Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 164 Drunkenness

Chapter 164 Drunkenness
Drunk, Ye Shi shook her head, which she could no longer see clearly, and patted her hot cheeks with her hands, feeling dizzy and just wanting to have a good sleep.

"Drunk?" Only now did he realize that something was wrong. Huo Chen picked up the wine on the table and looked at it in surprise. After weighing it, it was still full, but now there was only a little bit left. Eighty percent of it was drunk by her alone.

Although drinking this wine didn't make people feel intoxicated, but the stamina of this thing was too strong. Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Huo Chen simply picked him up and threw him on the bed.

As soon as he let go, the person lying on the bed rolled twice by himself, and fell asleep on the pillow with the quilt rolled up. His red lips were slightly opened, and the breath he exhaled had a strong smell of alcohol, and there was a hint of alcohol in it. Fruity, very nice smell.

The smile in her eyes spread, and she wondered if she would remember what happened tonight until tomorrow, she shook her head, she would not drink if she knew it earlier, if she cheated, it would not be easy to deal with.

There is no change of clothes for him here, so Huo Chen just took a shower, changed into the set he left last time, and walked outside while wiping his hair. Just as he was about to go to bed, he saw the person who was lying down well now Already sat up.

Startled, he frowned and walked forward, sitting up by himself.

"Huo Chen!" With his eyes still closed, he also yelled, waved his hands forward for a while, and lay down again.

Startled by this sudden movement, the veins on Huo Chen's forehead twitched. He never knew that this little girl's drunken madness looked like this. After a few drinks, she fell unconscious. Don't drink alcohol when you go out in the future.

There were endless thoughts in my heart, and the movements of my hands didn't stop at all. I carefully helped her cover the quilt, and then I got in and hugged her hot body, restraining her still twitching hands and feet. There was another crop of sweat on the face.

After struggling under the quilt for a long time, he finally calmed down a bit. Huo Chen touched the sweaty clothes on his body and sighed. The bath seemed to be wasted again.

Resigned to his fate, he got up and washed it again, this time there was no change of clothes, so he simply went to bed wearing a bathrobe.

After drinking the wine, I slept very comfortably all night, and when I opened my eyes, the sky outside was already bright.

Rubbing her aching head, she struggled to sit up on the bed. Before she got out of bed, she just lifted the quilt, and saw a white body lying on the side, naked and naked, in the Flooded in brilliant daylight.

"Ah!" He screamed while covering his eyes, jumping three feet high, getting out of bed from the other side while screaming, and the depression that had just woken up had already dissipated in fear.

"It's me, stop barking, Shishi, come back and take a closer look, who else can lie on your bed like this except me." Rubbing his ears, Huo Chen gathered his nightgown, sat up and leaned against the wall On, the head hurts faintly.

Although it's getting late now, for Huo Chen, who can rarely sleep well, he is still quite angry about waking up, but if someone else does this once this time, he might have already chopped it up and fed it to the fish up.

"Why did you come to my bed again, and still inherit this appearance? Huo Chen, what do you want to do?" Sitting on the sofa with a mournful face, after the shocking glance in the morning, she felt powerless and her heart was still thumping non-stop.

"You can't blame me, Shishi, you were drunk yesterday, and I was just going to come over to talk to you, but after you were drunk, you rushed up and hugged my waist and refused to let me go. Speaking, I have no choice, I originally wanted to persuade you to leave after falling asleep, but you have already invited me graciously, so I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient!"

Looking at Ye Shi with blinking aggrieved eyes, Huo Chen put his hands on his chest, pulling the quilt like a bullied little daughter-in-law.

"You nonsense, it can't be, it must be you." What the hell happened yesterday?Clutching her head and thinking about it for a long time, all she could think of was that Huo Chen was talking to herself about the past in the room. She poured wine cup after cup into her mouth, and couldn't remember clearly what happened afterwards. As for what he said Whether it happened or not, I have no impression at all.

"How is it impossible, Shishi, yesterday you said that you missed my body, I wanted to leave, but you know, my resistance to you is low, you have said that, so I am still reserved Words" It was she who took the initiative to bite to death, Huo Chen raised his eyebrows, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never went away.

"You, you get out of the room right now, let me, let me think about it myself." Stuttering and panting, he let out a sentence, pulling and dragging him out of the room. Ye Shi covered her face and leaned against the On the door, I wish I could travel back and slap myself twice.

It's good, what kind of wine is this? Originally, the capacity for alcohol is light, and it's okay to have a couple of drinks by yourself, but she's so brave that she drank with Huo Chen. If she wasn't tricked, who would?

Now she was completely ashamed to go out to meet people, and threw herself on the bed with a mournful face. Ye Shi lay on the quilt and howled a few words, her voice was muffled, full of regret.

"Uncle Huo, why are you at the door of mother's room?" It was already bright outside, Ye Youan stood behind Huo Chen with his head tilted, tugged at his pants, and asked curiously.

"Because you will be able to call me dad soon, Youyou, go in and help me give your mother a word!" Knelt down, whispered a few words in Ye Youan's ear, Huo Chen winked at him Blinking his eyes, he walked to the guest room. He had already thought that he might stay overnight in Ye's villa in the future. His clothes were already prepared in the guest room, which was very convenient.

Watching Huo Chen in the distance, Ye Youan scratched his head and knocked on the door, "Mom, open the door, it's me!"

Although he didn't know what he wanted to do but thought for a while, the child still stood on tiptoe and knocked on the door to speak.

There was a "creak".The door was opened, but no one could be seen inside, Ye Youan walked in and closed the door, bypassing some miscellaneous things on the ground, only to see the lump on the bed, "Mom, what are you doing?"

After waiting for a long time, the person on the bed still didn't respond. Ye Youan sighed, put his hands behind his back like an old pedant, stood on tiptoe, pulled the quilt, and said, "Uncle Huo asked me to bring you In a word, he's gone, mom, hurry up and get up!" Ye You'an finally let out a breath, tearing open the cup on the bed, exposing half of the person inside.

Regardless of whether she wanted to listen or not, she said directly, "Uncle Huo asked me to tell you "Shishi."Although I didn't do anything last night, if you like that tune, I don't mind giving it to you! "Mom, what is that tune?" He brought the words seriously, and as soon as the words fell, Ye Youan asked curiously while covering his face in front of Ye Shi's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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