Chapter 152

"Go ahead and find out where this person is now." The butler escaped seamlessly. Up to now, only one bill has been found, and he has not even found a trace of the person's whereabouts. The person behind the back is definitely not as simple as Chen Wei .

"President, don't worry, we've continued to investigate!" After coming abroad, he didn't play anything and brought back a lot of business. Lin Li sighed, bent towards Huo Chen, turned and left.

Chen Ya sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, and the person lying on the bed was Sheng Xingnan who everyone thought was dead.

"Xiao Ya'er, what do you want to do to save him? I can give you anything you want, but"

"Axu, don't you know what I'm thinking? I just didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that Chen Wei would choose to go to that place to deal with these things. You should also know that my mother was forced to jump into the sea to save me. Now, as a child, even if my father treats me badly, I should still be filial to my mother, so leave me alone, okay!"

Interrupting Jin Xu's words, Chen Ya wrapped her hands around his neck, ignoring the presence of a doctor beside her, her body was as soft as a water snake wrapped around his body, her eyes were as charming as silk, and her movements were as passionate as fire.

She was originally the woman he liked, and after being teased like this, Jin Xu instantly forgot everything that happened just now.

"Cough, cough, cough!" A weak cough came from the bed, and she stopped her hands. Chen Ya didn't have the slightest intention of getting off Jin Xu's lap, so she sat on the sofa with her arms around him, and looked towards the bed past.

"I, where am I?" The voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, Sheng Xingnan barely opened his eyes, and the last impression left was that he was thrown into the dark sea with the iron cage, how could he be here?

"Wake up and get up, Sheng Xingnan, I saved you, how do you repay me?" Lai was in Jin Xu's arms, Chen Ya had a smile on her face, since she came here, except for special days, Chen Wei helped her sign up She didn't miss the course at all.

Dealing with many things has long been less desperate than before.

"Chen Ya?" Not knowing why she appeared here, she should be at the bottom of the sea, Sheng Xingnan frowned, pushed away the doctor who was still moving by with one hand, and struggled to get up from the bed, "Where am I?" ?”

"I saved you, how do you repay me?" Leaning in Jin Xu's arms, Chen Ya continued to ask with a smile, regardless of what he said.

"Heh, don't put on a show. If it weren't for Chen Wei, I would be in this state. Where are Chen Ya, Ye Shi and Ye Chuan? Where are they?"

A person already has injuries on his body. After being thrown from such a high place, his internal organs have been almost injured. It is already a miracle that he can wake up, speak and defend himself now!

"Sheng Xingnan, if you do it, you must repay your kindness. I saved you, but you are still thinking about others. Isn't it a little bad?" Chen Ya got off Jin Xu's lap and walked slowly towards Sheng Xingnan, the expression on his face has never changed.

"Oh! Chen Ya, what happened to you back then, you still have the face to talk to me here, you save me? Do you think I will still believe your nonsense! Cough cough" watching Chen Ya walking closer and closer , Shengxing Nan was so emotional that he wanted to stand up when he sat up, but his action hurt his stomach. The pain caused him to sweat profusely, and he fell on the bed unable to move.

"There are some things that you can't avoid seeing if you don't want to. Shengxingnan, I grew up with you, right? After all these years, don't you know what kind of character I am?"

The speaker stood by the bed, and Chen Ya waved her hand with a smile. Before Sheng Xingnan could react, the doctor behind him had already stepped forward and stabbed it.

Soon Shengxingnan collapsed on the bed.

Chen Ya sneered, with such a big baby in her hands, it seems that it is time to go back!

"Xiaoya, what are you keeping him for? I will help you do whatever you want, me"

"Ah Xu, I know that you are good to me, I understand that, but I have some grudges that I must avenge, you should know that too!" Leaning on Jin Xu's body, Chen Ya stood up and dragged him outside.

"I know, but Xiaoya, if you want to take revenge, I can help you in other ways, and you don't have to keep him!" Jin Xu frowned and couldn't help looking back at Sheng Xingnan, the eldest son of the Sheng family, but Not easy to deal with!
"I know A Xu is jealous, that's why it happened. Don't worry, I don't have any wrong thoughts about him." Looking at Jin Xu with a smile, Chen Ya turned her head and looked at Sheng Xing Nan with a blank expression. , and soon turned around with a smile, and then said: "Didn't you say that you haven't returned to Lincheng for a long time, this time I will accompany you to go back secretly to meet your father, okay?"

Jin Xu is still too tender for some things, but his father is a very good partner, and he should be happier than Jin Xu!Already analyzing Jintang in her mind, Chen Ya twisted her body and walked out.

"Xiao Ya'er, are you really willing to accompany me back to meet my father? That's really great, I believe my father will like you very much! I'm going to prepare now, Xiao Ya'er is going to stay with me for a long time Long time? I'll arrange it in advance." After knowing each other for so long, Jin Xu is full of Chen Ya, and has long wanted to take her to meet her parents, but because of the courses here, she has never left. This time, Chen Ya Wei and Chen Yi have made such a big move, so they have no time to take care of her, and it doesn't matter if they disappear for a few days now and then.

"I know what you think about me, A Xu, thank you these days, if it weren't for you being with me, I'm afraid I would have collapsed already!" It's thanks to Jin that she can clearly understand what happened to Lin Cheng now. Xu, what she is going to do now is basically done by Jin Xu. When she first came here, she was so desperate that meeting Jin Xu surprised her so much.

"Oh, speaking of going back, I still think of one thing, Xiaoya, wait for me for a while!" As he spoke, he let go of Chen Ya's hand, and ran back to the room mysteriously. After a long while, he smiled happily , clutching something and ran over.

"Look quickly, the gift I prepared for you, see if you like it or not!" Holding it up with both hands, it was brought to Chen Ya's eyes. Jin Xu's smiling eyes narrowed, his face was full of joy, and the taste of happiness overflowed from the inside out.

"What is it, so mysterious." Pulling the thing in his hand to look carefully, the more she looked, the brighter Chen Ya's eyes became, and after repeated looking twice, she raised her head and looked at him with sparkling eyes: "I said, what are you busy with these days? So you are working on this? Didn't you say it will take at least a month? Why is our company established so quickly?"

"I asked my father for help. I wanted to give you a surprise and let you go home with me."

(End of this chapter)

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