Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 147 Persecution

Chapter 147 Persecution
With a sweet smile on his face, he raised his head and shouted at Ye Chuan, but the tears in his eyes grew more and more. Resisting the urge to cry, Ye Shi waved his hand to signal the bodyguards around him to do something.

"Ye Shi, I am your brother, you must listen to me"

"What are you arguing about? Don't you two think that I can't hear your voices because the wind is strong. Is it interesting to argue for so long? Have you asked my opinion? I just want someone to take me away. What am I? Say you take it away and follow others? Cough cough cough"

Sheng Xingnan's voice suddenly broke in and interrupted Ye Chuan's words forcefully. His body was firmly fixed on the cage, his stomach was still aching, and his whole body was sore and numb. This posture is really not comfortable.

"Brother Nan, don't worry about it, I'll take care of it, and I'll definitely take you home!" The tears in her eyes couldn't hold back after all, falling from the red eye sockets, soaking her fair and tender cheeks, Ye Shi pressed Ya wiped away the tears on his face, and pushed the bodyguard beside him.

"Hurry up, didn't you say that you only have 5 minutes? What you Mr. Chen said is for me to choose, not for them to choose. I have already chosen, so you quickly put the person down!"

"I want to let it go, not only the two of them let it go, but you have to obediently go home with me!" A thick male voice came from behind, interrupting Ye Shi's words, the familiar voice caught the tears in her eyes off guard Without even thinking about it, he turned around and threw himself into the arms of the passer-by, whimpering and grabbing his collar, looking so aggrieved that the people who watched felt distressed and wanted to laugh.

"Okay, didn't I come here? Don't worry, I will definitely bring everyone back!" Touching Ye Shi's soft and messy hair, Huo Chen put one hand around her waist and the other in his pocket, and raised his head slightly. He looked at the two people who were suspended in the sky.

"Here we come." With a sigh of relief in his heart, Ye Chuan let go of his hands, and sat powerlessly in the cage. Looking around, a group of people were fighting fiercely not far away, and the scene was about to get out of control for a while.

Tired of crying, Ye Shicai slowly withdrew from Huo Chen's arms, leaning against his body and sobbing softly.

"Hurry up, put my brother, brother and Nan, Brother Nan down!" It was really scary to look at it hanging in mid-air, what if one accidentally fell down.

"What to do next, Ms. Ye thinks really well. I remember I told you that I can only take one person away. Why do you think that if Huo Chen comes, you can take him away?" Chen Yi helped Chen Weiman Slowly walking from a distance, surrounded by a group of bodyguards, it seems that he is determined to leave one person here.

"Chen Yi, don't you think your father still has a chance of winning?"

Huo Chen raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Wei, took Ye Shi's hand and quietly moved up and down her waist.

"Mr. Huo, it's better to see clearly. Here, apart from you and Ye Shi, the rest are all from the Chen family. What's wrong? Do you think I can't let the two of them play together now!" Chen Yi's mouth curled up. From now on, the appearance is very arrogant.

"What do you want?" Looking back at Ye Chuan and Sheng Xingnan, Huo Chen frowned, but it was his fault that he forgot for a moment that it was the Chen family who controlled the machine. As long as his hands shook a little, people would fall off. this place is not easy to save
"Does this look familiar to you?" His eyes were wide open, half of Chen Wei leaned forward, his red eyes stared straight at Ye Chuan, as if he wanted to tear him apart.

Speaking of familiarity, Huo Chen looked around. He felt that this place was very familiar to him when he first came here, but he never remembered it. Now that Chen Wei deliberately brought it up, he felt that something was wrong.

"This is very similar to the place where Chen Ya forced me to jump into the sea. Ah Chen, do you think Chen Wei wants to avenge Aunt Shen?"

Chen Wei's words reminded Ye Shi that the place where she was kidnapped by Chen Ya twice was very similar to this place. They were all fine at that time, only Shen Yayu jumped off the cliff and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Shen Yayu's matter has nothing to do with us. I'm afraid Chen Wei has gone crazy. Ever since Shen Yayu married Chen Wei, he should have been crazy. He has been in love for so many years, and his heart is probably very twisted."

They are indeed very similar, only a hotel and a few warehouses are missing, except for these things, they look exactly the same.

"You remember it, Ye Chuan, did you regret forcing Yayu to jump into the sea at that time? Can you imagine that you will be hung on a cliff and forced to jump into the sea? I want to see such a scene in my dreams I realized that I didn’t intend to treat you like this, it was you who took away my only remaining hope, you should all pay the price, you will all suffer retribution”

The more he talked and laughed, the happier he was. The veins on Chen Wei's neck were protruding, his face was flushed, his whole body was trembling, he looked straight at Ye Shi, and said excitedly: "Ye Shi, you choose, I will give you this chance , who do you choose? As long as you open your mouth, I will let him go for Mr. Huo's sake. If you choose neither, I don't mind if you all go down to accompany my Yayu!"

"Chen Wei, you are crazy. Aunt Shen's matter has nothing to do with us. It was Chen Ya who kidnapped me to go there, and Aunt Shen insisted on helping Chen Ya jump off. Chen Ya was the one who caused all this."

Shouting at the top of her lungs, Ye Shiban leaned against Huo Chen's arms and panted. Although she knew that Chen Wei was crazy and might not be able to listen, she didn't want to lose the two of them, and she couldn't lose them. If it was because of her, among them A person died, and she would never forgive herself in this life.

"Miss Ye, the time is coming up soon, who do you choose?" Chen Yi couldn't get used to these people talking for so long, he raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said with a smile.

"Sister Shi, I didn't help you ten years ago, which made you and Brother Chuan suffer. This time, it was because of my own will that I caused this situation. Chen Wei is already crazy. It's useless for you to bargain with a lunatic. As long as you can live a good life, I will have no remains, Brother Chuan still has a lot of important things to do, you take him home!"

Stretching his neck and trying to raise his face, Sheng Xingnan smiled happily at Ye Shi. Since he stepped into the trap of Chen's father and son, he has already made such preparations. People are always going to die, sooner or later The difference is nothing but nothing to be afraid of.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Brother Nan, you have done your best for what happened back then, and you should have cured my brother, there must be a way, you asked me to persuade you, Brother Nan, you can't do this, you can't" burst into tears After falling down, Ye Shi covered her face, gritted her teeth and looked at Sheng Xingnan, the panic and sadness in her heart overflowed a little bit, as if she was going to drown her.

"Shengxing Nan, you were only ten years ago, and the affairs of the Ye family had nothing to do with you, and everything was taken care of by yourself." After taking a breath, Ye Chuan continued.

(End of this chapter)

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