Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 158 Fighting for Inheritance

Chapter 158 Fighting for Inheritance

"Hey, I didn't even move my hands. The old thing is so weak. I've been lucky these years, and I can still protect the Sheng family completely!" The blood on the table was still dripping to the ground for the provincial man Sheng, Chen Yi stood aside in disgust, his eyes were full of gloating.

Now that the master had already fainted, Chen Yi walked around the room twice with his hands behind his back and slowly swayed out.

"Where's the old man? Why are you the only one who came out?" Worrying about staying at the door, Sheng's mother glanced at Chen Yi who came out alone, her complexion suddenly turned bad, she pulled his sleeve and asked loudly.

"If you want to know if you can go in and have a look, do you think I will tell you if you are dragging me here? Or do you think I will be so bold as to dare to do something to the old lady of the Sheng family in your Sheng family?" In short, the most important task has been completed, and the rest depends on how noisy the children and grandchildren under Mr. Sheng's name are!

Undoubtedly loosening the restraint on Chen Yi, Sheng's mother pushed the door open and walked in. After walking a few steps, she saw blood all over the ground, and Mr. Sheng lying on the ground with unknown life and death. She panicked instantly, and trotted forward: " Dad, what's the matter with you! Dad."

Trembling, he reached under his nose, feeling that he was still breathing weakly, Yi Xing put down his clothes, ignored Chen Yi at this moment, and tremblingly took out his mobile phone from his pocket to make an emergency call to the hospital.

After a period of chaos, and after Mr. Sheng entered the operating room, all the members of the Sheng family gathered in the hospital.

"What the hell is going on with this old man? Aren't you here, sister-in-law? Hurry up and tell everyone!" She probably ran all the way here, and she was still a little out of breath when she got here. The woman's hair was half-draped, and her blue clothes were messed up Putting on the body, the whole person looks as if he just got up from the bed, but his face is a little pale, and there seems to be a sad smell in it.

"Second sister-in-law, what do you want to say? You don't think it's the elder sister-in-law doing it."

"What did the third brother and sister say, when did I say such a thing, I just, care, care you know! This is not the old man who heard from the housekeeper that the sister-in-law found it, let me just ask!" The woman in blue clothes interrupted Some fat women standing on the other side raised their heads and looked at Sheng's mother with some contempt.

"What's the point of saying so much now? Dad is already like this. Who will take care of the company in the future? How will the family property be divided? Anyway, there are three of us brothers. You two have been more pleasing to Dad than me since you were young. Every time Dad Favorable, if Dad is still biased this time, I will never let it go!" When it came to the matter of dividing the family property, the three men who had been hiding behind the woman stood up together, looking sharply at the man who spoke.

"Second brother, when did dad ever be biased? Everyone votes on everything in the family. How can dad be biased in this way? And dad is still in the operating room. It's not good for us to talk about it here now. !" After talking about Sheng's mother, Sheng's father signaled her to say something quickly with his eyes. After losing his most proud son, now his father will soon lose his father. hurt.

"These things will be discussed after Dad is in good health. If you are worried, you can ask Dad to divide the inheritance first after this time. The boss and I will never publish any questions." They only care about the inheritance under the old man's name. It is understandable that they are not so sad when Xingnan passed away, but this is the father who raised them, and he can be so heartless. The Sheng family seems to be really It won't last long.

"It's like this every time, you say what you say! Relying on your seniority, you are here to point fingers when you are old. It is obviously our old Sheng's business. It has nothing to do with you, a woman with a foreign surname. You are only worthy of standing It's all just a few words in front of my brother!" The third child of the Sheng family blushed, pointing at Sheng's mother and gasping for breath.

"What's the noise? What's the noise? Do you think this is a vegetable market? If you can't calm down, get out!" The nurse slammed the board in her hand against the wall with a "bang", frowning tightly Look at this big family.

She has been in the hospital for such a long time, and she has not seen this kind of person very often, but she has never seen a person whose whole family is anxious to distribute money, and no matter what the situation of the elderly inside is, she just started making noise outside. Simply.
"You, a little nurse, do you have a place to talk here! Go, I don't want to stay here." After Zhengchou couldn't continue, the third son of the Sheng family glanced at Sheng's mother, and dragged his wife away in strides. hospital.

Seeing this, the second child also dragged his wife and left secretly. In the place that was still lively, only Sheng's mother and Sheng's father were left looking at each other.

"You stay here, I'll go back and see those guests!" Originally, I wanted to take advantage of today's opportunity to meet more useful people, but I didn't expect that just halfway there, something happened to the old man, and the family must have been messed up Yes, he has to go back and have a look.

Nodding at him, Mother Sheng bent over and sat on a chair beside her, covering her face with her hands tightly. Ever since she married into the Sheng family, she had never felt so clearly in a day that the Sheng family, this The group of people are really beasts!

Stepping steadily into the study, Chen Yi had a smile on his face. Although there were still some blood stains on his hands that hadn't been cleaned off, he didn't care at this moment. He stood still in front of Chen Wei with his hands behind his back, and said:
"Father, the Sheng family is in chaos. Mr. Sheng couldn't help being angry. After I said a few words to him, he vomited blood and passed out. He is still in the operating room. The news came back just now that the sons of the Sheng family are undergoing surgery. At the door of the room, the fight for family property began.”

"Okay, things went well this time, but now that Ye Chuan and Huo Chen have returned, it may not be easy to take down the entire Sheng family. Use the line that was buried last time, and take the opportunity to take down the entire Sheng family." Hold it in your hand!"

It's rare to accomplish something that satisfies him. With a shallow smile on his face, Chen Wei put his hands on his stomach, leaned on the chair and looked out the window quietly lost in thought.

"Father, I." With a slight step forward, Chen Yi pursed his lips and looked at Chen Wei, his face full of confusion.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say, be a man and be happy!" It was rare that he was in a good mood, and Chen Wei didn't make things difficult for him. Instead, he turned around with great interest, stood up and looked at him with his hands on the table.

"It's nothing. It's just that I've been back for such a long time. I haven't met my sister yet." Time is running out, and Ye Chuan's technique is too simple and rude. He moves a little slower and plans. All the things that have been going on for so long are going to be ruined. Wealth and wealth are in danger, Chen Yi lowered his head, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and then said:

(End of this chapter)

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