Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 154 Chapter Family

Chapter 154
Huo Chen kissed each of them one by one, and then said, "Clean up and go back right away!"

"Are you in such a hurry? I still want to hang out again."

"Shishi, I know you are reluctant, but don't go there. There are many things that can change the result, and there are many things that can't change the result. We have to try to accept this result, Shishi, I know."

"Okay, why have you been talking more and more recently?" Pushing Huo Chen away, Ye Shi smiled softly: "I know all these things, where did you learn these words, you didn't know that at all before. It will be comforting!"

"People always have to change. For you, I am willing to change my world so that you can live in it and be happier." Rubbing Ye Shi's little head, Huo Chen put the two of them down and stood up. "I still have something to do. Let's go first, someone will pick you up in half an hour, hurry up and pack up, we're going home!"

"Okay, I don't have anything to clean up anyway, let's go with you." She was also kidnapped temporarily, except for a set of clothes on her body, she didn't even have a mobile phone, so there was nothing to clean up. waste time.

"In this case, let's go together." Holding Ye You'an with one hand and Ye Shi with the other, if this could go on like this, Huo Chen deeply felt that the whole world would be complete.

I used to think about rights and money, but later I realized that these things are the most useless things. Many things can’t be understood until they are lost. He has experienced such distress once, and he doesn’t want to come here for the first time. It's the second time.

Meeting Ye Chuan on the plane, Ye Shi sat beside him, drooping her head, listless.

Knowing that she might be thinking of Sheng Xingnan in her heart, at this time, any language is useless, Ye Chuan sighed and didn't care too much, and Ye Youan, who pulled aside, questioned the family affairs carefully.

The time to go back seemed to be shorter than the time to come, but after a short while, the plane landed firmly on the ground.

All the way back to her room, Ye Shi looked at the familiar room, this time, it felt like a century had passed, everything looked strange and familiar, she closed the door and sat on the bed.

Ye Shi untied all the things on her body, lay on the bed, tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, persisted all the way, no one noticed, until only she was left, all the fragility and pain slowly appeared come out.

The tears couldn't stop flowing out, the nose was sore and unstoppable, my heart seemed to be grabbed, I couldn't breathe from the pain, I didn't have any strength in my body, and it was even difficult to even move in bed.

At this moment, in the study, Ye Chuan was sitting by the window, looking at the bright sunlight outside, turned his head and smiled brightly at Huo Chen who was standing behind him: "Go for a walk about Chen Wei and Shen Yayu, the Chen family recently A cooperation with the government, find people to make trouble, find drunks, mess up their positions, and I will handle the next thing myself.”

"Don't worry, success is not allowed, and failure is not allowed. Also, are your legs okay?" Seeing Ye Chuan's smile, Huo Chen's expression froze instantly. Everyone who knows him well knows that the happier Ye Chuan smiles, the happier he is. Those who miss it will be more unlucky. After thinking of such shameless tricks, Chen Wei is probably going to be really cold this time.

"Go and read Xiaoshi before you go back, she is probably hiding in the room and crying now."

Sheng Xingnan's meaning to Ye Shi is extraordinary, the companionship in the early years, the perseverance in the most critical moment, the affection that comes out of getting along is probably not as shallow as that of him.

Ye Chuan sighed. He hadn't explained to the Sheng family yet, and after thinking about it all the way, he couldn't figure out how to talk to Sheng's mother.

"Understood, I'll go to the Sheng family to explain and heal your wounds well." Patting Ye Chuan on the shoulder, knowing that he couldn't face Sheng's mother now, Huo Chen sighed, turned and went out.

Huo Chen pushed the door quietly and opened to Ye Shi's room. The curtains were drawn and the lights were not turned on. The room was pitch black. He groped carefully to reach the bedside, turned on the bedside lamp, and found that Ye Shi was lying on the bed at the moment. , is still the same as when he came back, already asleep, but he didn't even cover him with a quilt, his face was full of tears, his hair was soaked, and even when he fell asleep, his expression was full of sadness.

It seems that this time the injury was indeed serious.

He grabbed her head, picked her up carefully, and let her sit on his lap. Huo Chen pulled off the quilt and put her in with a twisted movement. He helped her slippers, took off her socks, and even helped her After wiping her body and changing her clothes, the little girl lying on the bed was fast asleep, unconscious, and didn't seem to wake up at all.

Tired for a while, Huo Chen simply went to the bathroom to wipe himself casually, climbed into Ye Shi's bed and slept with her in his arms.

In the morning, the sun came out from the gaps in the curtains, stretched my waist, opened my eyes, and saw someone beside the bed who was propping his head with one hand, looking at her with a half-smile, so surprised that he even forgot to close his mouth, stunned It took a while to react.

"Achen, why are you in my bed?" She didn't know when she fell asleep last night, and when this man sneaked onto her bed, why didn't she feel it at all!
"Not only did I climb into your bed, but I also changed your clothes and wiped your body. Shishi, don't you think the clothes on your body are, um, a little strange!" Scratching his chin, Huo Chen thought for a moment, He frowned and said.

It was strange when I wore it last night, but I didn't think much about it at the time. Now it is even more strange when I look at it now. Girls' clothes are really hard to understand now. Greetings flashed in my mind, but Huo Chen's eyes were full of It's all gentle.

"Ah! Huo Chen, hooligan" just finished speaking, Ye Shi screamed in shock. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should cover her face or her chest. The clothes were obviously worn wrong. With such a large shoulder, if she wears it herself, no matter what kind of clothes she wears, she won't be able to wear it wrong.
Looking at Huo Chen with resentment, Ye Shi curled up under the blanket and looked at him with hatred, feeling a little better.

"The child was born to me, why do you still care about these things? Youyou is my child, when do you plan to let him recognize his ancestors? Grandpa has been looking forward to his grandson for a long time."

As soon as the second half of the sentence came out, Ye Shi, who was originally happy, frowned, and couldn't hide the sullen look on her face.

She raised her eyes and cast a glance at Huo Chen, her voice became much colder: "Grandpa Huo asked me to kill this child back then, as long as it was my child, he wouldn't like it, he only likes you and the child he chose Children of life!"

"Shishi, you misunderstood."

"Don't call me! I can endure anything, but Youyou can't. In my house, he can go to heaven and earth, and I pamper him, but in Huo's house, he won't be as happy as he is now, and I won't take him with him. I'm going to see Grandpa Huo."

After she finished speaking, she got off the bed, walked out to the bathroom, quickly changed her clothes, and slammed the door away.

(End of this chapter)

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