Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 146 Wake Up

Chapter 146 Wake Up
"Impossible, it's not what you said! It's not what you said." Chen Wei's complexion changed drastically, and he staggered back two steps.

"Whether I lied to you or not, why don't you just think about it for yourself." Time waits for no one, Huo Chen gritted his teeth and pressed on, he couldn't hold on for so long, who knows if Chen Wei, a lunatic, will Will suddenly change his mind and throw people down!

"Mr. Huo is really good at being aggressive. I only left for a short while and my father was forced to come here by you!" His eyes darkened, Chen Yi stepped forward to push Huo Chen away, and stood in front of Chen Wei , with his hands in his pockets, looking majestic.

The person with a clear head came back. Huo Chen knew that he had no chance in the future, so he squeezed his hands tightly to go to the window frame. For now, he could only procrastinate. He had to wait for his people to arrive before he could have a chance.

Downstairs, Ye Shi frowned, and ran towards Ye Chuan and Shengxing Nan facing the wind, but was stopped by the bodyguards behind her as soon as she started, and she was forced to stay where she was.

"What on earth are you guys trying to do, and what does what Chen Yi just said mean exactly?" She could only choose one, and Ye Shi stared at the two people who were hanging in mid-air not far away, panicking in her heart, and couldn't hold back her hands Trembling all the time.

"Naturally, it means literally. Mr. Chen said that you can only take one of the two people away, and the remaining one must be left on the bottom of the sea!" One of the bodyguards stepped forward and stopped Ye Shi with his big hand. He squeezed her thin arms and dragged her forward.

"Let me go, let Chen Yi come down and tell me in person, what do you mean that the remaining one should stay at the bottom of the sea, do you know that killing people is against the law? Let me go." Struggling with hands and feet, Ye Shi almost He was being carried forward.

The tears in my eyes couldn't stop falling, there are only two people, I can only choose one.
"I advise you to give up struggling. Mr. Chen only gave you 5 minutes. If you don't choose, both of you will be left on the bottom of the sea. You should take a good look at the sea below, and the sea below. There are swarms of sharks, let alone a cage, even if there is no cage, they will not be able to get up if they fall.” The bodyguard who was pulling her was obviously a talkative person, and he never stopped talking all the way. , is only a short distance of a few meters, but it seems to be separated by thousands of rivers and mountains.

"Wake him up!" Before he could react, the big hand on his arm suddenly let go. Ye Shi stared blankly at the iron cage that was hung in mid-air and swayed by the wind, and his heart was gripped. It hurts just as much.

Her brother, who is so beautiful and beautiful, is now curled up in a small cage in such a state of embarrassment, his face is blue, his lips are pale, his clothes are tattered, and there are even spots of mud on them. , but now it looks like he ran out of a refugee camp, his legs are drooping, and it seems that he is seriously injured.

As soon as his eyes moved over, he happened to meet Shang Shengnan's big black and white eyes, "Brother Nan, are you awake? How do you feel now? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Pushing away the bodyguard in front of him, Ye Shi stepped forward two Standing on the edge of the cliff with the help of the machine.

"I'm fine, don't worry, how are you? Did they make things difficult for you?" The sea was very windy, and even though Sheng Xingnan shouted with all his strength, Ye Shi barely heard half of the sentence, but Lian Meng She was guessing, but she could understand what he was talking about, she relaxed a little, and was just about to ask something else, when there was some movement from Ye Chuan.

Surprised, she gave Sheng Xingnan a sorry look, and ran to the other side unsteadily in the wind.

"Brother! How's it going? Are you okay?" Ye Shi shouted with both hands next to his mouth, the tired Ye Shi was sweating profusely.

"Xiaoshi?" He was just woken up by being splashed with water. He didn't bother to wipe off the water on his face. He grabbed the railing of the cage with both hands. Seeing Ye Shi appearing here, his face paled in shock, and he hurriedly asked, "What are you doing?" Why are you here? Where is Huo Chen? How did he protect you, even a woman, whether they hurt you, Xiaoshi is not afraid, brother is here!"

The person who thought he would not be implicated no matter what, now appeared here, Ye Chuan frowned, even the pain in his leg was temporarily put aside, his sister was brought here, Lin Cheng is probably already under Chen Wei's control.

"I'm fine, brother, are you okay? Brother Nan seems to be injured, and looks a bit unwell, do you have a leg injury?"

"Brothers and sisters are deeply in love, please wait for it to happen later, let me talk about it first!" The bodyguard who was pushed away by Ye Shi at first came back with a cold face, interrupted her, grabbed Ye Shi's hand, and said "Mr. Chen said that only one of you can go with Miss Ye, and the one who is left will not be bothered. Please help us Mr. Chen to accompany the shark to the end!"

"Let go of me, ask Chen Wei to come over and tell me personally, do you know that murder is against the law!" No matter how hard she couldn't shake off the hand on her arm, as if it was stuck to it, Ye Shi's face turned red , looked up at Ye Chuan with blurred eyes.

"That's why Mr. Chen took so much trouble to bring you here. Otherwise, what do you think it took so much effort to bring you to the edge of this cliff? Is it fun!" Shaking off Ye Shi's hand , the bodyguard looked back secretly, then took two steps back, and nodded to the people controlling the machine on both sides.

"Time is running out, Ms. Ye should hurry up and make a choice!" Looking at the watch in his hand, the bodyguard smiled.

"Brother, me, what should I do? Brother" looked at Ye Chuan at a loss. Ye Shi's face was pale. She couldn't let go of the two of them. One was her brother, and the other was the person who saved her brother. How could she choose? out.

Crouching on the ground collapsed, Ye Shi looked at the dark and rough sea below, looked up at Ye Chuan, and got up suddenly.

"I will take both of you. If you must choose one to go down, I can go down by myself!" Anyway, this is not the first time she has jumped into this kind of stormy sea. She should have died in the forest five years ago. In the sea behind the city, in the past five years, she has the right to treat herself as a thief. She can get along with Youyou for five years, and she can resolve all misunderstandings with Huo Chen. She has no regrets in this life!

"Of course this is also possible. It's just that Ms. Ye wants to replace the two of them, but she has to go into the cage by herself!" Touching his chin, looking at the woman in front of him playfully, the bodyguard shook all his tendons. Thinking that this person would really choose to jump off by himself.Sure enough, what that person said was right, he was too kind to protect his shortcomings, so he was destined to not live long!
"Ye Shi, I'm your brother, listen to me, take Shengxing south, I have a way to escape." Although he couldn't hear what Ye Shi was saying, he could guess what she wanted with his toes. what to do.

Pulling the cage and shouting loudly, Ye Chuan lowered his head and felt uncontrollable panic for the first time.

"Brother, take Brother Nan with you. I skipped once five years ago. I'm not afraid. Don't worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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