Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 167 Courage

Chapter 167 Courage
"Jin Xu, are you sure you want me to help? Answer me after you have thought it through!" Subconsciously straightened his wrinkled coat, Jin Tang looked at Chen Ya standing behind Jin Xu with a half-smile, his eyes suddenly showing a bit of playfulness Come.

"Father, in fact, this matter is just a piece of cake for you. I have already told you about Xiao Ya'er and I before. Didn't you agree at that time? I haven't asked you anything for so many years. , just think of it for the sake of your son's lifelong event, just help me this time!" Lin Cheng's water was deeper than expected.

Chen Ya drooped her eyelids, stared at Jin Xu's shoulders, and sneered in her heart. Without Jintang's support, this company would soon be swallowed up by the Chen family or the Huo family. Lin Cheng took root, and Jin Xu alone would never be able to accomplish anything, not to mention that she wanted to do more things through Jintang, so this line must be drawn first before we talk about it today!
"In Lincheng, my Jintang's son wants to start a company for fun. No one dares to make trouble. If Jin Xu wants to do other things through this company, heh, you have been my son for so many years. I think you should You know me a little bit.”

The smile on his face was withdrawn in an instant, Jin Tang suddenly stood up, glanced at Chen Ya, and walked inside with a cold snort.

What kind of virtue his own son is, he knows very well in his heart, this daughter of the Chen family is a ruthless character, he really doesn't mind completely muddying the water in Lincheng, but it's not because others force him to act.

Watching Jintang walk away, Jin Xu subconsciously stood up and stretched out his hands and chased two steps forward. Remembering that Chen Ya was still standing behind him, he stopped abruptly, turned around with an ugly smile on his face.

"Father is probably in a bad mood right now, little Ya'er, or you go back first, I'm persuading at home, maybe someday father will agree!" Although Jintang was almost responsive to him since he was a child, But when facing him, Jin Xu was afraid most of the time, like meeting a natural enemy, he was afraid from the bottom of his heart.

"It's okay, your father is inconvenient after all, what's more, he has to be busy with things that are much more important than ours. Let's go back together tomorrow. It's been so many days since I've been back, and I don't know what's going on with the company. Come back together!"

Jin Tang's mansion is so deep that even Chen Wei and Huo Chen can't match it, it is impossible to get him hooked in a short time, this matter can only be done gradually.Reluctantly raised a smiling face and smiled at Jin Xu, Chen Ya turned back to the room disappointed.

Seeing the woman he was hurting on the apex of his heart was so sad, Jin Xu's heart broke, he looked in the direction where Jintang was walking away, gritted his teeth and rushed forward to grab Chen Ya's wrist: "Xiao Ya'er is waiting for me in the room, I'll beg my father again, if it doesn't work this time, I'll take you back, we'll leave the Lincheng branch alone for the time being, and we'll come back when the headquarters grows stronger!"

Jin Xu knew in his heart that Lin Cheng was Chen Ya's knot in his heart, she couldn't get over this hurdle, and she would never be able to live happily in this life.

"It's okay, Axu, your father is not a good person to get along with, we just have to find a way by ourselves, I don't want to look at you."

"Xiao Ya'er, I know you're worried about me, but that's my father after all, at most he's going to hurt me a little bit, don't worry about it!"

Interrupting Chen Ya's words, Jin Xu gently touched her small face, smiled at her comfortingly, turned and left, looking at the heroic back as if she had died a heroic death.

The tenderness in her eyes flashed past, and was immediately covered up by sarcasm. Chen Ya watched Jin Xu's back go away, and went back to the room humming.

Originally thought that it would take a while, but now it seems that she will soon be able to meet the person she wants to see, and the little Jiujiu in her heart is very clear. The first thing Chen Ya does when she returns to her room is to take a shower and prepare to change her clothes. Clothes, after all, the person she was going to meet later was the most important part of all her plans, so she had to take it seriously.

Jin Xu walked all the way to the door of the study room, took deep breaths several times before he knocked, put his hand on the door, as if someone locked his hand, but couldn't knock, the sweat dripped down his forehead After dallying around the door of the room for a long time, he simply closed his eyes, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and landed on the door with his heart crossed.

"Come in." A steady voice came from the room, and it sounded dull through the door.

Jin Xu's heart skipped a beat, and he almost turned around and ran away, but when he thought of Chen Ya who was still waiting in the room, he swallowed and opened the door and walked in. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't been here. In the study, I looked around.

The dark and oppressive room raised his nervous heart in an instant, and he stumbled to Jintang: "Father, Xiaoya and I really want you to help us. You should also help us with the current situation in Lincheng." You know, Huo Chen, Ye Chuan and Chen Wei are fighting for Zheng Huan. The future structure of Lin City has not yet been settled. If I act rashly, I may lose money, father."

"Jin Xu, after so many years, you are still as stupid and hopeless as before. Have you really got to know the woman next to you who keeps saying that she loves you and has been with you for life after life? This company was opened for her, right? , do you know what she has done to dare to plead for her in front of me, I have taught you for so many years, and you have learned what you are now?"

Jin Tang was already a little impatient these days because of a woman coming to him again and again, but now his anger was aroused. If he had to say the thing he regretted most in his life, it was probably the birth of such a stupid Like the son of a pig.

It is rare for emotions to leak out, Jintang took a deep breath, pressed the throbbing veins on his forehead, and forced himself to calm down. Nian had never been so obviously angry, and smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, and looked up at Jin Xu who was standing there trembling.

"No matter how much you say, you don't understand. Let Chen Ya tell me about the company in person. Go back!" Tell this boy that Ye Shi only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Originally, he didn't want to interfere with his silly son's emotional problems at all. But since everyone was planning to hit him on the head, he still shrank and didn't come out, it seemed that he had some pustules.

"Father, this matter has nothing to do with Xiao Ya'er, it's the same if you tell me anything, let's talk about it."

"Let me say it one last time. If you want to solve the branch company's affairs, let Chen Ya come over in person for 5 minutes, otherwise there will be no room for discussion!" The silly son doesn't understand anything, but after so many years, he is the only son, Even if he is being stupid, he still has to protect him and let him live in peace and stability. Since he was the one who brought him into the world, he should protect him and let him live a stable life.

(End of this chapter)

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