Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 171 take you out

Chapter 171 take you out
"Jin Xu, if you want to lock me up here today, I can always find a chance. You should know what kind of person I am!"

Chen Ya smiled, and a coquettish voice came out of her mouth, which was sinister and stern, and matched with the expression on her face that was so calm that there was no wave, it was terrifying for no reason.

"Xiao Ya'er, I'm not saying that you must not be allowed to go out, but now Lincheng is no longer safe. You know about Huo Chen's car accident, right? I know you want to see him, and I also know that you must still I can’t let him go, but there must be many people guarding him now, you were not safe in the past, and they saw you, do you think those people will let you go.”

With a worried face on his face, Jin Xu walked forward slowly, like coaxing a kitten, walked to Chen Ya and helped her up.

"I can't control that much. I'm going out now. I won't take my own life as a joke. You should know."

Full of worry, Chen Ya couldn't care less about Jin Xu's expression at the moment.
"Xiao Ya'er, I just got the news that Huo Chen was sent to the hospital more than an hour ago. The Ye family has already rushed over, and the old man of the Huo family has also rushed over. Now the fourth floor of the hospital has been completely blocked. I let you go out, and you can't see anyone, his life is dying, do you think you can see him?"

On the way back, I got the news. I thought I could hide it for a while, but I didn't expect to hide it for a while. Jin Xu clenched his clothes tightly in annoyance. After all these years, he still couldn't do a single thing well.

"Even if you can't see me, you have to go there now, Jin Xu, I know you must have a way, right!" Eyes suddenly turned, Chen Ya grabbed Jin Xu's hands and looked at him, the power of Jintang was everywhere in Lincheng. It was the one at the top. Huo Chen had an accident, and the Huo family was already in chaos. If Jin Tang intervened, seeing Huo Chen would be as easy as picking something out of a pocket.

Jin Xu scanned her around with probing eyes. It is actually a very simple thing to sneak into the hospital, but it is very risky to see Huo Chen. If you are not careful, you will be caught. Staring at Chen Ya looked at it for a long time before she could barely make up her mind.

"I can take you there, but Xiao Ya'er, you only have half an hour!"

Jin Xu's heart broke, he knew Chen Ya's temperament, and he always had to let her take a look, otherwise she wouldn't feel at ease, and in the end she would secretly run to meet people, which would only be more dangerous, it would be better if he brought some safety and some assurance.

Without further ado, Jin Xu personally drove her to the hospital.

After arriving at the destination, the car was parked in an inconspicuous place, and Jin Xu asked her to get out of the car after repeated instructions.

Chen Ya followed the route Jin Xu gave her, picked the stairs with few people, and went straight to the floor where Huo Chen was.

She looked around for a moment.Open the door quietly, and the entire floor is guarded by bodyguards, it can be said that it is airtight!
"Miss, why don't you go in and see Mr. Huo? The doctor said that it's just temporarily out of danger, and tonight is the key. "

Zhu Li happened to pass by here, and beside him was someone Chen Ya wanted to destroy day and night.

Her eyes seemed to be poisoned, and Chen Ya stared at the figure firmly.

"I'm going to see how Lin Li is doing. Didn't the doctor just say that, if he hadn't desperately protected Ah Chen, maybe Ah Chen wouldn't be able to wait to come to the hospital at all, and he didn't know what was going on when he came out of the operating room. , no matter what, I’m going to check it out.”

Ye Shi stopped, stunned for a moment, and said in a voice full of exhaustion.

Not long ago, she thought that she would never see someone again in this life, but unexpectedly, she took a deep breath, suppressed the sore feeling in her heart, smiled at Zhu Li and walked to the nearby ward.

"Miss, the president told you to rest early, don't be tired, he will go back first, and I will guard here for the time being."

"Okay, I see. You should go to bed early too. My brother will be counting on you. He is not a person who can take care of himself, so I will trouble you to pay more attention."

Ye Shi felt at ease when Zhu Li did things, blinked his sore eyes, nodded at him, opened the door and walked in.

And all this fell into Chen Ya's eyes, her jealousy and hatred became more and more intense, her gums were about to bleed, "Ye Shi!"

Chen Ya said harshly.

It was this bitch who took away everything that belonged to her, otherwise the person hiding here like a lost dog should be Ye Shi, and she should take care of him by Huo Chen's side in the name of Mrs. Huo.

Staring at the heavily guarded corridor for a long time, she still didn't find any chance. She definitely won't have the chance to see Huo Chen tonight, but knowing that he is out of danger for the time being, it is not in vain, and she dare not act rashly , can only leave quietly first.

At the back door, Jin Xu had been waiting for a long time, because he was afraid of being exposed, the car was completely turned off.

Chen Ya came out from the opposite direction, and because she was afraid of being discovered, she turned directly into a small alley.


Before she could react, a figure suddenly flashed past her, covered her mouth and nose, and forced her into the car.

"Chen Yi!"

Frightened and full of anger, she couldn't help but slap Chen Yi directly on the face. Before she could scold him, Chen Yi covered her mouth again, made a "shh" gesture to her, and Indicates that there are people outside.

Immediately, Genetic's thin footsteps hurried past the door, and she watched for a long time through the crack of the door, six or seven people came, none of whom she knew.

What is the origin of this group of people, it seems that they are targeting her, hold your breath until the group of people leave.

Chen Ya pushed Chen Yi's hand away, "Are you following me?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Chen Yi, with contempt and suspicion in her eyes.

"Sorry, the situation is urgent, I don't have time to prepare, the technique is indeed rough, sister forgive me!"

Since the last time we met, Chen Yi has been letting people follow her. It is rare for someone like Jin Tang to let her go. Since he has a ready-made partner, of course he must do his best.

"Shut up! Chen Yi, who is your sister? We all know those shitty things. Don't let me say it a second time, and don't call me sister! There must be a limit to disgusting people!"

Chen Ya sneered coldly.

How could a person like Chen Yi, who has no profit and can't afford it early, be so kind, after she finished speaking, she shook her hand and was about to leave without giving Chen Yi a chance.

"There are people arresting you outside now, do you really think that Jin Xu can protect you? If it wasn't for Jin Tang's instructions behind your back, you would have been arrested by someone else by now!"

Chen Yi didn't panic at all, he folded his hands on his chest, leaning against the table beside him, with a smile on his lips, as if he wanted to follow you.

Jintang has a very extreme personality. As long as someone is regarded by him and included in his own category, he will definitely protect him to the end even if he has no conscience. But if it is someone who has nothing to do with him, even in front of him After being tortured to death, he probably wouldn't even blink his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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