Chapter 156
"Why is our family traveling south worthless? In the end, only the Huo family and the Ye family came back. Anyway, I watched you grow up! Why don't you help us travel south?"

Sheng's mother burst into tears, the mourning hall has been completely set up after a morning's work, and all the things that should be prepared have been prepared. Ye Chuan can't stand the atmosphere, and doesn't want to waste it here In time, he had to use all his mind to deal with Chen Wei, otherwise he would lose everything in one careless move.

After a long silence, Mother Sheng's face was full of vicissitudes, her pale face trembled uncontrollably, she wiped her tears and said:

"Why don't you say it, Huo Chen, do you think that Xingnan likes small poems, so in the end you just stand by and watch?"

"Auntie's matter has nothing to do with Huo Chen at all. It is indeed my problem. Even if it costs my life, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation! I hope you will give us some time now and let us do it what we should do"

A big living person, who was fine a few days ago, now suddenly said that it is gone, no one can bear this kind of thing, and he was not directly blasted out, or beaten out, just said a few words, Ye Chuan was already very satisfied.

"It's true that it has nothing to do with him, does it? Ye Chuan touched your own conscience and asked him who saved your life, and your Ye family's difficult situation back then. Xingnan has a solid eye, do you have to go to help, now it is good, our family Xingnan is useless, and this is what will happen? You, Ye Chuan."

"Is it still meaningful to say these things now? And why were you arrested when you were Mr. Ye, why was your son arrested? Sheng Xingnan ignored Mr. Ye's obstruction and acted without authorization. In the end, not only did Mr. Ye almost get involved, but also Almost got everyone outside involved, our president doesn't owe you anything, so you can do it yourself!" The more he listened, the more he felt that there was a problem, Huo Chen sneered, not wanting to waste time with this kind of person, he pulled Lin Li aside, and made a fool of him He rolled his eyes, turned around and walked outside the door to wait.

"These things are true, but let's help us get revenge in Xingnan anyway. I don't expect anything else." Eyes flushed, standing outside the window to blow the wind, Sheng's mother smiled and looked at the two of them. This smile, the previous meanness The meaning disappeared completely, and the warm feeling seemed to come back again.

"Then we, let's go first. Regarding the body, we will definitely wait for you to come back!" The more he said, the moister his eyes became, and his already relaxed mood became tense again. Ye Chuan was pushed to the door by Huo Chen , when he was going out, he took one last look at this villa. In his lifetime, he would probably not be welcome here again.

"What do you want to do so much? I've already found the person who caused the trouble. He should officially appear on the stage after two o'clock this afternoon." Huo Chen sat next to Ye Chuan with a smile on his lips. After that, he never saw him use it again. Some things should be destroyed or destroyed!
"Okay, let's release the news of our return and the news that I may be disabled!" His hunting has just begun, Ye Chuan snorted coldly, since some people want to play, he will play with them Enough!
"Everything is well arranged, let's wait and see the good show!" This big show will probably surprise everyone in Lincheng. For so many years, their Huo family has been too casual in Lincheng, but some people have forgotten it. He Huo Chen But a ruthless person!

"I don't worry about your work!"

Chen Wei was sitting in the study at this time, getting rid of one person, and the second person was preparing. He was in a better mood than anyone else, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He opened the door of the dark room and walked in with brisk steps.

Lying impressively in the middle was Shen Yayu who had been put into the ice coffin. After so many days, the person in the ice coffin looked a little paler, as if he had just passed away.

"Dinglingling" took out his mobile phone a little irritably and glanced at it. His original good mood was disrupted by the sudden ringtone that interrupted his thoughts and words, so he picked it up impatiently and connected.

"Father, it's bad!"

"What's the matter? Every time you call me, it's either something wrong or something happened. Chen Yi, can you bring me some good news? How could I have such a useless son like you!" With a cold snort, Chen Wei His face instantly relaxed, he turned around and glanced reluctantly at the woman in the ice coffin, before closing the door carefully and walking out.

"Huo Chen and Ye Chuan started to fight back. There are some minor problems with our municipal government's projects, and someone came to make trouble."

I didn't expect Ye Chuan to use such a method. He didn't think about it for a while. Chen Yi was annoyed at the moment. He thought that Jin Xu could help him for two days. It seems unlikely that Wei won it now. Ye Chuan's move was really unexpected. No one thought that he, who is so beautiful and beautiful, would have such a rascal side.

"Someone is causing trouble and calling the police. Do you still need me to teach you this common sense? Come to the study immediately!" As long as the project is not suspended for rectification, it is not a big deal. After all, there are people behind him who are taking care of it. It has been two days and the Sheng family has not taken it. Next, the speed is a little slow.

The sound of "bang bang bang" knocked on the door interrupted Chen Wei's thoughts, and called someone in angrily. Chen Wei folded his hands on his chest, leaned on the chair and looked at Chen Yi expressionlessly.

"Father's troublemakers are a bunch of drunkards. They don't make sense at all. They just came here to mess things up. The construction site is so messed up that it's impossible to start work. Look... do you need someone to go to YS to make trouble?"

The trouble with these drunkards is that they don’t know what they did after they sobered up, and they don’t know who brought them there, let alone why they went there to do odd jobs. In other words, it is a group of people who do not know what to ask and who are extremely destructive. These people were not even detained, and they were fined a sum of money and then released.

It's troublesome to death, but there is no way to restrict it.

"Not for the time being, find someone to guard. When you see this group of people go in, beat them once you see them, and you must find out the relationship between this group of people and Ye Chuan. I want conclusive evidence!" At the beginning, I really didn't know what to do to recognize him. Chen Wei shook his head, closed his eyes, stood up with his hands on the table, lowered his head and waited for a long time before raising his head again.

"One more thing, how is the Sheng family doing? The news that Ye Chuan and Huo Chen have arrived in Lincheng, why didn't we receive it until he went to the Sheng family in person? This kind of trivial matter can't be handled well, I want What use are you for?"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, the more he felt that Chen Yi was useless. Chen Wei angrily picked up the teacup on the table and threw it at him. It hit the wall with a "bang", splashing the tea all over the floor. Chen Yi guarded it with both hands. Standing at the door, looking down in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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