Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 162 Want to go to work

Chapter 162 Want to go to work
"I have something to discuss with you, let's go together." Ye Chuan said nothing the whole time, pursed his lips, looked back at Sheng's mother sitting on the edge of the bed, and suddenly felt a twitch in his heart. Now all the results are his wrong.
It was getting late, back to the Ye family villa, Ye Chuan took Huo Chen to the office, Ye Shi hugged Ye Youan and walked to his room, "Youyou go to bed early today, mom has some things to do later Be busy."

Rubbing the child's soft hair, Ye Shi smiled at him, she can't hide under the wings of Huo Chen and her brother for the rest of her life, she is truly powerful when she has strength, nothing like strength It's done overnight, although the process may be very hard and tiring, but if she doesn't try and work hard, she will never know if she can do it!
"Mom, don't be too tired, or Youyou will feel distressed." With his arms around Ye Shi's neck, Ye Youan buried his small face on her shoulders, his eyes were a little sore, although he still didn't know exactly what happened, but he Distressed mom
"What do you think about so much, the child, the most important thing now is to sleep, be good, go back quickly!" After helping the child to take a fragrant bath, Ye Shi patted his buttocks and drove him back to the room. He sighed and walked towards the study.

The sound of "bang bang bang" knocking on the door was very clear in the silent night. Huo Chen paused for a moment before turning his head to look.

"Come in." At night, he didn't know who it was, and he didn't speak when he knocked on the door. Ye Chuan frowned, and his heart was full of doubts.

Standing at the door and hearing the movement inside, Ye Shi pushed the door open and looked inside, "Brother, I also want to hear what you guys are talking about. Last time I told you that I wanted to work in the company, I was not joking. I'm already making preparations, and I can go to work with you tomorrow." Swallowing, I felt uneasy for a while, knowing that I shouldn't make trouble at this time, but time waits for no one, and it will be too late if some things are not done, staring Taking a look at Huo Chen who was standing aside watching the show, Ye Shi simply walked in.

"Why do you suddenly want to go to work? Last time I did say that if you want to go, come with me tomorrow." I don't know if it will be a 3-minute hotness this time, Ye Chuan shook his head, it has been so many years He has already figured out exactly what kind of temperament his sister is, especially in these years, she has become more and more delicate, and she doesn't know how long she can last for the hard work of going to work.

"Don't be afraid, Shishi. If your brother disagrees, you can come to Huo's. It's not bad to be my personal secretary or something!" Watching the excitement is not a big deal, Huo Chen stood aside while touching his chin, his voice Smiling, the corners of the mouth are slightly upturned.

"I'm not going, brother, since you agreed, then we've agreed, I'll go back first, you guys discuss it, get some rest early, don't be too busy!" Got what you wanted, There's no need to be an eyesore to this person, Ye Shi backed out with a smile on her face, and trotted back to her room humming a song.

It didn't take long for the person to come, and he left in a blink of an eye. Huo Chen looked at Ye Shi who disappeared at the door, his heart felt like being scratched, and it was so itchy. Anyway, the matter was discussed just now, and he didn't care what Ye Chuan said. He blocked her, simply followed her and walked out with a ball. By the way, he tidied up his clothes and squeezed into the room through the crack of the door that was about to close.

"Huo Chen! What are you doing here again?" There was an extra person in the room, Ye Shi subconsciously covered her chest, stood on the bed and looked down at Huo Chen who was standing at the door.

"Here to help you warm up your bed! Hurry up and wash up and go back to sleep, didn't you mean that we have to go to work together tomorrow!" I have done this kind of thing more than once, and I am already familiar with it. By the window, throw off the quilt and lie down.

With his hands behind his head, the corners of his mouth raised, and with a slow smile in his eyes, he looked at Ye Shi who was standing on the bed.

Unable to guard for a while, Ye Shi looked at this guy who entered the room, feeling very angry, and pointed at him with trembling fingers: "If you continue to behave like this, I will definitely let my brother kick you out next time! Stinky rascal .”

"Anyway, it's not the first time, Shishi, it's already at this time, don't you still want to hide it?" Although there are still many things that have not been dealt with at hand, the big things are basically coming to an end temporarily, bear After such a long time, he doesn't want to bear it anymore. His wife and children are in front of him but he can't even recognize him. He has had enough of this kind of life.

"Huo Chen! You, what are you talking about, I don't, I don't understand." Although it is true that he should be forgiven, there are some things that she hasn't figured out how to tell him. Ye Shiqu jumped off the bed and stammered Said.

"Is it because you don't want to tell me, or because you really don't know, Shishi, do you really think I don't know anything?" There are some things he still wants to hear from Ye Shi himself. If he says it first, the meaning will be different.

"What do you know? Huo Chen, I did forgive you, but many things can't be summed up in one sentence. The difference between us is not one or two things, but a whole decade. Do you understand? Huo Chen Chen" shouted, Ye Shi stepped back and stood beside the bed, her eyes couldn't bear any more tears, she ran across her cheeks and hit the carpet.

"Shishi, you know that's not what I meant. I thought we talked about it, that you forgive me, that I have the right to know the things you concealed. It seems that I am being passionate. I'm sorry, I Leave now!" It would be a lie to say that he is not disappointed, Huo Chen took a deep breath, he was the one who was in a hurry, he has been here for so many years, why should he bother.

Slowly lifted the quilt and got off the bed, touched the sheet with which he was carrying the question, slowly puffed up his chest, smiled at Ye Shi who was standing not far away, and walked out the door.

"Huo Chen, I must have done some heinous things to you in my previous life, so I will repay you like this in this life!" Seeing that the person was about to disappear from his sight, Ye Shi rushed up in a panic, Hugging his thin waist, she was out of breath. She had already suffered a lot because of Sheng Xingnan's incident, but Huo Chen's words made her collapse instantly.

"Shishi, I never thought about what to do to you. I just miss you very much. Since I thought you died five years ago, my heart has died with you. See you in Lincheng two months ago. When I saw you, my heart started beating again, you touch it, you feel it, since five years ago, my heart has been beating only for you."

Turning around and hugging her tightly into his arms, Huo Chen took a deep breath, leaned into her ear and whispered.

"Five years ago, I heard that you and Chen Ya were getting engaged. I didn't want to be a third party, so I wanted to leave you. After that, I couldn't help myself. Impossible to meet you"

(End of this chapter)

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