Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 148 Shen Hai

Chapter 148 Shen Hai
"Without you, I wouldn't be able to wake up. I've barely survived for five years. Help me take good care of Huo Chen, watch Xiaoshi and take good care of him!"

"Okay Brother Chuan, don't rob me. What kind of person is Huo Chen, don't even think about whether I can shock you." With a smile on his face, Sheng Nan coughed lightly, turned his head and looked at Chen Wei went on to say:

"The candidate has already been booked. I can't settle with you Chen Wei in this life. In the next life, I will definitely find you to get these grudges back. Let Ye Chuan go. I'll just stay."

"Chen Wei, even if the people behind the Chen family cover the sky with their hands, my Huo family's power in Lincheng is still the same. If any of the two of them have an accident, it will be a big deal for us to die, and the entire Huo family will be involved. I will not let go. Live a Chen family!"

Huo Chen hugged Ye Shi distressedly, and frowned tightly, no matter what, he never thought that Chen Wei would be so frantic.A life can be taken away as soon as it is said, even Mr. Huo was not so cruel when he was young.

"It's okay if you want the whole Chen family to you. I already have nothing left. Huo Chen, you took everything from me. I'm already merciful enough. Don't you think I've left one for you! "

It's just human life, he already has a lot in his hand, he didn't want to live in this world at first, it's just a Chen family, he didn't take it to heart at all, this is where he went, he became so excited.

"Mr. Chen, what do you want, as long as you let the two of them go, I will give you anything, even if it takes my life."

"Miss Ye, what are you struggling with? Isn't this already chosen? Then, as you wish!" Pulling away Chen Yi who had been protecting him from behind, Chen Wei took a step forward, interrupting Ye Shi's words, and raised his right hand abruptly, Swipe it hard.

As Chen Wei raised his hand, Ye Shi immediately turned around and watched Sheng Xingnan quickly descend with the iron cage and disappear into the sea with a "bang" sound. The people disappeared before my eyes.

"Shengxing Nan, Shengxing Nan! Brother Nan, no, no, no!" Pushing Huo Chen's big hand away, Ye Shi scrambled towards the edge of the cliff, seeing that she was about to rush down, and was dragged by the people behind her Live, lock in your arms.

"Shishi, Shishi, I will definitely avenge him. Calm down, Shishi, calm down!" Huo Chen locked onto Ye Shi, who was about to break free, sweat broke out on his forehead, and his eyes were red.

Although he didn't like Sheng Xingnan very much all the time, it was just because his rivals were so jealous when they met each other. They grew up together, but now they watched him being thrown into the sea. Huo Chen felt uncomfortable. How many.

"No, Brother Nan. Ah Chen, it won't be like this. How could it be like this? Ah Chen, he is Sheng Xing Nan! Help me, protect me Sheng Xing Nan, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be." Huo Chen's clothes, Ye Shi was out of breath from crying.

A pair of eyes were insanely red and swollen, and the sound of crying floated in the air.
Under the cliff, not far away, on a small platform, Chen Ya was standing beside Jin Xu with her hands behind her back.

"How is it? Did you get it back?" Ever since she got in touch with Jin Xu and knew that he liked her, Chen Ya has learned a lot of domestic news from him, and she will follow this time because she just wants to see What exactly Chen Wei wanted to do, unexpectedly brought her a pleasant surprise. According to Ye Shi's temperament, as long as Sheng Xingnan is in her hands, when the time comes...
"Don't worry, little Ya'er, people have been waiting for a long time, I believe there will be a good result!" Jin Xu carefully protected Chen Ya, turned sideways to help her block the cold sea water, with a cautious smile on his face, Empty embrace her side.

"Young master, the man has been rescued, but it was probably because of the impact of the sea water that he passed out." The bodyguard who had been waiting at the bottom of the sea pulled the rope in his hand and dragged an unconscious man to the shore.

"As long as you don't die, don't worry about the rest. They probably won't have time to pay attention to us now. Let's find a boat and leave!"

Lifting her foot and kicking Sheng Xingnan who looked like a dead body, Chen Ya snorted coldly and held Jin Xu's arm with her face full of impatience.

"Okay, I know the environment here is not good, and I have wronged you. Our company will go public in two months, and we will not get involved in Lincheng's affairs, okay? I know you are kind, so I want to save you. Human, but."

"Okay, Ah Xu, you know I'm the most impatient to listen to these things, let's go back quickly, it's so cold here!" Chen Ya shivered and went straight into Jin Xu's arms, Chen Ya lowered her head with viciousness and resentment in her eyes. And pass.

Unaware that Sheng Xingnan had been taken away, Ye Shi was so heartbroken that she lay in Huo Chen's arms and passed out crying.

It took Ye Chuan a long time to come back to his senses, and he stared blankly into the distance, not even knowing when he was released from the cage.

"Mr. Ye, this time the hospitality was not good. Next time, I will definitely treat you well." The good show just started and I couldn't bear it. Chen Yi smiled presumptuously, pestered Chen Wei and turned around and wanted to leave.

"Chen Wei, I will definitely make the Chen family pay the price. Even if I hide it well, do you think I don't know where Shen Yayu's body is! Don't worry, I will help you take care of it!" Regardless of the leg pain, Standing up abruptly from the ground, Ye Chuan's eyes were bloodshot as he looked at him expressionlessly, tears falling drop by drop on the ground.

"Ye Chuan, how dare you!" Chen Wei withdrew his originally excited expression in an instant, looked ruthlessly, stared at Ye Chuan coldly and continued: "This time I'm just a foreigner, Ye Chuan, if you still dare to be presumptuous, I won't let you go!" Do you mind letting your sister jump into the sea again!"

As he spoke, he flicked his hands, returning to his original, rather elegant appearance, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

"Ye Chuan."

"I know what you want to say, no need, you go back with Xiaoshi first, she may not be able to accept it for a while, you can enlighten her, I will go to Xingnan." With a tired face and a desolate body, Ye Chuan moved forward little by little, kneeling straight on the edge of the cliff, lowering his head and covering his face with his hands, his tall and thin body trembling slightly.

Sighing, knowing it was useless to say anything now, Huo Chen picked up Ye Shi and walked back.

"President, I don't know why the members of the Chen family withdrew suddenly, do you want to chase them?" Lin Li said after walking two steps, panting.

"No, let's go back!" When I came here, I had a bad premonition in my heart, but I didn't expect it to end like this. Huo Chen sighed, and then said: "If you are injured, settle down properly, find someone to take care of the wounded ones carefully." Check the building carefully."

When he went in, he observed that this small building was not very big at all, except for the large rooms on the first floor, second floor and third floor, there was no place to detain them at all, let alone get out these machines, this small building is not simple .

"Yes, don't worry, President." Lin Li nodded in response.

(End of this chapter)

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