Chapter 155
The tenderness of the previous moment completely dissipated, and the deep tiredness between Huo Chen's brows was only slightly revealed after she left.

Under the night, Chen Ya covered her ears with her slender fingers, frowned slightly, and said dissatisfiedly, "Have you had enough? I avoided so many people, and I didn't come back all the way to do this with you!"

In the luxury box at nine o'clock, the red wine, champagne, and wine glasses were smashed, the glass fell all over the floor, and the wine was stained all over.

Chen Yi looked gloomy and thought of Yan Luo, with his arms resting on the edge of Chen Ya's seat, his overwhelming anger was suppressed in his body, and he spoke in a rather unfriendly tone: "Chen Ya, I cooperated with you because you were obedient, and cooperation is cooperation." , partner, you want to grab me now, what? Dump it when you run out, don't you need me now? And can the news be leaked casually?"

"Oh, you still have the nerve to say that I was sent abroad, although most of it was Chen Wei's intention, but do you dare to say that you didn't contribute to the flames? If you had said a few more words for me back then, I would not have become what I am now. This way." She frowned coldly, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, which was deep and elusive.

"It's not the same thing at all. Besides, didn't you meet another noble person abroad? Why didn't I see you thank me for such a good thing!" Chen Yi casually picked up the cup on the table, He fell hard to the ground.

Chen Ya completely ignored him, picked up the red wine on the table, touched Chen Yi on her own, and drank it with her head raised.

His cheeks were slightly flushed, it seemed that drinking had more advantages. When he turned his head to look at Chen Yi again, his eyes showed a sharp edge, and he said coldly: "You want to tear your face off with me?"

Chen Yi hurriedly put his clothes away, and after a while of strength, he let go of his body and opened the distance between the two of them.

On the face, he forced a smile: "Chen Ya, we spent so much energy meeting each other, we shouldn't just waste time like this. To make a long story short, you can't get in touch with the person behind Chen Wei. Any news from Jin Xu can't be used in any way. Tell anyone, especially those with the surname Ye or Huo, that we can make money through harmony, and I don't want anyone to use force, you know?"

"The company that Jin Xu opened for you, how is it doing now? Is it on the right track?" Changing the subject.

Chen Ya withdrew her smile, and said with a cold face, "You grab Mrs. Chen first, and then talk about it. What qualifications do you have to talk about me now?" Even though she said that, there was a hint of conspiracy in the corner of her mouth. smile.

"Since this is the case, why don't we re-plan. Jin Xu has been relying on friends so far. You already have people behind you who support you. Now I want to swallow the Chen family. The people behind Chen Wei cannot be used by me. , I can't do anything at all, it's better not to force Chen Ya to do some things, after all, the one above is more interested in the Huo family!"

The corners of Chen Yi's mouth curled up slightly. Sure enough, anything Huo Chen could say was more effective. As long as he pinched Huo Chen to death, Chen Ya would definitely make any waves in his palm.

"It's rare to come back once, so I'll make a long story short. The latest news is that Huo Chen and Ye Chuan are teaming up to deal with Chen Wei. You ask Jin Xu to help you stand in the middle for two days. Wait for me to deal with the Chen family's affairs and take Chen Wei in one fell swoop." Down."

Not wanting to see his annoying face for a long time, Chen Yi leaned back on the chair, shaking the red wine slightly in his hand.

"No problem, but I came back this time to meet the parents, maybe I will get in touch with that person earlier than you." Huo Chen took Ye Chuan and Ye Shi and left, Chen Ya and Jin Xu followed behind The reason why he can be here so openly now is because he already has a reasonable identity.

"Since you want to see your parents, of course it's fine, but don't hit me!" With a sneer, he walked outside through the broken glass all over the place. Interspersed together, it's a mess.

"Oh, dare to point fingers at me, you should take care of yourself first!" Chen Ya got up and left a document before leaving, "Look for yourself!"

Standing at the door, Chen Yi watched Chen Ya go far away, turned around and punched the table fiercely, knocking down the wine glasses in a circle, and the broken glass scum all over the floor, looking a bit messy again.

There are only a few thin sheets of paper in the batch file. I don't know what they are, but it should be something from a long time ago, and the paper is a little yellowed.

Where did this come from?
When I pulled out the first page, I saw a dialogue, which looked like it was written with a voice recorder.

"Ms. Shen's medicine is almost used up, the medical certificate needs to be revised a little bit!"

"Don't worry Mr. Chen, after so many years of taking care of him, I'm almost used to it!"

The two sentences and one page disappeared like this, and when I turned to the second page, there were still only two sentences:
"All medical data will be deleted. I will officially return to China after a while. I hope it will not be too late!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen, everything has been arranged for you, and there will be absolutely no flaws."

Chen Yi suddenly tore a few pieces of paper in his hands to pieces, and shouted angrily, "Come on!"

A group of bodyguards looked decent in black suits: "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Go and find out, who else knows what happened back then except this doctor! And don't tell anyone who knows!" His cold voice echoed in the huge box, cold and ruthless.

In the afternoon, Ye Chuan thumped his numb legs. He sat in the yard and looked at the green leaves and grass. After thinking about it, he decided to go to Sheng's house in person. Although Huo Chen had already been there in the morning, then he It would be unfair not to go now.

Along the way, there are very few people on the road, and I don't know what it was back then, but now I don't even go out!

"My well-behaved son followed you, and now he will come and tell me that he didn't even find the body? Huo Chen, you can ask Ye Chuan if he has a conscience in doing this? Back then, we Xingnan tried so hard to put him down. Give it to the rescuer, this is the attitude now! He is a white-eyed wolf, ungrateful, I, son, Xingnan."

It's just a message. I thought Sheng's mother was sad and sad, but she didn't expect that she would drag him and refuse to let him go. Huo Chen stood there with disgust on his face and let others chatter non-stop. As if he didn't hear at all, he folded his arms and closed his eyes slightly.

"Auntie, I'm to blame for this incident. It's all my fault. I didn't protect Xingnan well. I didn't let him come back safely. I failed your trust. I will give you an explanation for this incident!" Happened abroad What happened is not clear at all, and no one has seen it with their own eyes. In the end, they can only say that the public is right and the wife is right, and there is a lot of trouble.

"Give me an explanation! Ye Chuan, you were the one who told me that night that we would definitely bring us back to Xingnan! The next day, it was you, Huo Chen, who promised to bring both of them back safely!"

(End of this chapter)

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