it all depends on the mysterious person behind Chen Wei, For the Chen family alone, it is impossible to handle the monitoring of the entire highway and airport so cleanly, not to mention private jets, which are not available to anyone who wants them.

The people behind the Chen family must have a big plan. After such a big situation, it may not be so simple to save people this time.

The plane brought Huo Chen on its way, and Ye Chuan was quietly approaching the base camp with a glass knife in his hand.

The way back was not very smooth, which also made Ye Chuan let down a lot of vigilance. He quietly touched the surrounding area and waited for more than an hour. Seeing that there were no more or less people in the base camp, he cautiously went back. near.

Sitting in the corner of the warehouse, Chen Yi was the unconscious Sheng Xingnan. He glanced at his watch again. He had been sitting here for nearly two hours, and still hadn't waited for anyone to come. His patience was about to run out.

Just as he was planning to change his strategy, there was a slight sound outside the door, like the sound of glass colliding, very crisp.

Malice flashed across his eyes, it seemed that the person he was waiting for had already arrived.

He was already about to stand up, but now he sat down again, leaning on the bed with his hands folded on his chest, staring at the door for a while.

There were two muffled hums from outside, followed by the muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. The smile on Chen Yi's face became wider and wider, and he simply stood up and walked to Sheng Xingnan's side.

Just standing still, there was a creak, and the door was pushed open.

Turning around and looking, sure enough, Ye Chuan was standing at the door in a state of embarrassment at the moment, his clothes were scratched horribly because of his escape, his trouser legs and shoes were covered with mud, even his face was splashed with two drops, and his hair was even worse. is messy.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Ye? You ran out so hard, why do you want to come back? You live comfortably, don't you want to go?" Putting one foot on Sheng Xingnan's lap, Chen Yi smiled , but the strength under his feet is not small.

"One person does things and one person is responsible. Your goal is also me, so why make things difficult for him." Ye Chuan frowned, and took two steps forward to carefully look at the solidly bound Sheng Xingnan who was leaning against the wall. He saw that he was pale and unconscious , the anger in my heart is gradually rising
(End of this chapter)

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