Chapter 159
"There is also my mother, I haven't seen it very much, I have grown so big, I really think I haven't had time to say a word to her." It is true that he stopped talking since he was a child, and he has never even met Shen Yayu. In the past few days when I came back to China, I could only occasionally see two parts of her face in the ice coffin, but I accidentally saw it clearly.

When he was young, he also thought about why his father was like this, and why his mother never came to see him. Since he can remember, his life has never been easy. Slowly, all the resentment and unwillingness He put it all on the mother he had never met, why they can live in full bloom in China, but he can only grow like a cockroach in the corner of the eyes abroad, no one cares, no one pays attention, in life Everything is on his own.

I have never experienced what it feels like to be loved since I was a child. I don’t feel guilty at all when I sit up and do things that others think are dirty. Surprisingly comfortable.

"You bastard! What are you thinking about all day long! Your mother, you still have the face to mention your mother. If it weren't for giving birth to you, or because it hurt her body after giving birth, how could her health be getting worse every day? You, you are the ones who killed her, and now you still have the face to mention her, get out! Get out immediately!" The thoughts in his mind were interrupted by the furious Chen Wei.

Chen Yi took a small step back subconsciously, lowered his head and shoulders and shrugged slightly: "Father, the child is innocent. I didn't know anything back then. Can I be forced to blame these things on me? I have never seen what my mother looks like, did I really tell them, she is very gentle, loves children very much, and is the most beautiful person in the world"

The bottom of his heart squeezed a cold sweat for himself, while observing Chen Wei's expression, Chen Yi said those soft words, his hands behind his back couldn't help trembling, he was afraid that Ye would say such a thing only once in his life Nasty words, but time waits for no one.

We must wait to speed up. Jin Xu's father is not a fool. Chen Wei can't solve it. He will never be able to contact him. He has been manipulating Lin Cheng behind Lin Cheng for so many years. He drowns.

If he doesn't bring out something real, he will never believe it easily and cooperate with him.

"What kind of bastard words did you say, it's all because of you, it's because of you, your mother was killed by you" Holding his head in his hands, Chen Wei seemed to be in a nightmare, his eyes were dull, his eyes were red, and his eyes were full of tears. It was full of red blood, like a desperate beast, and it was about to be unable to restrain itself to go crazy, and the glance of the eyes made Chen Yijue's back feel cold.

"Father, I have never seen my mother in these years. Do you really want to prevent us from seeing each other for the rest of our life? Even if the mother has passed away now, the father has the right to know who her child is!"

Chen Wei's only weakness is that as long as he can hold it in his hand, the whole Chen family is his. The corners of Chen Yi's mouth slightly raised, and the excitement in his eyes flashed away. Soon, he will succeed soon.
At this moment, in Huo's CEO's office, Ye Shi is leading Ye Youan to read a book on the sofa. Ye Chuan and Huo Chen are sitting by the window, drinking tea while discussing business affairs. The four of them seem to have walked out in a relaxed manner. same.

Only when Ye Shi is in a trance occasionally, can he get a glimpse of the unusualness here.

"The drunkards who caused trouble have gone to the third wave, and all the previous ones have been released, and it's your turn to take action." The entire construction site has now been shut down, and it is time to prepare to resume work, but under their repeated obstruction, It is not easy to progress this project, Huo Chen secretly glanced at Ye Shi and Youyou, the corners of his mouth raised inadvertently, revealing a faint smile.

"Bang bang bang! The president is not good!" Along with the knock on the door came Lin Li's voice.

Huo Chen raised his brows slightly, as something bad could happen at such a time, he simply called someone in.

Lin Li was still following Zhu Li, and the two walked in one after the other, each standing in front of their respective bosses.

"What's going on?" Huo Chen asked casually, propping his head with one hand, his eyes fixed on Ye Shi the whole time.

"President, something happened to the Sheng family!" Lin Li wiped the fine sweat from his forehead. He rushed over without stopping as soon as he knew about it. It happened that Zhu Li also came to report the incident. The two met on the way. Simply came together.

"Do you know what it is? What's the matter? Is it Aunt Sheng?"

"Shishi, don't worry. After Lin Li finished speaking, I just left the Sheng's house not long ago. Auntie should be fine. I'm afraid the Chen family is behind the scenes." When Huo Chen heard about the Sheng's house, Huo Chen took a quick step. He rushed to Ye Shi's side, but luckily hugged her small body in time to calm her down, and slowly patted her on the back to make her relax a bit.

"What exactly happened? Did you find out?" He and Ye Chuan had only been away for a long time, and something happened. The people in the Sheng family were doing nothing for food, and they were useless. I couldn't help but secretly secretly Huo Chen complained a few words, frowning and asked.

"The specific matter is still being investigated, but it seems to be related to Mr. Sheng." Just after hearing the news, he didn't care about other things, so he came here first. The subsequent matters are still being investigated, and the news is estimated to be released soon. When the news came, Lin Li was a little apprehensive, standing where he was, with sweat dripping down his forehead.

Seeing that Lin Li stopped talking, Zhu Li coughed lightly, and stood in front of Ye Chuan with his head lowered: "President, I have found out the matter clearly. Mr. Sheng was vomiting blood and is still being rescued. It is said that he chatted with Chen Yi for a while. After Chen Yi left, they entered the room and found that the old man was already lying in a pool of blood, leaving a lot of blood on the table and the floor, and he was still in the emergency room at this time!"

"Then let's go and have a look now. Brother Nan's incident just happened. Grandpa Sheng is hospitalized again. Aunt Sheng must be too busy right now. Chen, let's help her!" When such a thing happened, Ordinary people may not be able to accept it for a while, and helping out is the next best thing. She waited to take care of Aunt Sheng, and she couldn't let something happen to her.

"Miss, don't worry, the mistress of the Sheng family is not busy now. There was news from the hospital that the three masters of the Sheng family had a big fight at the door of the operating room for family property. Now, except for the mistress of the Sheng family, everyone else has gone back. !" Zhu Li turned around and said to Ye Shi with a smile on his eyes.

"Arguing at the door of the operating room? Ah Chen, let's go and have a look now. I suspect that the members of the Chen family have evil intentions towards Grandpa Sheng!" Chen Yicai spoke to Grandpa Sheng, and he vomited blood and fell into a coma. The family can't get away with it!

(End of this chapter)

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