Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 170 take you out

Chapter 170 take you out
After waiting for Huo Chen for a long time, Ye Shi was sweating anxiously, wondering if he should go upstairs to avoid the limelight or to fight head-on, Zhu Li ran in in a panic, not breathing well, with his hands on his waist, Sweating profusely, "President, it's bad!"

"Why panic? What's wrong?"

In the past few days, bad things happened almost every day. Ye Chuan was almost used to Zhu Li saying these words, so he didn't take it to heart. He asked while drinking the soup.

"Mr. Huo had a car accident on the way here, and he is currently being rescued in the hospital!" Zhu Li was arrested when he just received the news. The president of the Huo Group, a person who is frightened by the outside world, still has someone who dares to act at this juncture. plot against him.

"Crazy, crazy, really crazy, how could something happen to Huo Chen, Zhu Li, are you wrong?"

The chopsticks in her hand fell to the ground with a "ding bell", and Ye Shi stood up subconsciously. She was obviously thinking about how to escape one second ago, but someone suddenly appeared and told her that Huo Chen had an accident the next second. How she accepted it.

"Which hospital are you in? Go there immediately!" Knowing that Zhu Li would not joke about such things, Ye Chuan turned cold, subconsciously grabbed Ye Shi's wrist, and led her forward.

"I was sent to Lincheng No.1 People's Hospital not long ago, and I should have just entered the operating room!" Swallowing, wiping the sweat off his forehead, Zhu Li stepped forward and pushed Ye Chuan outside.

Speeding all the way to the hospital, Ye Shi stared at the receding trees outside in a daze, the tears in her eyes fell unconsciously, her face was expressionless, and she said calmly, "Brother, do you think this is a Chen's game is trying to lure Chen Wei into the trap?"

Without seeing Huo Chen with her own eyes, she would never have believed that something would happen to the man who was so powerful in her heart that he could rival the gods.
"Don't think too much, just go and have a look and you'll know, maybe it's just a minor injury, it's okay!" Ye Chuan sighed, and said softly after thinking about it.

Not long ago, they were still thinking about how to get Chen Wei and Chen Yi to leave the villa. Unexpectedly, there was a car accident in the blink of an eye. People are the most fragile and strongest things in the world.
"Brother, he will be fine, right!" Taking a deep breath, swallowing the soreness in her eyes, Ye Shi turned her head and looked at him with a smile on her lips.

"Yes, it will be fine." If something happens to him, I will definitely avenge him!He rubbed her head lovingly, and squeezed out a smile. The darkness in Ye Chuan's eyes could not see the edge.

Ye Chuan thought about the second half of the sentence for a long time but still didn't say it. Looking at Ye Shi's back trembling uncontrollably, he sighed helplessly, and could only turn his head and urge Zhu Li to drive faster.

On the other hand, since Jintang agreed to think about it, Chen Ya's smiling face hasn't gone down, and she plans to stay in the country for a few more days. Taking advantage of Jintang's home these days, she can spend more time with each other. After all, it will be regarded as a family in the future. get acquainted.

It has not been a short time since she returned to China. She stayed in the villa with Jin Xu and lived a life without freedom. Paying attention to the news every day has become a new lament for her at this stage.

"According to our report, Huo Chen, the president of the Huo Group, had a car accident on Lincheng Second Avenue an hour ago. The truck exploded and the driver died on the spot. Mr. Huo has been rushed to the hospital for treatment. "

His mind was instantly clouded, his original plans, thoughts, everything disappeared, and his mind was full of what happened to Huo Chen.

"Ah, how could this happen! Who did it? I can only take your life, Huo Chen, with my own hands. Who the hell! How can you die? You can't possibly have an accident. If an accident happens to you, I won't let you go." Those who pass Ye Shi will never die!"

Like crazy, Chen Ya swept everything on the table to the floor, and the cup on the bed instantly shattered into strips.

"What's the matter, Xiaoya? Who made you angry? You made such a big fuss!"

It’s rare to come back, and the gang of brothers who played well before knew about it. Jin Xu refused for a few days, and today he couldn’t hide it. He hurried out to meet for a while, and then he got home. He was almost hit by a bottle of lotion just after he opened the door. , fortunately dodged in time.

Seeing the bottle falling at his feet shattered into glass slag, a flash of freshness flashed in his eyes, the smile on his face froze for a moment and then recovered, he put down the small gift in his hand, and took two steps forward with his hands open in a daze , I want to comfort you.

"I'm going out."

Chen Ya said coldly.There was no room for negotiating in his tone, he took the bag on the side and was about to go outside, but Jin Xu grabbed his arm and restrained him.

"Let go! Ah Xu, don't stop me, no matter what, I have to go out today!"

Chen Ya twisted her restrained hand, without any warmth in her eyes, she looked at Jin Xu expressionlessly.

"Xiao Ya'er, you can't go out now, have you forgotten? Your father and the Huo family, the Ye family don't want to make you feel better, what if you go out now and they find out? They won't let you go !"

Jin Xu frowned, the smile on his face was absent, his stern face was somewhat similar to Jin Tang's, and it seemed a bit bluffing.

It's just that what he is facing now is Chen Ya, the arrogant and vicious young lady of the Chen family. In her eyes, Jin Xu's aura is no different from that of a child playing house, not to mention that they have been together so much. Holy shit, most of the decisions are made by her, and she is used to giving orders, so it is impossible to listen to Jin Xu's words.

"A Xu, you should know, you can't stop what I want to do!"

Time waits for no one, Huo Chen was in a car accident an hour ago, and although he was sent to the hospital in time, but she didn't see him safe and sound with her own eyes, she couldn't be relieved no matter what.

For so many years, she has been thinking about how things have developed to this point. She has changed so much that she can hardly recognize herself, and can only hide behind a man she has not known for a few months.

The originally glamorous identity is now notorious, Chen Ya is holding on to the phone tightly, she has never been happy in her life.

She threw Jin Xu away vigorously, and before she could open the door, Jin Xu dragged her to the corner of the wall, then jumped into the air, and fell on the bed with a "bang", the dull sound of landing echoed in the room.

Chen Ya was bewildered by this, she brushed away the hair that fell to her face, and looked at Jin Xu in shock, this was the first time she was treated like this by him in such a long time.

With her hair disheveled behind her, Chen Ya stared at the bed for a while, then raised her head suddenly, her eyes were red, like a ghost crawling out of hell, staring palely at the man in front of her.

Jin Xu was taken aback. The two of them stayed together for a long time, and this was the first time he had done anything. Even though he had prepared himself in his heart for a long time, he was suddenly followed by Chen Ya. Scalp is still a little numb.

(End of this chapter)

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