Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 161 Meeting

Chapter 161 Meeting
"Auntie, Brother Nan, me, we are not the kind of relationship you think, let alone Auntie, the relationship between me and Brother Nan is not what you imagined." With his hands intertwined, Ye Shi looked a little embarrassed, looking at Sheng Mother took a bite.

"I, as a mother, know what Xingnan thinks, but it's this time, what's the use of talking about it, you go back, since this is Xingnan's own choice, I respect him, but please don't You are here to disturb me." She was very rational, but she couldn't accept such a result in her heart anyway, and Sheng's mother sat on the sofa with her head down, refusing to communicate.

"Auntie, I didn't come here today to ask you to forgive us. I dream of going back and changing Brother Nan back, but people have to look forward. As you can see, the Chen family is now playing with the Sheng family. Brother Nan I definitely don't want to see you get hurt, just think of it as you asking us to help Brother Nan with something in the end, let us help him guard the Sheng family."

There must be no accidents in the Sheng family, even if it is not for the sake of Nange Sheng's family, Ye Shi's eyes are fixed on Sheng's mother who is sitting opposite her, her palms are full of sweat.

"Let Huo Chen and Ye Chuan come here!" Looking at old man Sheng who was still unconscious on the bed, Sheng's mother sighed, since such a big incident happened to the old man, she was the only one by her side from the beginning of the operation until now. Watch it, the Sheng family is about to end!

"Thank you, auntie, I will notify them immediately!"

A smile spread across his face, Ye Shi nodded at Sheng's mother, and ran outside with his mobile phone.

The people came very quickly, as if they had already planned to guard it. Not long after Ye Shi put down the phone, Huo Chen brought Ye Chuan and appeared in front of Ye Shi.

"Let's go in and talk. The Chen family has already started to attack, and the Sheng family is in chaos now." Huo Chen looked serious, rubbed Ye Shi's head, and pushed her shoulders to walk inside.

Ye Chuan never liked the smell of the hospital very much, the door creaked open, his face was expressionless, his brows and eyes were full of anxiety.

Glancing at Sheng's mother who was sitting on the sofa, she smiled politely and said, "Auntie, we have received news that the Chen family has already attacked the Sheng family. Half an hour ago, the three sons of the Sheng family had already attacked the Sheng family. The family is separated, maybe when you return home, the Sheng family has already fallen apart, do you think Xingnan would be willing to see such a situation?"

"I shouldn't be in charge of these things, and I don't have the ability to take care of them. I still have such things as self-knowledge. If you have any conditions, then just mention them." Sheng's mother sighed, leaned on the sofa slumped, her face The world is full of desolation.

Ye Chuan nodded at Huo Chen, and waved his hand under Ye Shi's steadfast gaze, "Eat something, let's talk while eating." Lin Li knocked on the door lightly with the porridge and some side dishes.

All the way from the Huo family's old house, Lin Li put down the things in his hands, rubbed his sore arms, and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, it would be better to ask the bodyguards to carry this kind of thing next time. His small arms and legs Not suitable for this kind of work!
It's almost time for dinner. Ye Shi hasn't had a few serious meals since she came back from abroad, so she's busy crying and dazed.

When I came back, I didn't eat or drink for quite a long time, I was just in a daze, and my mind was probably full of worries.

Others don't feel distressed, Huo Chen watched it a few times, and felt very distressed.

"Shishi?" Hitting Ye Shi's head, Huo Chen filled a bowl of fish porridge and brought it in front of her.

Taking the porridge bowl with both hands, Ye Shi managed to force a smile, and there was a sense of distress in the smile: "I'm fine, let's solve the Sheng family's problem first, then what are you going to do? When will you do it?"

"Don't worry, we will do it tomorrow night at the latest, and Lin Li has already checked." He promised, "Drink the porridge first!"

Nodding his head, Ye Shi drank the fish porridge in the bowl in one gulp under Huo Chen's impatient gaze. Not long after, before the bowl in Ye Chuan's hand was put down, Lin Li brought the message came back.

Probably because he ran in a hurry, Lin Li was panting.

"President, I have found the news. Chen Yi is now in contact with the second master of the Sheng family. The news that came back has now talked about the distribution of the shares of the Sheng family in the future. It should be that he wants to start with the second master."

"What? I'm in contact with my second child. Is the news reliable?" Mother Sheng stood up and asked in surprise.

"Yes, Madam, it has been confirmed repeatedly. Their first target should be the third master of the Sheng family. The second master on the old man's side has not made a statement yet, but what Chen Yi means is to let the old man fall first, and the matter after that That's easy!" Lin Li was afraid that Sheng's mother would not believe it, so he also showed some evidence of the recording and Chen Yi's cooperation with the second master of the Sheng family.

It was indeed the voice of the second family, and these documents were indeed a project that the Sheng family was cooperating with recently. Although she really didn't care much about the Sheng family's affairs, she still knew the most basic things.

"And now there are public opinions on the Internet. It has been revealed that Mr. Ye disappeared before, the president, you went to the Chen family to ask for someone. Many people on the Internet are now sympathizing with the Chen family, saying that you, the president, are not at all. Know how to respect." The news that just came out has already been rampant on the Internet, Lin Li sighed and sorted out the documents in his hand.

"I don't need to deal with the things on the Internet for the time being. Find someone to closely monitor the second master of the Sheng family, and hand over all his daily whereabouts to me every day." After thinking for a while, Huo Chen looked at Lin Li and frowned.

"President, don't worry, give me an order right away." Lin Li responded with his head lowered, turned and walked outside.

"Since we have already started to act, then I will take Youyou back first. Auntie, come and visit me when you have time. Youyou likes you very much!" It seems that there is no need for her help, Ye Shi, let's go in, Ye Youan He took it out and said with a smile.

"Go back, don't come here if you have nothing to do, the right and wrong of the Sheng family, then the mother and child should not get involved, and it's hard to break free if they rely on them." Rubbing Ye Youan's short hair, Sheng's mother forced a smile meaning.

"Grandma Sheng, when I am on vacation, I will bring my mother to visit you. Remember to miss us!" Obviously feeling that the current atmosphere is not right, Ye Youan squinted his eyes and smiled cutely at Sheng's mother.

"Okay, Youyou can come and see me as an old lady when you have time, but remember to protect your mother, you know!" The child is sensible, and Sheng's mother has never blamed him, but it's just that she can't accept it for the time being.

"I will let someone protect the old man. Auntie, please rest well. We will leave the affairs of the Sheng family to us. Don't worry about it for now." The only core member of the Sheng family is old man Sheng, who is still in a coma As long as he wakes up, the Sheng family will not be able to disperse for the time being, and there will be a chance to deal with the Chen family later. Huo Chen sighed. These aristocratic families in Lincheng should also be cleaned up. This time, the Chen family After the action, I don’t know how many houses can be left.

(End of this chapter)

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