Chapter 143
"Hmm, cough, cough!" Feeling the pain in his leg was too much, Sheng Xingnan woke up in embarrassment while clutching his stomach.

"Chen Yi." Seeing Sheng Xingnan's leg being stepped on and waking up in pain, Ye Chuan couldn't help but take a step forward, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Ye Chuan, what do you mean you don't want to stay here and run around? The young master of the Sheng family has been implicated for no reason!" With a little force on his toes, Chen Yi smiled when he saw Ye Chuan's eyes that were about to burst into flames. more publicity.

"Whatever you want, just say it." How could he not understand Chen Yi's thoughts, saying that the ultimate purpose of saying a thousand words and ten thousand is just to humiliate him, Ye Chuan snorted coldly, threw away his hands and held them in his hands looking up into his eyes.

"Since Mr. Ye is so happy, I will be disrespectful!" Smiling and letting go of his feet, Chen Yi put his hands behind his back, walked forward slowly a few steps, stopped behind Ye Chuan, turned around and looked at him coldly back.

"Mr. Ye, Young Master Sheng seems to be seriously injured. I heard that he is a doctor himself. Do you think he can operate on himself?" Chen Yi leaned over to Ye Chuan's ear. Said with good intentions.

"You..." Ye Chuan turned around, and before he could say anything, he was kicked hard at the bend of his leg, and his left leg knelt on the ground uncontrollably, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the pain swept over his entire leg. Instantly lost consciousness.

"Ye Chuan, disobedient people always have to pay a price. No one taught you this truth before, and I will help you make up for it now!" As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his leg and moved towards his other leg mercilessly. Kick over.

"Uh huh, huh!" Gritting his teeth to bear it, he could barely stand up after struggling, but now he has lost all feeling in his legs, and put his hands on the ground so that he would not look too embarrassed. Ye Chuan lowered his head Smile out loud.

"Why, Ye always thinks my feet are too light?" Chen Yi could still laugh at such a time, and he gradually felt amused, walked around him, walked to the front, and squatted in front of Ye Chuan: "Ye Chuan, you What would your sister think if she saw your appearance like this?"

Pulling his hair to make him raise his head, Chen Yi smiled softly, and looked at a harmless man and beast with crooked eyebrows.

"Chen Wei arrested me in the end because he wanted Huo Chen to give up something to save me, but my sister, which one of your hands is yours, I will naturally chop off your hand and feed it to the dog." Her legs hurt so badly that she couldn't stand up , kneeling on the ground, with her hair pulled, her scalp tensed up, looking up, this posture is really uncomfortable.

"Ye Chuan, before you speak harshly, you should first recognize your current situation. You haven't learned many things before. I'm more hospitable, and I will leave them to you one by one in the future!" Looking at him like this, Chen Yi His interest grew stronger, he let go of the hair in his hands, took out a handkerchief, wiped the paper carefully, threw it on Ye Chuan's head, stood up and walked out.

Seeing that people left, Ye Chuan was trying to see if he could still stand up when his neck suddenly hurt, his eyes went dark and he lay on the ground.

Sheng Xingnan in the corner passed out when Chen Yi raised his leg. The two of them were picked up by the bodyguards and walked outside behind Chen Yi.

All the things here have been rearranged, except for the clues left to indicate their whereabouts, all the things have been cleaned again. After Chen Yi checked them one by one, he got in the car and rushed to the new destination with great interest. .

Originally thought that it was impossible to encounter interesting things in this life, but Ye Chuan brought him a novel feeling, and deliberately asked the bodyguard to put the person beside him, Chen Yi leaned on the chair, looked up and carefully observed the surrounding area comatose person.

It can be said that he is the leader of the younger generation in Lincheng. His facial features are exquisite but still majestic. His hands are long and his feet are long. He became much more obedient, and Chen Yi's hands felt a little itchy looking at it. It would be great if such a person who caught his eye could be made into a specimen and placed in the room for his own viewing.

His eyes gradually became obsessed, and he couldn't help touching the knife in his arms, and gradually touched Ye Chuan's face with the other hand, and when he was about to touch his face, Chen Yi's expression suddenly froze. After sinking, he suddenly woke up.

He quickly withdrew his hand, squinted his eyes and looked out of the car. It was not the time yet. He licked his teeth and clenched his hands tightly to suppress the desire to take out the knife. He supported his head with his hands and looked lazy. .

The transfer place was not very far away, but after a short while, the car stopped, ordered the bodyguards to take him away, straightened his crumpled clothes with a little disgust, and walked upstairs.

This small villa was built on the edge of a cliff, with the rough sea below. Walking up to the third floor and looking around, it was a wilderness, so empty that no one else would live in such a harsh environment.

"Did you catch it?" As soon as he went up to the third floor, Chen Wei's voice came from not far away, the laziness on Chen Yi's face disappeared immediately, he lowered his head expressionlessly, and walked slowly towards the direction of the voice go.

"It's all done, don't worry, father." The news has already been left. After receiving the news, Huo Chen has already set off here. Maybe he won't be able to see him until tomorrow morning. Thinking about it, I still have some expectations. Low With his head down, because Chen Wei couldn't see, the cruelty in Chen Yi's eyes became more and more wanton, and he didn't know what expression Ye Chuan would have when he knew that Ye Shi was here!

"Okay. Detain the three of them separately. Remember to cover your eyes and cover your mouth when you bring them over. After Huo Chen brings someone over, you can untie them." The most critical time is the plan, Chen Wei With a crazy face, he clutched Chen Yi's shoulder tightly, gritted his teeth, and said while laughing, his ferocious face was very scary.

"Father, don't worry, your son understands!" Chen Yi had never been tough when he was a child, he held Chen Wei's hands, squinted his eyes, and responded with a smile.

These things have long been familiar to him. After Chen Yi dealt with Chen Wei, he turned around and his face sank. He went back to his room, leaned against the window, and let the sea breeze blow his hair. He looked at the black paint. In the distance of the paint, there is a trace of yearning in his eyes.

Huo Chen is still on the plane at this time, and he decided to go abroad to save people on the spur of the moment. There are still many things that need to be arranged properly. Otherwise, let alone saving people, he may fold in. Huo Chen pinched the center of his brows, suddenly feeling tired and flustered. After so many years, he thought he was strong, but he couldn't protect his beloved woman again and again.
"President, the news from the people over there has come. Chen Wei probably received the news and has already taken people to transfer. There are not many clues left. The specific address can be found before dawn at the soonest." Lin Li's eyes were red. It was full of blood red threads, and it followed Huo Chen all the way, so he didn't have a good rest, and it was all due to a willpower to survive until now.

"Understood, let's rest first, there is not much time for you to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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