Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 153 Chen Ya Company Founded

Chapter 153 Chen Ya Company Founded
"I set up the company's sub-headquarters here, and Lincheng set up a branch office. It will be much easier for us to move the headquarters back to Lincheng in the future." He didn't expect it to be done so soon, Jin Xu Smiling at the body of the landlord Chen Ya, she said solemnly.

"Since this is the case, then I have to get familiar with some things as soon as possible. The future president, please cover me well!" The company has been established, and the plan is equivalent to two-thirds completed, and then we just need to wait for the right time to go back Huo Chen will always be in her pocket, and Chen Ya's eyes are full of determination in Jin Xu's arms.

The effect of the anesthetic wore off slowly, and Ye Chuan gradually woke up in the middle of the night. The lights in the room were still on, and Ye Shi noticed that he had woken up immediately, and nervously leaned over: "Brother, how do you feel?"

"Don't worry, it's just a long time delay, that's why you think so. It's okay to raise her up. Shishi, I know you're sad, but people can't live in the past forever. Youyou is still waiting for you at home!"

Just after waking up, Ye Chuan knew what was going on in her heart when she looked at the sky outside, but she just didn't believe it and couldn't let it go.

"Brother, I know, it's just that I can't accept it for a while. Let's go home after you have two days of training!" Home, now I really want to go back, but suddenly I feel empty in my heart, as if something has been left behind.

"Rest early, and I will go back to China tomorrow. I have to settle Xingnan's account with the Chen family." Sitting up with force, he stroked Ye Shi's hair. Ye Chuan smiled at her and motioned her to go back quickly. rest.

"I can't sleep, why don't we chat." Ye Shi didn't feel sleepy, even if she closed her eyes, her mind was full of Sheng Xingnan. From the beginning to now, she didn't dare to close her eyes anymore, Chen Ya smiled wryly, leaning against the wall and said.

"Xiaoshi, don't make me worry." How can he let her stay by herself in such a state in the future?
"It's getting late, what are we talking about?" Knowing that both of them must still be awake, Huo Chen opened the door and came in, moved a chair and sat beside Ye Shi, carefully holding her cold little hand in the palm of his hand to warm it up : "Hands are so cold, and I don't know how to wear more clothes. I just had a fever and I feel better. Shishi, I know you are sad, but if you don't cherish yourself like this, I will be very sad."

"I don't feel cold. It's okay. Ah Chen, you should go back to sleep first. You have worked hard these days. My brother said that I will be home tomorrow. Did you find Brother Nan's?" Ye Shi tilted her head and smiled, her face was a little stiff .

"I haven't found it yet. The iron cage is very heavy. It should have sunk to the bottom of the sea. This place is very deep, and it may not reach the bottom of the sea. So... be mentally prepared, there is no guarantee that you will find it back."

Huo Chen has already sent three or four groups of people to look for them. They have been searching until now. Let alone people, they can't even see the shadows of the two cages. Bad, so there is no way to go to sea.

"Try your best, Ah Chen, let's go home!" Limp on Huo Chen's body, Ye Shi's eyes were so hollow, as if she had lost her soul, leaving only a walking corpse.

"Okay, we'll go home tomorrow, and now I'll take you back to have a good rest, okay?" He probably gave all his tenderness to the little woman in his arms. Huo Chen touched her tender face with a gentle expression Incredible.

"Chen Wei will definitely not stop here. His only weakness is Shen Yayu. He doesn't care about the Chen family and Chen Yi at all. This turmoil can be used to make some tricks and get some catchy things on the Internet. Get excited!"

Since Chen Wei wants to have fun and be more exciting, of course he wants to accompany him, so the old debts will be settled together, and some debts must be repaid. After passing Chen Wei, Ye Chuan moved his injured leg, thinking about what to do, planning to jump outside one after another, Ye Shi didn't understand the whole process, and couldn't understand at all.

Huo Chen and Ye Chuan spoke to each other, and quickly finalized the final plan. Ye Shi was in a fog, and he didn't know when he was carried back to the room. After lying on the bed in a daze, Only then did I react.

She was about to get up, but was pressed on the bed by the man beside her: "What are you doing, it will be dawn soon, hurry up and sleep for a while, after returning home, I won't have so much time to rest with you!"

"Achen, have you and your brother made arrangements? We're going back, what should Brother Nan do here alone?" Turning around, facing Huo Chen, Ye Shi raised her head, just in time to see his edges and corners A well-defined chin, a delicate and charming Adam's apple.

Subconsciously, she swallowed her saliva before realizing it. She quickly grabbed his shoulder, moved it up, and met his gaze.

"I'll keep people looking here, don't worry, I won't leave him here alone, Shishi, go to sleep!" Patting Ye Shi's back lightly to coax her, Huo Chen sighed. It's just a rival in love, now it's all right, Shishi may never forget Sheng Xingnan in this life, not only that, but she will have to grieve for him for several years before she can gradually come out.

He already knew exactly what kind of temperament Ye Shi was. With these miscellaneous things in his mind, Huo Chen quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep. The body in his arms was soft and sweet, and he slept very comfortably.

When I close my eyes, the sky outside is almost bright, but when I open my eyes, the sun hurts my eyes.

He just got out of bed in a daze and was about to go to the bathroom when he suddenly saw a small ball curled up in the corner of the sofa not far away. Although he couldn't see his face, it was clearly Ye You'an!

Waking up in an instant, Ye Shi ran over, picked up the child who was dozing off, and let him sit on her lap: "Youyou, why are you here? Why don't you go to bed and sleep? What are you doing on the sofa?"

"Uncle Huo didn't let me disturb my mother's sleep, saying that it was rare for my mother to have a good rest. Uncle Lin Li came to pick me up in the middle of the night last night. I arrived here at dawn in the morning. Mom and we are not sad, although Youyou doesn't know yet What happened, but mom, you still have me, don't be sad!"

Standing up unsteadily from Ye Shi's lap, Ye You'an held Ye Shi's head and comforted him softly.

"Mom is fine, things will always pass, Youyou don't worry."

"Wake up, what are you talking about?" Hearing movement in the ward, he knew that Ye Shi must have woken up, so Huo Chen pushed the door in and hugged Ye Shi and Ye You'an one by one on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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