Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 145 Meeting Ye Shi

Chapter 145 Meeting Ye Shi
"Naturally, Mr. Chen met with great kindness, so this face is naturally given." Gritting his teeth, Huo Chen looked directly at Chen Wei with a pale face. There is no good show in this kind of place, but he just wants to torture him. .

"In that case, Mr. Huo, please!" Chen Yi stood up, took Chen Wei's words and walked towards the window.

The sea breeze was whistling, Huo Chen strode over and simply stood by the window. This villa looked like it was built on the edge of a cliff, but it was actually quite a distance away from the cliff. What the hell is going on? Huo Chen walked over, lowered his head, and was facing a big iron cage standing under the window. A group of bodyguards stood not far away as if guarding the cage.

It was a little far away, and I couldn't see what was in the cage. I could only vaguely see a small black ball curled up in the corner. I stared at it carefully for a while, and the more I looked, the more I felt that that person It seems to be Ye Shi.

This time he couldn't sit still at all, Huo Chen turned around and pushed Chen Yi away, and ran downstairs. As soon as he took a step, his arm was grabbed by someone, and a group of bodyguards appeared in front of him, all of them were strong and strong, blocking the stairs .

"Chen Wei, what do you mean?" Huo Chen felt a sharp pain in his heart when he was treated like this, the baby bump that he was reluctant to say, his eyes were red, he shook off Chen Yi's hand, and pulled Chen Wei's. Collar, press the person against the window.

"Mr. Huo is really a noble person who forgets things too much. Didn't I just say, please watch the show, just come to the door and watch it carefully. Naturally, I won't hurt your little heart!" Chen Wei didn't resist, and let Huo Chen tugged at him, but the madness in his eyes was revealed little by little.

"Let him go right away, or else" he said, using force with his hands, he insisted on dragging Chen Wei halfway out of his body, and the two hung on the window precariously, swaying in mid-air following the sea breeze.

"Mr. Huo, as long as I go down, your little one will sink into the bottom of the sea with this cage." Lying on the window, with nothing behind him, only the wind whistling in his ears, Chen Wei laughed loudly and opened his hands The posture is about to leap down.

Huo Chen used all his strength to pull the person back. With so many people, even if he rushed down now, it would be impossible to rescue him.He pinched the window frame with his left hand, and tightly squeezed his right hand, staring at the little man in the cage below, breathless in distress.

"Since President Huo is willing to cooperate, let's continue watching the show!" After straightening his collar, Chen Wei waved his hand, and the bodyguard behind him disappeared into the room in the blink of an eye, and there was also movement from downstairs.

A little farther away, two machines hoisted two iron cages into the air, adjusted their orientation, and faced the sea.

After seeing Ye Shi just now, Huo Chen focused all his attention on her. When there were two more machines there, he didn't see at all. Looking intently, it was Sheng Xingnan and Ye Chuan.

Although Ye Shi was curled up at this time, except for a little suffering, she should not have been tortured, but Ye Chuan and Shengxing Nan in the distance seemed to be in a very bad state. According to Ye Chuan's temperament, even if they were locked up like this The cage must have been beautiful, but at this moment, he was half leaning in the cage with his legs drooping, his clothes were messed up, and he was so dirty that he almost didn't recognize it.

Sheng Xingnan was even more embarrassed when he saw it. He was curled up in the cage, unable to even sit up. The whole person was tightly tied to the cage, and it was impossible to even move.

"It's time to start!" With excitement and excitement in his tone, Chen Wei pinched the window frame tightly with both hands, leaned half of his body outside, staring at the two cages in the distance, and there was a madness in his whole body. Feel.

Feeling bad, Huo Chen pinched the corner of his coat with his right hand calmly. When he came here, he installed an alarm device on his body. If things got out of control, people could come to rescue him. It was too open, and he didn't dare to let people get too close. It would take more than 5 minutes to wait for someone to come over. This kind of attack method should not be used unless it is a last resort.

The person is still in the hands of the other party, and he is really the passive party.

Before Huo Chen could think clearly whether he was attacking or waiting, Chen Yi suddenly appeared downstairs, opened the cage that guarded Ye Shi, watched him shake people awake, Huo Chen turned around and wanted to go downstairs, The bodyguard who disappeared before reappeared in the room.

The road was blocked tightly, there was no way to go downstairs, his brows became more and more wrinkled, Huo Chen turned around bitterly, his eyes fixed on Ye Shi who had woken up downstairs, he gritted his teeth and did not make a sound.

There was too much wind outside, and the third floor was far away, so I thought I wouldn't be able to hear the conversation between the two, but Chen Yi probably brought a microphone or something, and the voices of the two spoke clearly in the room.

"Chen Yi, what on earth do you want to do? My brother and Sheng Xingnan, where are they!" The voice was very weak, and he had to catch his breath after a few words, and the whistling wind sounded from time to time, sounding like he was sick .

"Ye Chuan and Shengxing Nanbu are just ahead. Miss Ye, you can choose carefully! After all, we are not doing charity. You can only bring one person back this time, so you have to think carefully!" Without saying a word, after explaining clearly and concisely, he turned around and came back.

"What do you mean! Chen Yi, what do you mean? You can only take one away! You come back, Chen Yi, give it to me." I could only vaguely hear the front half, and the words behind were completely inaudible as Chen Yi moved away. .

Huo Chen narrowed his eyes and clenched his teeth tightly.

Can only take one...

Sure enough, he was right. The old fox Chen Wei just wanted them to live in pain for the rest of their lives. For this kind of thing, his poems are so kind, whichever one he chooses will make her collapse.

"Chen Wei, you are simply crazy"

"Yes, you are right, Huo Chen, since you forced my Yayu to death, I have been completely insane. All my hopes in my life have been shattered by you. I watched my true love die in front of my eyes. It’s a feeling you’ll never understand! Since you don’t understand, I’ll let you have a taste too!”

A string of long tears flowed from his eyes, Chen Wei pushed Huo Chen away violently, and took two steps back, the despair and resentment in his eyes confessed, he raised his head and laughed with tears, the silver threads on his head were exposed, his face was already covered with wrinkles, his whole body There is a gloomy and terrifying smell from top to bottom, like a ghost crawling out of hell, full of malice.

"Shen Yayu chose to jump down for Chen Ya. Chen Wei, she didn't want to live. She wanted to die. What has it to do with us! From the beginning to the end, I never wanted anyone to die. You All the hatred and resentment are caused by you, Chen Wei, have you never thought that Shen Yayu's heart will die because she discovered your true face!"

As Huo Chen said, he pressed the alarm device on his clothes, his eyes fixed on Chen Wei, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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