Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 165 Make trouble

Chapter 165 Make trouble
"Children can't take care of these things, Youyou, go back to your room and play by yourself, and I will come to you when mom handles the matter!" This sentence was almost squeezed out between teeth, and Ye Shi blew hard on her left hand. On the quilt, his face was full of anger.

Huo Chen had already changed his clothes, washed up and went downstairs.

"Reconciled?" Seeing Huo Chen going up and down the stairs, Ye Chuan withdrew the faint smile in an instant. Although he quite agreed with the two of them reconciling, he never saw Huo Chen so blatantly, with such a blatant expression on his face. He turned around expressionlessly and ignored him.

"We've reconciled a long time ago, don't worry, it won't affect our plan." Huo Chen couldn't hide the smile on his face as soon as he thought of his wife and child in his arms, and sat on the sofa , for no reason can start smiling.

"Let's go to the company first. The Internet is now completely brain-opened. I received news that there were troublemakers in the YS and Huo's buildings. As soon as the leader came out, I sent someone to investigate, but it will take some time. , This time it's coming so fiercely, the Chen family has pushed everything about Sheng Laozi on us, and the news of Shengxing Nan's death can no longer be hidden!"

After waking up, many things happened again. Now, as long as there is a slight disturbance on the Internet, it will be magnified countless times. I thought it was just a small matter, but this time he underestimated the second child of the Sheng family. Ye Chuan spread out After reading the last few newspapers and waiting for Huo Chen to finish his breakfast, Ye Shijiang came down from the stairs, still panting heavily.

"Let's discuss these matters in detail after the company!" Huo Chen nodded, glanced at Ye Shi who was still panting, and suppressed a smile.

"We said we would go to work together, why didn't brother call me?" After lying on the table for a long time to catch my breath, I looked at the time and couldn't take care of so much at this time. Pulling the clothes on his body, he hurriedly followed.

"Follow me to the company first, and see what can help you, Shishi, it's not fun at first, since you're here, I won't put you as a younger sister, work hard." For the time being, Ye Chuan didn't think about getting her to that position, so Ye Chuan simply didn't think about it. He will naturally find a way when the company Zhu Li.

Probably the advantage that should have been taken yesterday has already been taken advantage of. It was rare for Huo Chen not to say a few more words. He sat opposite Ye Shi and stared at her with a half-smile.

The car arrived at the place very quickly, but Huo Chen didn't get off, and watched Ye Shi go away before ordering the driver to go to Huo's.

At this time, he had already got off the car, and he was also pushing Ye Chuan to go forward. Before entering, he saw a large group of people surrounding the company's entrance, holding banners in their hands, and shouting at the end, blocking the company's entrance. It doesn't look like you can get in.

"Let's go, it's okay." Apart from the six bodyguards around him, he is still sitting in a wheelchair. People instinctively have more compassion for people who are weaker than themselves. No one will be without his current appearance. Compassion comes up and steps on two feet.

Frowning, she didn't understand why Ye Chuan made such a choice, but now that the order had been issued, Ye Shi took a deep breath, looked at the strong bodyguard behind her, raised her head and chest, and pushed Ye Chuan forward .

"May I ask if Mr. Ye from YS and Mr. Huo from the Huo Group have joined forces? We need justice. Why are Mr. Chen and Mr. Sheng being persecuted for one reason, Lin Cheng, and the other is still in a coma in the hospital, but they are living a good life?" In this world! Give us justice!" Probably this person is the leader, holding a banner in his hand, but his voice is so loud that everyone around can hear it clearly.

"Yes, give us justice. I am an employee of the Chen Corporation. It is because of YS Mr. Ye's intervention that the conquest plan has been forced to stop working. You must have found those drunks! I am unemployed now, and I Tell me, if you don’t give me a satisfactory answer today, I won’t be able to leave!” Another person hid in an unknown corner, holding a voice changer, and hid in the crowd with his waist down, the voice of shouting was not So good to hide.

You say, I say, there are more and more people around, Ye Shi looked at more and more people, in a bad mood: "Brother, do we have to go in like this? Those people have lost their minds, they are too There are too many, or let the security guards take someone to deal with it first!"

There were so many people around when they arrived early in the morning. When did those who spoke arrive at the place? They are still hanging on the door. The more I looked at it, the more I felt that this group of people didn’t seem like they were going out temporarily, but rather someone They dug a hole in front of them in advance, just waiting for them to jump in, which is very scary.

"No, go in." It's just these few people. He has been in the company for so many years, and he knows exactly who they are. I haven't made a move yet, I'm afraid I'm planning some big move, so I have to be careful.

I thought they would be beaten and thrown things along the way, but the six bodyguards around them protected the two of them and walked in safely. The crowd who thought they would be even more angry suddenly quieted down, and they became lively again after they walked away. .

"Brother, have you thought about what to do with this group of people?" It's not a problem to be stuck here all the time, even if it doesn't hurt anyone, it's scary to watch a group of people shouting red-faced, most people dare not Come in.

"I won't deal with it for the time being. Go up and find Zhu Li, he will arrange work for you, and I have to go to a meeting!" I was away from China a few days ago, and it happened to be a troubled time when I came back. , turned and left.

In the same way, when Huo Chen returned to the company, a large group of people surrounded the door, their faces were red and red from arguing, and it looked like a large group of people were fighting. He asked Lin Li to secretly find bodyguards to surround them, and then called the police to arrest everyone. They all went to the police station.

The conversation didn't take long, and the door became much quieter in an instant. A smile appeared on the corner of Huo Chen's mouth. His good mood in the morning was not spoiled at all. After so many years, he finally got what he wanted
At this moment, Ye Shi had already met with Zhu Li. Not long after the two met, she was assigned to the general secretary's secretariat, responsible for sorting out documents and handling some unimportant company affairs.

Although it may seem unimportant, almost all the documents that reach Ye Chuan have to go through preliminary screening by her hands, selecting important and unimportant ones, and reporting them in turn. After understanding, Ye Shi quickly invested to work.

"President, Mr. Huo is calling." Ye Chuan rubbed his brows just after finishing a meeting, and just sat down when the call came.

"Speak." There was no nonsense, half an hour later he had an abnormal meeting, and there was no time to waste.

"Have you dealt with the gangsters in front of the company? If not, I can help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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