Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 144 Arrival

Chapter 144 Arrival
Looking at his appearance, he knew that he must have not had a good rest for three or four days. Huo Chen frowned, took the tablet from Lin Li's hand, and pushed him back on the chair to lie down.

The "President" was caught off guard and pushed back. Lin Li staggered and fell back.

"I've slept through, you rest, I'll call you when we arrive." Ye Shi was kidnapped, all plans were shattered, Chen Wei hit the nail on the head, Huo Chen couldn't wait, even if he has a headache now He was about to split, and he couldn't rest, let alone fall down.

Huo Chen was already like this, and Lin Li didn't insist. He pulled the blanket beside him to cover his body, and fell asleep in a short while.

In the quiet cabin, he was the only one who was still awake. He simply closed the small cabin door, turned on the light, and the bright light hit his face. Read it again.

The more he looked at the frown, the tighter his brows became. Chen Wei had obviously already taken precautions. All the news he received now was probably sent by someone from Chen Wei. Even the clues left by the shifting position were nothing more than I just want him to find him quickly. I don't know what he wants to do. He kidnapped the person with his front foot and passed the news over with his back foot.
Feeling a little out of breath, Huo Chen lowered his head and started working again. He needs to be fully prepared. It is impossible for Chen Weibu to let people go easily in such a big situation. This time, some people might not be able to return. went!

I worked hard until the sky was getting brighter, and when the red sun was rising, the plane just landed at the airport.

He rushed to the destination non-stop. He had already received Chen Wei's transferred address an hour ago. The sea breeze was still cool in the early morning, and he hadn't closed his eyes all day and night. When the cold wind blew, Huo Chen shivered Stand up.

There was nothing everywhere, even if you wanted to find a place to hide, you couldn't find it, so you simply drove the car and parked it not far from the small building, frowned, put your hands in your pockets, and glanced around briefly, but couldn't understand. I feel that this place is somewhat familiar, but for a while I can't think of where I have seen it before, and now is not the time to think about these things and put these questions behind me.

Just as Huo Chen walked to the door, the door opened with a creak, and Chen Yi appeared in his eyes with a smile, and he paused.

"I've been waiting for a long time. Father invites you and Ms. Ye to watch a good show. I hope it will satisfy you!" Taking two steps back to make room, Chen Yi bent slightly and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, lowering his head. You can't see the expression clearly.

He didn't pay too much attention to these things. Since the other person has already come, he doesn't lack this little time. It's all about seeing the show. He has also prepared a good show, and he has been waiting for Chen Wei for a long time. He snorted coldly, turned his body from the side Huo Chen didn't even look at Chen Yi.

"Please." He didn't care about these details at all, Chen Yi's face remained unchanged, and he led the way with a smile. Along the way, Huo Chen's teeth ached from his gentle and refined appearance, so he simply turned his head to avoid seeing him pretending.

At the same time in the basement, Ye Shi's hands were forcibly bound, covered with a black cloth, and a ball of cloth was stuffed in his mouth. He was forced to go forward, stumbled and tripped on the stairs several times, Only then did I feel that I was back on the flat bottom, and my palms were burning and painful.

The tears in her eyes were about to be unbearable. She was tied up here for no reason, and her brother didn't see her. Instead, Sheng Xingnan was beaten up. Now she is also injured all over her body. I don't know what Chen Wei wants to play. , The black cloth was soaked with tears a little bit.

The black cloth was tied so tightly that I couldn't even open my eyes. Tears kept streaming down my eyes, but my eyes felt a lot more comfortable.

I couldn't see anything, I could only hear some clothes rubbing and the sound of footsteps. I felt that there were a lot of people around me. Just as I was about to find a way to get the thing from my eyes, a gust of wind swept in and blew on her. On the face, like a knife cut.

She can't wait to bury her head in her arms, with something stuffed in her mouth, and her body hurts everywhere. She probably has a natural discord with the Chen family. The last time she was treated like this, it was Chen Ya's handwriting. I didn't expect that five years later , she repeated the scene at that time again, but the person who kidnapped her was replaced by Chen Ya's father, Chen Wei, which was really fate.

She kept complaining in her heart so that she would not be so mad that she wanted to rush in and chop Chen Wei up. Ye Shi's face was pale, her mouth was flushed, and her hands were already numb from the pain. It felt like she had been walking for a long time. But the people kept pushing her to move forward, her whole body was weak and limp, if possible, she would rather just lie on the ground and take a rest.

Pushing and walking two steps, he was full of random thoughts, when the person behind him suddenly stopped moving, he tilted his head and listened carefully, as if the person had already left, Ye Shi frowned, hesitated for a moment and put the cloth ball in his mouth Pulling it out, the people behind seemed to have really left, without any hesitation, they simply tore off the black cloth from the eyes first, and then untied the rope with their teeth.

After all the restraints on her body were removed, she was free to look around a lot, and then realized that she had been locked in a big iron cage, surrounded by a wilderness, and not far away was the rough sea. As if he was about to swallow someone up at any time, he turned around, and a row of bodyguards behind him stood upright, guarding the side like door gods, scaring her.

"What exactly do you want to do? My brother and Sheng Xingnan? I want to see Chen Wei, you take me to see him."

The wind was too strong, and she shouted hoarsely, so she managed to hear clearly, panting and leaning against the cage, Ye Shi swallowed, fearing that the group of people would ignore her now if she shouted out her throat , can only wait and see the change.

He hugged his arms tightly and curled up in the corner. It was really cold, and he didn't have a good rest before, and he was frightened and worried all night, and he was really scared again in the morning. I can't stand it anymore.

Huo Chen happened to miss Ye Shi who was brought out from the basement. At this time, he was sitting opposite Chen Wei with no expression on his face - drinking tea.

"Mr. Chen led me all the way here, not just to treat me to tea!" Picking up the teacup and taking a sip, Huo Chen stared at the clear tea soup, not wanting to talk to him, so he spoke directly.

"Of course not. Mr. Chen has recently arranged a show and wants to invite Mr. Huo to enjoy it. I don't know how Mr. Huo would like it?" Sitting firmly on the chair, Chen Wei's expression on his face was stiff, and his hands trembled slightly because of happiness. .

"Where is the person, and what are the conditions?" Huo Chen asked directly, not wanting to talk too much nonsense.

"Mr. Huo will know what I want after watching it. I'm not in a hurry to see it or not!" The tea in the teacup was spilled with one hand, but Chen Wei didn't care, took out the handkerchief and wiped it clean, low Nodding his head, there was even a three-point smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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