Chapter 168

Jin Xu hesitated for a while, seeing that Jin Tang had no intention of letting go, Jin Xu shook his hand, turned around and rushed outside, this was the only chance, so he had to seize everything he said!
He ran all the way back to the room without breathing evenly, and covered his left abdomen with his hands: "Little, Xiao Yaer, father, father told you to go, go to the study, say yes, say five, let you go within five minutes, the company , there is some discussion about the branch office!"

He stuttered, but he finally explained the matter clearly, waved his hand, refused Chen Ya's move to help him, and pushed her to go outside: "Time is running out, hurry up, go !"

"Then wait for me in the room obediently, and wait until I come back to you with good news!" Hearing Jin Xu's words, the smile on Chen Ya's face became brighter. It seems that he doesn't care about anything, but in fact he is a very protective person in his heart. Jin Xu is his son no matter what. If his son doesn't make sense, he must warn outsiders!
After comforting Jin Xu, Chen Ya walked towards the study with a graceful posture, her eyes were full of determination.

"Bang bang bang!" Knocking on the door briskly, she stood at the door and waited for a while before she opened her mouth and said, "Uncle Jin, Axu said you have something to ask me, can I come in now?" Playing in front of Jintang Chen Ya didn't have any confidence in tricks, so this time, she came here with [-]% sincerity, and she didn't even think about playing tricks with him.

"Come in!" A deep and hoarse voice came, and Chen Ya smiled even wider. She pushed the door in and sat down in front of Jintang without haste. Compared.

The closer you get, the more amazing the surprise in your eyes becomes. Even after watching it several times, Chen Ya has to admit that Jintang's personal charm is no less than that of any child from a family in Lincheng, because the precipitation of age is even worse than that of Huo Chen and the others are even more attractive.This was something she hadn't thought about before, so even though she calmed down quickly, Jintang still noticed it.

"Do you know what I want from you?" Jintang had no time to spend with Chen Ya here because he was busy with many things. He raised his hands and crossed them on the table, and asked directly.

"Of course it is clear, but Uncle Jin may have misunderstood it. I just came here this time to cooperate with you. It seems that the cooperation between you and my father has not been very pleasant recently. Anyone with eyes can see that the Chen family is now gone. It's the end of the battle, and it won't take long for Huo Chen and Ye Chuan to trample Chen Wei under their feet. At this time, changing your partner should be your best choice!"

Uneasy in her heart, but there was no wave on the surface, Chen Ya pursed her lips, subconsciously grabbed the sides of the skirt with both hands, pinched tightly, sweat was faintly dripping from the corners of her forehead, just being looked at by Jintang, she felt as if she had come from hell. She had no idea why such a person was still serving as the mayor of Lincheng, and she didn't want to. She only hoped that the cooperation would proceed smoothly so far.

"Where's your bargaining chip? When Chen Wei first started working with me, I reluctantly agreed when he gave me the entire Ye family. Do you think you have any bargaining chips that can make my heart flutter? Why don't you show it?"

If it is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, Chen Wei was not so forceful when talking to him.

"Does the Huo family count? Uncle Jin, you should know that Sheng Xingnan was killed by Chen Wei. Ye Chuan is really going to die with him. Huo Chen has a deep love for Ye Shi. He will never let Ye Chuan go. To die, as long as Chen Wei can hold these two people back, and there are people from me inside the Chen family, it is only a matter of time before Chen Wei and Huo Chen die together!"

She has given up on Huo Chen for so many years, and now she just wants Huo Chen to experience the feeling of having nothing, and she wants everyone who has hurt her to experience what it is like to live rather than die!
"I can wait until the Huo family and the Chen family are both hurt. I don't need to go through you at all. As long as I play tricks, the Chen family and the Huo family will be mine sooner or later. Why should I help you?" After looking Chen Ya up and down, Jin Tang stood up slowly, walked past her, and brought over a bottle of wine, "Drink?"

In his whole life until now, he had never seen any kind of woman, like this little girl, she just wanted to take advantage of his power to take revenge, that's all. It's her courage that made him appreciate it.

"Uncle Jin, Axu is still waiting for me in the room. I'm afraid it's not good to drink." She really underestimated Jintang, wanted revenge, and wanted Chen Yi to listen to her. Without Jintang's support, she would do nothing. no.

"Go back, I'll let you know after I've considered this matter." Since he is someone his son values, he is bold, fierce, and has a small temper like his wife who died young, Jin Tang was taken aback, and said the words first mouthed.

I thought there was no hope, but I didn't expect this to happen after a turnaround. The smile on her face became much more real. Chen Ya stood up quickly, said thank you, pushed the door and walked out.

When the matter came to an end, Huo Chen looked gloomy in the CEO's office of the Huo Group, and a row of senior company leaders stood in front of him, "You handed me these things for the development plan for the west of the city? The estimated budget is full of mistakes and omissions. It's been a week, and I still haven't handed over qualified items tonight, so get out!"

A plan has been written for a week, but still nothing has come out. Chen Wei is now crazy to grab this piece of land in the west of the city from him. I don’t know why. Chen Wei can't get it either.

"President, the second master of the Sheng family has made a move." Standing on the side without saying a word, after finally waiting for Huo Chen to lose his temper, he moved up with the tablet in his hand.

"What's going on?" Huo Chen took the tablet with a frown, turned around and sat back on his seat.

"Since the old man fell into a coma, the three masters of the Sheng family have divided the Sheng Group into three parts. One person is in charge of one part. I just received the news that the third master of the Sheng family had an accident and is still being rescued in the hospital. The third master's part is now The second master and the uncle are fighting over it, and the specific matter has not been investigated yet, but it should have something to do with the second master."

When he just received the photos, Lin Li didn't dare to look at them any more. The scene of the car accident of the third master of the Sheng family was really tragic. If he hadn't been lucky enough to be thrown out, he might have been crushed into mud by now.

"Has the scene of the accident been monitored and checked? Is it related to the Chen family?" The impact is so bad and the plot is so excessive. If it was really done by the second child of the Sheng family, then he really underestimated the Sheng family. No less than the Chen family.

"I haven't found out yet, but the third master of the Sheng family seemed to be in trouble when he was sent to the hospital. I guess it should be." The old man just fell down, and he made such an ugly scene that Lin Li couldn't bear to look directly at him.

(End of this chapter)

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